Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1958: Conquer Wenjing

"I don't care, I'm just like you, huh!"

Wu Wenjing drummed his cheeks and became a goldfish on the spot.

The appearance of the two little boys is one on top of the other, but the words spoken are better than one.

However, in an attitude that adults do not remember villains, he just wanted to leave, but when he saw the evil star, he opened the door and walked out.

Then, the two little ones were like two little puppies, and Baba stuck.

"Daddy, when did you wake up, mother?"

Mo Moyan raised his head and realized that he was wrong and immediately changed his mouth.

Su Ninger was the same. He held his father's clothes tightly with his small hands, and his eyes were full of worries.

Chen Long Tianyu lowered his head and reached out and touched the tops of the two children.


He murmured.

And the two children turned out two crescent moons in an instant, so cute and cute, they just judged them.

At this point, Wen Jing retracted his chin, which almost fell to the ground.

"He, they, your son?"

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him and said coldly, "Is there a problem?"

Wu Wenjing almost did not drop the medicine chest.

He knew that the son of Dashaxing must be Xiaoshaxing.

No wonder, he felt the right eyelid jumping from entering the house.

小 的 The two little ones were extremely intelligent, and after seeing his medicine chest, they realized something immediately.

Ning'er held Xiaohei as if he had made a major decision and looked at him seriously and said, "If you can cure my mother, then I, I will bully you, okay? "

Thank you so much!

Tong Wenjing had a cramp in her face, and she only felt that her life was a tragedy.

Mo Yan looked at him with a discerning look, and then said in a very disgusting tone: "He can cure his mother? Forget it, he has not mastered the ancestor's skill. Dad, let's wait for the ancestor to return . "

When the two boys sang together, Wen Jing instantly had no retreat.

He knows that he can't be compared with children, but being looked down upon by these two children really makes him lose face.

When Xun Deng reached up, he raised his head and said courageously, "Two little guys who haven't seen the world, wait and see, I will cure your mother!"

After speaking, I walked to the bedroom with confidence.

Long Tianyu watched the whole process and finally said softly to the two children: "You are doing well, but stupid guys like him don't need to spend so much thought. It is better to use force to crush them. What? "

The two little guys nodded quickly, then held hands and went to the front yard to play together.

"Where is the patient?"

Wu Wenjing came to the room with a sigh of sigh.

Who knew that as soon as he entered the door, he saw a cold beauty staring at him with a bad look.

He immediately put on the appearance of a worldly superior and gave a secret glance at the other side and said: "This seat is the master invited by your master. In case of delaying your wife's illness, this seat is irresponsible . "

The cold beauty is still expressionless, just looking at his eyes, the hostility is deepening.

Wu Wenjing was extremely frustrated.

家人 The family in this palace really is his deadly opponent in the sky, and even a Huangmao girl can treat him so lightly.

But before he continued to show his might, someone pushed the door behind him.

"Why are you still here?"

A majestic voice with a little chill.

Wu Wenjing immediately shrank into a quail, and cast a very dissatisfied look at the people behind him.

Unfortunately, the latter just fine-tuned his brow and let him surrender immediately.

喂 "Hello! Don't go too far! I owe you, I don't owe her!"

He whispered in anger.

Anyway, he is also the master of the hall, where he usually suffers such grievances.

But Long Tianyu didn't seem to hear it, and passed over and walked into the inner room.

"Sister Bai Su, otherwise, go and see the children first."

Fortunately, at this moment, I came out to adjust the atmosphere.

知道 She knew that it must have been the appearance of the boy just gnashing his teeth to the two babies, which made Sister Bai Su hate him.

No wonder, Sister Bai Su has always regarded the two babies as heavier than her own life.

现在 But now, obviously not the time to settle accounts.

I just didn't expect that the expression of the boy suddenly became serious as soon as he saw her.

He frowned, and just wanted to walk in front of 纭 er, but was blocked by the cold beauty.

"Step aside!"

He whispered and whispered, and people also lost their former gentleness, emitting a strong deterrent.

But Bai Su, who dwarfed him by half, was unaffected.

She is like a proud she-wolf, who guards everything without fear.

I'm also a little embarrassed, but I don't want them to have any conflicts because of myself. I am busy and say, "This son, the patient you want to see is inside."

"Do you know that you have a problem with your pregnancy? If you let it continue to develop, you're afraid that after a few months, your mother and child will be damaged and you will die!"

A word of him broke the secret.

Bai Er's complexion turned white, Bai Su immediately supported her, and the other hand patted him heavily.

The latter flashed her eyes, and her hands clasped her wrists somehow.

The white and delicate wrists are as warm as jade, and even Wen Jing is a little embarrassed.

He was the first time to meet such a woman.

Tong Baisu looked cold and frosty, and was trying to extract a weapon from his waist, but was stopped by Tonger.

脸 Her face was a little ugly, but she calmed down.

"How do you tell?"

Tong Wenjing turned her eyes to Yuner, and then seriously asked, "Have you been feeling tired recently? And the fetus has become more lazy and hasn't been moving for several days?"

Min Er nodded slightly, protecting his belly with both hands.

Bai Su vigorously shaken off the man's imprisonment, showing a very disgusted expression, glaring at him, and helped her to the small couch next to him.

"No fear."

She comforted softly, and 纭 er Chang breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to her that she was fine.

"You look a little strange about this disease. Reach out and let me show you."

Xi Baisu was still staring at him coldly, but this time, Wen Jing seemed to be more regular, just serious, to give her pulse.

But soon, his brows stretched out, and before long, he frowned again in doubt.

奇怪 "Strange, your pulse shows that the medicine has been taken for a long time. But why is there another vitality in your body?"

手指 His fingers are a little harder, and 扣 纭 is a little painful.

But soon, he was shocked and called three times in a row.

"What a clever way! Madam, dare to ask the doctor who gave you a childbirth? May I have a chance?"

Wu Wenjing seemed very urgent, but Chen Er was agile.

After turning his eyes, he said with a little embarrassment, "It's not me being stingy, but this is a hermit master, and it was my lady who took the painstaking effort to invite me in. Later, I was missing. Yes, powerless. "

Seeing her say this, Wen Jing knew that the other party was not planning to disclose it.

But he didn't force it, just thought for a moment, took the pen and paper on the table, and wrote a recipe.

"This recipe can help you clear away the poison and nourish your body. If you are not assured, you can also ask the‘ superman ’to see. Madam, please take care.”

I don't know why, I always feel that the eyes of this son seem to be apologizing to her.

I was surprised, she had never seen him before, how could it be so?

Wu Wenjing didn't say much nonsense, but carried his medicine box and walked to the inner room.

As soon as I entered the door, he sank a face, and said with a grudge, "They are like a group of lunatics! Did you already know this?"

Xun Long Tianyu ignored him, but just surrounded the bed tent, then exposed one of Lin Mengya's hand, and replied indifferently: "This is your own matter in the Medical School."

The implication is that they can't even manage themselves, so why bother to care about others.

Wu Wenjing didn't know what to say for a while.

He used to think that the factional battles within the Doctor's Church had at most affected the Doctor's Church, but now it seems that behind these disputes, the blood of innocent people has been soaked.

With his fists clenched, a pair of dark brown eyes were brewing the storm that was about to sweep the entire Physician Hall.

He settled down and walked firmly behind him.

"you can not help me"


He flatly refused, with no room for negotiation.

He turned his head as if looking at a stranger and said, "Why should I help you?"

Tong Ming knew there was no answer to this statement, but Wen Jing still said, "I can help you heal your wife."

"This is what you should do, and I have paid for it before."

Wu Wenjing's heart stumped, indeed, this is what he promised, he has lost all his chips.

Long Tianyu took a look at his loss, his index finger lightly rubbed Lin Mengya's wrist, he was like the most patient hunter, only waiting for his prey to give up all the struggles, and then collect network.

如果 "If you are my person, then my power can be used by you."

He released arsenic-coated honey, sweet bait, and there was no retreat once he bit the hook.

Wu Wenjing gritted his teeth, and his heart was finally struggling.

After a while, he was like a beast that had been drained of all his energy, and could only smile with a bitter smile and shook his head.

He knelt slowly on the ground and said sincerely: "I, promise your request. But the premise is that you can help me and take back the doctor's hall!"

That is his only obsession and the only chip he can control.

Xiao Long Tianyu's mouth bent slightly, and then fell down quickly.

"it is good."

He whispered softly, but not much joy.

What I had expected long ago, now, it's just a matter of course.

"Now, do what you should do first. Others, don't worry."

Dejected Wen Jing said yes, and immediately got up to see the woman in bed.

But in a blink of an eye, she became his mistress.

With this sale, he really lost money.

But as soon as he hit her wrist, there was a line of sight with a moraine on his body.

He is under pressure, trying to calm himself down.

After a while, he discovered something unusual.

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