Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1982: Connect to Fuzhong

Finally, when she mentioned that she could bring people in for reunion, she agreed.

"This is not a big deal. These three girls are all good, just because you have a few capable people in your yard. Such a loyal servant is rare, you can do it yourself."

With Meng Zeng's words, Lin Mengya smiled.

I was just Gong Shi but didn't agree.

"However, this person's heart is changeable, and the younger sister has to be extremely careful now. What if these three people are used by others to misconduct the younger sister?

His great ancestor also hesitated.

Letting the little girl be happy is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he must also consider the safety of the girl.

But Lin Mengya knew that the three would not have bad intentions towards themselves.

I am just the head of the family, but without their emotional foundation, naturally I can't talk about trust.

虽然 Although she was anxious, she did not lose her due judgment.

"Actually, I have another consideration."

She talked about what Jin Yao and Miss Pan had purposely disclosed to her.

Suddenly, the family was a little more alert.

He even shook his head and said that it was not appropriate.

"Listen to me first."

She paused and then said, "If the three of them were really used to frame me, then why didn't they come to me by themselves, or just create some other encounters for me directly? Why bother? Someone who has a holiday with me, remind me? "

This is true, but Miyaji still can't be completely relieved.

"You make sense, too. But guarding against others is indispensable. In my opinion, you should place them outside first. Wait until you are sure there is no danger, and it's not too late to get in."

But Lin Mengya disagreed.

"I want the other party to use Jin Yao to remind me of my purpose, that is, I hope I doubt them, and then leave them outside. You know, our house is now a copper wall and iron wall. If you want to harm me, you must at least lead me out of the door. go with."

Obviously, the fourth thought was also thought of.


According to the young girl's feelings with the three girls, if she puts people outside, I'm afraid she will go to see them at both ends for three days, and she can't speak up.

If anyone wants to blame her, it is indeed easier to do it.

But when she brought the person to the house, she couldn't help looking at the little girl, but realized that the girl looked like a bamboo in her chest.

看来 "Looks, are you going to lead the snake out of the hole?"

Zhe Lin Mengya blinked and smiled quite deeply.

也许 "Maybe I'm forcing each other, the dog jumped off the wall."

Only then did the fourth palace understand that everything was in her expectation.

I couldn't help but show a smirk, his sister, really a great character.

"That being the case, then I have no opinion. You are right, instead of treating people as a bait, it is better to join the government and catch a bait in a bait."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction.

I was very good, and finally reached a consensus with my family happily.

Then she asked someone to pick it up after dinner.

When the three of them entered the house, they were still a little nervous.

They were originally from the high gates, and naturally knew there were many twists and turns.

Listen to the meaning of the lady, the palace family is even more powerful than the original palace.

They only looked at the well-organized front yard and knew that the rules were extremely strict.

But I didn't want to just enter the backyard, and I saw the waitress looking forward to her.

"Miss! Why did you come here to pick it up!"

Baiyu wanted to run to her, but pulled the cautious Baiji.

Twenty-three was afraid of shame on her life, and she kept her eyebrows along the way. She didn't do anything at all.

"It's okay, go, I'll take you where I live."

一 With a wave of her hand, she was ready to take someone away.

But Ke Bai took her hand and whispered: "Miss, don't we have to ask the old lady to please? Or, let the housekeeper in the house set rules for us?"

"Yes, miss, let's be so rash, afraid of breaking the rules?"

Bai 芷 also pulled her horns, said all worried.

But Lin Mengya laughed aloud and grabbed their three hands by the way.

"No, I'm not afraid. You are the ones I cultivated. I'm afraid I know more than them. I don't need to go to the great ancestors, I can see them sooner or later, let's go."

A few people walked all the way to Dongyuan. On the way, almost all the people they met would smile and salute her.

At first, the three of them were somewhat restrained, but later they found that it was actually no different from Wangfu.

Especially my own lady, she is still so unsophisticated.

"This is Dongyuan where I live now, and you will live here with you in the future. By the way, Bai Su personally arranged for you. I heard that you are coming, but she is very happy."

The three of them have always been afraid of being wronged.

But after seeing the magnificent Dongyuan, which is more refined than Liuxinyuan, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

It seems to me that the palace family really has never treated its own lady.

I entered the courtyard, but only saw Bai Su alone, standing anxiously under the eaves and looking around.

As soon as I saw people, the beauty of the iceberg was also red and red, and the four finally reunited. Naturally, there was another emotion.

On autumn night, the four sat in a circle around her room, as if those separate moments never happened.

"The rules of the master are the same as before, and now I and Cai Ru serve the master personally. However, Cai Ru martial arts high strength, let her be a maid, and still aggrieved her. The master will be assured when you are here."

According to Lin Mengya's original intention, she wanted to bring all three to enjoy her blessing.

But Bai Su stopped her, saying that the three of them must be unwilling.

They were afraid that they would become a burden, so if they want to get rid of this worry, they have to do something.

I happen to have no caring person beside her. Seeing that things are getting more and more every day, Bai Su thinks that it is the right time for them to come.

"Why is my lady so miserable, she's such a expensive man, she just so happens"

Lin Lin Mengya immediately reached out and covered Bai's mouth.

"Okay, if you are crying, I will punish you for half a month."

She couldn't laugh or cry.

A few others laughed because of this.

A few people didn't go to sleep until late at night.

开始 On the second day, the four took over the affairs of her yard as before.

And Lin Mengya is content.

I was still attentive and acquainted with the girls at home, and Lin Mengya, who was taken care of properly, could not help but cry out loud.

This "fallen" life is better than being a god!

"Miss, the director of the foreign hospital is going to talk back and forth. Do you see or not today?"

Wu Ningliang stood respectfully in obscurity in the outside hall.

By Lin Mengya's side, four new girls have been dressed up, and it looks no worse than those around the noble ladies in this family.

In the end, Lin Mengya was a person who was trained by herself, and her temperament was much higher than others.

So Ning Liang met and greeted a few people in kind.

"Who are they saying they want to see?"

Wu Ningliang immediately understood what she meant, and said, "It's the owner who wants to see you."

"Oh." She said nothing, just smiled.

Ning Ningliang wasn't sure whether she was happy or angry, and had to explain: "These people have stayed before. Since I've been in charge of the house, they can be considered good and passable."

"That's because I hadn't‘ come back ’yet.”

In fact, this matter is well understood.

On the surface, Ning Liang was promoted by the owner, but everyone knows that it is Su Mei's value.

He does have this ability, both at home and outside.

In addition, Lin Mengya is also generous, but now the Ning family is not as it used to be.

But because of this, some people get hot.

I thought that now that the real master of this palace family is back, naturally he has to "change the dynasty".

Wu Ke Ningliang has a heart like a mirror. Don't look at the softness and gentle rain on the surface of this owner's house, but once you start to work, it is a stubble.

"Forget it, see you."

处理 She must be cautious in handling this matter.

At least these people have not betrayed the palace family before, and a considerable part of them are afraid that the palace family will be ruled by outsiders.

Speaking of them, they are also for the palace family.

If this matter is not handled well, they will chill their hearts.

She took Bai Ye to go with Bai Su. In the outer courtyard, she met the stewards.

"Have seen the owner."

She nodded and smiled, like Mu Chunfeng.

Seeing the real homeowner appear, these stewards were inevitably excited.

After all, since these days, the news of the death of the owner alone has been transmitted many times.

They are also worried about them.

"It's hard for you, please sit down."

In addition to some things at home, the Waiwaiyuan is also in charge of things of other people of the palace family.

Nowadays, the palace family is completely new.

Although the number has dropped sharply, it can be said to work together.

How to train younger generations has been formulated by Lin Mengya.

In the past year, more and more people in the palace family have begun to stand on their own.

I was very happy to hear this.

After all, the prosperity of a family is closely related to every member of the family.

I saw that everyone was working so hard, and she, the owner, was naturally happy.

"It seems that you have worked hard this year."

"No hard work, you should do it."

There is also a big supervisor in the courtyard.

人 This person is regarded as a diehard loyalty of the palace family.

So Lin Mengya was also at ease, and she gave the family's affairs to the other party.

But that person is the one who is most unpleasant to see Ning Liang.

"Homeowner, I have something to say."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him with a smile and said, "Yan Bo, please speak."

Xun Gongfeiyan glanced at the guy who always smiled and said, "I want to know, during the time you left, can someone use your name to do something against your will?"

Lin Lin Mengya hesitated, and shook her head.


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