Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1981: Life and death

Zhe Lin Mengya held the three hands firmly, with tears in her smile.

"You don't need to worry about these. The palace family is my grandparents' family, and before I returned, they were also very downcast, so they valued human nature more than their origin. The three of you are all good. Yes, they will certainly welcome you. "

Then, Lin Mengya came from the heart.

Naturally, because of the fact that several of them are like the family members of the palace.

Good, loyal, and tough.

Bai 芷 was most reluctant to her, and she wanted to promise it on the spot.

But Bai 芍 thought for a while and said, "I also love the family, but after all, we are all foreigners. Even if we want to enter the house to accompany the lady, we must say hello to others in advance."

Bai Biao nodded, feeling that Bai Biao made sense.

"This is not a problem. Tonight you rest in the inn for the time being. I will go back to the great ancestor of Lu Ming in a moment and pick you up as soon as possible."

I could hear that I could live with her again, and all three smiled.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the woman's dress made by Bai Yan, and then she remembered.

"Baiyu, when did you marry?"

Bai Baiqiao blushed, but her eyes revealed a little happiness.

"When we first came to defend our country, Brother Tian felt that it was not easy for me to be a woman, so I became a pro."

"Congratulations, you guys can be considered as lovers. How about Mother Tian?"

But Bai 笑 smiled slightly bitterly, and whispered softly, "Mother-in-law is old, and soon after we came here, she went."

Lin Lin Mengya's complexion suddenly disappeared, and the smile on her face disappeared quietly.

That is her mother, who used to protect her younger with her life. In the years when she first came to this world, she was the only one who took on the role of mother.

Alas, she didn't see the last side of Mother Tian.

"she was"

She choked, Bai Ji said in a soft voice: "Mother-in-law is already old and hasn't suffered much crime. But mother-in-law can't rest assured Miss, she said, in the sky, I will always look at Miss from time to time. Let me follow Tian Brother, you must protect her and protect Miss. "

Gao Linmengya took a few deep breaths, trying hard to raise her lip, and did not want to worry Tian mother in the sky.

"Well, I must be alive and well, not to let Mother Tian worry. By the way, what about Ruby, Bai Dad?"

看着 She looked at the faces of the three people on the opposite side, and instantly lost a lot of gray, and her heart suddenly hung up.

Finally, Bai Yan took her hand and cried and said, "Sister Hongyu, she was killed to protect us. Father Bai's family, too"

"Shit, stop talking."

Baiji turned his head and cried his heart to tears.

At that time, Jin State was in civil strife, and all four nations were affected. They were just flat-headed people, and how capable they were to protect themselves.

I was nothing but a duckweed that fluttered. Whether I could survive or not depends entirely on destiny.

Lin Lin Mengya only felt sad in her heart, so rich that she couldn't get away.

"I didn't leave anyone at home in the first place? How could this be so?"

Although she did not expect turmoil at that time, but for the protection of them, she also kept enough manpower to at least keep them safe.

Bai 芍 was a little bit restless, Lin Mengya saw, and immediately asked, "Whatever you think of, say it."

"Yes, in fact, the manpower that the lady left us was borrowed."


"Miss Yue Qi. At that time, the Yue family was almost wiped out. Later, Miss Yue Qi had to ask us for help. We thought that she was your friend after all. We couldn't let us watch Miss Yue Qi be killed. Who knows that Go, the rebels arrive. Later, we also tried our best to escape birth. "

Qi Yue Chess!

Lin Lin Mengya can't wait for her now, let her die a thousand, eight hundred times to vent her anger.

与 此 At the same time, she thought of a problem.

Even though Sister Hui beat and beat Sister Hui, she also seconded the staff she left behind, all made by Yue Qi.

But now think about it, she thought it was too simple.

Qi Yueqi hates her, but how can she have such a large power to harm her with only one Yue Qi?

I now want to come, Yue Qi is flawed everywhere.

I am afraid that Yue Qi is just a pawn.

"Yue Qi is dead. At the time, she wanted to harm me."

In the shocked eyes of the three, Lin Mengya recounted all the things that Yue Qi had done to her.

Suddenly, the three of them were angry and angry, and Bai yelled swearing: "It is really a person with a beastly face! How good our lady was to her at first, and she almost regarded her as her own sister, but she did not want to, she would be revengeful! I see Good death, happy death! "

Lin Lin Mengya felt that if she could detect Yue Qi's mind at that time, so that Bai Xi would be alert, maybe Bai Da would not die.

"Baiyu, it's all my fault. In the future, I will definitely be nice to you, and I will not let you suffer from this separation, as long as I can make you no longer sad, I can do anything."

Bai 芨 was gentle, wiping her tears.

"Don't say that, my father and mother and relatives died under the sword of those bad people. My father often said that if it was not your kind act, maybe our family would have starved to death at home. More than this Good years are their blessing. "

Lin Lin Mengya could no longer control her, she hugged Bai Yan, and the three cried again into tears.

Since then, they have become close to each other, and no one will forsake their relatives.

Baiwan gently covered her with clothes, and whispered to Long Tianyu who was holding the person.

"His Royal Highness, how has my lady been over the past few years?"

She cried to make Long Tianyu distressed, but he knew that this girl was never a weak person.

Today's tears are a tribute to the lost loved ones.

The next day, she was alive and well.

She will not indulge in sorrow alone, she will only hide those hurts in her heart, and then step by step towards her goal.

Chen Long Tianyu bowed his head and looked at the woman who almost fainted.

No matter how strong she is, she also has a weak side.


He couldn't tell anyone, she had done everything to get everything today.

But he will keep all these in mind, anyone can forget, but he can't.

White 芨 nodded, and then let go of the big stone in my heart.

But now that she has so few relatives, she can't help but worry.

"You know the nature of the lady, I'm afraid that I will insist on letting the palace family agree. In fact, it is already the greatest blessing that we can meet again. Do n’t let her talk to the palace family because of this .Miss, it's not easy. "

Although Xiaolong Tianyu was deserted, he could have so much patience in front of the three people in front of him.

Even if he doesn't remember them anymore, he can feel the true feelings of these three people towards her.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't let anyone bring them first.

Lin Lin Mengya fell asleep, rolled into a familiar warm embrace as soon as she turned over.

Long Tianyu, who sent people home, hugged her quietly, her heart softened completely.

怎么 Why did she just hurt him like this, and the thought of how sad she was crying just now, he couldn't wait to hold the villain in the palm of his hand, no longer be hit by the wind and rain.

If only she could become the size of a slap?

I can protect her in my heart all the time and never make her sad again.

"How long have I slept?"

My voice was hoarse, and Lin Mengya was almost startled.

梦 Lin Mengya, who was in the palm-to-belt model, immediately lowered her head and kissed her forehead.

Although this big one is not obedient, for him, it is still a heart treasure that cannot be disappointed.

"Not long, hungry, do you want something to eat?"

His voice was low and gentle, which caused Lin Mengya to have another sore nose.

I shook her head, and she buried her face in his arms.

Xun Long Tianyu was afraid that she would cry if she continued to cry, but she didn't know how to comfort her. She could only pat her on the back gently.

"Long Tianyu, do you know who is behind Yue Qi?"

His eyes flashed, and it was decided not to hide her.

"When Xianghua wanted to hurt you before, I secretly investigated her. Except what we already knew, I could not see any problems."

Lin Lin Mengya looked up, a pair of red eyes crying, looked at Long Tianyu in surprise.

"Can't even find out?"

He could not help but his face tight and squeezed her little nose.

"It's not that I can't find it, but that I must have overlooked something while I was checking it. But since they dare to kill you, I will never let it go."

Lin Lin Mengya also knows.

Even if it is a person with hands and eyes, everything may not be clear.

男人 The men in her family are not strong enough, but they never thought that behind them, there were still many secrets hidden behind Yue Qi.

不用 "No, I'd better do it myself."

Her eyes shone coldly.

Yu Yu has a lot of power in his hands, but at the same time, his enemies are also extremely powerful.

To kill chickens with a sledgehammer, she is better at this kind of thing.


Xiao Long Tianyu smiled and embraced her.

I can still think of revenge, and it seems that she has returned to normal.

After all, she is not a cardinal who is kept in a pile of fat. After all, this little hawk already has the ability to travel in the sky.

Pick up the things that Bai 芨 came back to their house, and they are easily done at dinner.

I said that Lin Mengya cheated a little.

传 When she was rumored to invite them to dinner, she just washed her face briefly, stared at the red walnut eyes, and went to the dining room.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you? Who bullies you? It's impossible for you? You tell your elder brother that he will avenge you!"

Gong Gongji glanced gloomily.

Auntie, dare to bully his sister.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Nansheng followed Gong San, and Gong Shi, who was also stingy.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head timidly, and then greeted her great ancestors.

"Girl, what exactly did you suffer?"

Looking at Zengzu's concern, she then said, and talked to herself about the master-servant relationship between the three of them.

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