Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1983: Maintenance staff

She knows what Yan Bo means, but she just feels that Ning Liang's big butler is somewhat "unjust and unsound".

Even after receiving her affirmative answer, Yan Bo still felt that this was not true.

"Homeowner, my Gong Feiyan can also be regarded as the old man of the Gongjia. My loyalty to the Gongjia can be learned from the sun and the moon. If anyone wants to kill the Son of Heaven for the princes, I will not let him go!"

Xu glanced at Ning Liang fiercely, and the threat made Ning Liang couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart.

I can't help but though Yan Bo is dissatisfied with him, none of the things he should do.

I also believe that Ning Liang rather trusts this thorn.

Zhe Lin Mengya also understood the meaning of Yan Bo. It seems that some rumors still affect these people.

I cleared my throat, and said preciously, "I know that, apart from Yan Bo, the people sitting here are the heroes of our house. Therefore, I think it is better to spread out some things."

She glanced at Ning Liang, who was just standing humbly beside her.

"Ning Liang is the great steward I personally promoted. Like you, he is the person I trust the most. I know that you have heard some recent rumors. If you have any other things you want to know, you can say it now. . "

这么 She said that, on the contrary, it made the officials in the outer court somewhat resolute.

Nian Gongya doesn't look young, but she behaves neatly.

They had heard some rumors about her before.

At the moment, he feels timid.

Xun Gongfeiyan looked around, and as soon as he was angry, he stood up.

"Housekeeper, I want to know, does this Ningliang housekeeper mean you or Su Mei?"

He said that, but extremely bold.

A few of the supervisors around me couldn't help but squeeze a sweat.

Lin Lin Mengya raised a pair of bright eyes and looked at Yan Bo.

"I mean."

"But everyone said that Su Mei gave birth to the position of the house owner. Don't be afraid, whoever conspired with Su Mei, I only recognize you as a home owner!"

He patted his chest, but Yan Bo was a protector.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but shook her head in secret, this stubborn old man, sometimes quite cute.

But this is definitely not the reason why he questioned himself so much.

"Yanbo, I want to ask these things, are you asking yourself, or is everyone thinking so?"

The stewards around me looked at each other, and finally nodded inadvertently.

Attitude, very firm.

好 "Okay, then I'll tell you the truth. From beginning to end, Su Mei was my person. I think I don't need to say anything else, right?"

Her face was serious and serious, and she had a pretty face with a slight twist of anger, and she was quite indifferent.

管 The supervisors were stunned by her for a moment.

He was speechless for a long time.

既然 "So why are there such rumors outside?"

Lin Mengya shook her head and said, "I don't know. But I know that if it is not Su Mei, but any of you, I will maintain him like this. If there is no such trust, then I will also I am ashamed of your loyalty to the palace family. "

For a while, the officers of the outer courtyard were silent.

Actually, from another perspective, why is Su Mei different from them?

For Gong Ya and even the palace family, most of them are outsiders.

Alas, they were assigned a heavy responsibility by Gong Yahui.

I think about it, if one day, they are also wronged, but the Dong family believes in them so firmly that they will be grateful for their tears, and they will die for the Dong family?

Xun Gong Fei Yan also hesitated, and then he looked at Ning Liang with some complexity.

The latter was heartless and smiled at him.

In all fairness, from the beginning of this great housekeeper, the palace house has indeed flourished day by day.

As the steward of the foreign court, he gave himself a lot of authority.

And Ning Liang is fair and reliable, and all starting points are for the palace family.

Even if he wasn't convinced, he couldn't pick out the wrong things.

Now think about it, I really have a bit of a villain.

He sighed and walked in front of Ning Liang, giving a salute.

"No way."

Wu Ningliang quickly supported Yan Bo, but the latter insisted very much.

"Yanbo, what are you doing?"

Wu Ningliang was a little speechless and refused to let go.

"Butler, it is my old man who is short-sighted and does not see your benefits. From now on, you say one, I won't do two. Let's do this errand together!"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and Yan Bo could change if he knew what was wrong, which is obviously very rare.

Although Ning Liang was not willing to say anything, their relationship was considered ice breaking.

The rest of the staff in the foreign hospital also breathed a sigh of relief.

And for her owner, she worked harder.

After a fight within her, she disappeared into the invisible.

虽然 Although she can't guarantee that all supervisors and shopkeepers will not hide mischief.

But as long as everyone has trust in each other, the palace family will not fall into civil turmoil again.

After Xuan sent everyone away, she left her words alone.

Without outsiders, Lin Mengya no longer held the host's shelf, her smile was very kind.

"My great ancestor recently said that I miss you, Yan Bo, it is better to stay in the hospital for a few more days."

Although Yan Yanbo is the chief steward of the Foreign Academy, he also takes care of the college's supervisory post.

So, he not only has to deal with the whole family, but also worry about things in the college.

Fortunately, Yan Bo is quite capable. These days, there has been no mess, and it is extremely rare.

Yan Bo waved his hand and said, "No, isn't it? There are too many things in the family, plus the gentlemen who have just arrived in the college, I ca n’t get busy even if I do n’t eat, drink or sleep. Thank you, old lady, Still thinking about me. "

She tickled her lips, and her smile was a little more intimate.

"I went to the college a few days ago. Quite recently, there are some contradictions among the teachers?"

Yan Yanbo touched his nose and exhaled a long breath.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's the same group of faculty members that we stayed in before, and we can't get along with the gentlemen."

"Oh? Why is this? Their treatment is much higher than these newcomers."

When I mentioned this, Yan Bo also had some headaches.

"Who said no? Our previous faculty members, regardless of wages or salary, are the best. But they chattered all day, and these gentlemen later took up what they still had. At first, I didn't take it seriously, but now it seems that they may have gone too far. These two groups are now in the same position, and the more they refuse to accept. "

While listening to Yan Bo vomiting bitter water, she was also thinking of a solution.

I'm honest, this result is beyond her expectations, but it is also reasonable.

The treatment of Mr. Xi Gongjia is good, but it is a well-known problem.

But the heart is always greedy.

After I got one part, I thought about the other.

If they were allowed to continue to develop like this, wouldn't the college be allowed to dominate them in the future?

"How did my third brother handle it?"

I mentioned this, and Yan Bo's eyebrows eased slightly.

"The third son of our family is really smart. He talked to the two factions before. Although they didn't talk about each other, but because of this, there was a match."

"Oh? What race."

"San Gongzi said that since everyone is not convinced, they will teach their students. Every other year, a big competition will be held. Anyone who can win will have the right to choose next year. But there are In one point, they are not allowed to hurt each other, nor are they allowed to publish personal hatred, which affects the operation of the entire academy, and they are not allowed to expel another party from the academy. Now, they have no time to quarrel, they are all clamoring to win the first big competition! "

Gao Linmengya did not expect that her third brother would come up with such a trick.

I have to say that this trick is indeed clever.

If you want to comfort one of them completely, you are afraid to offend the other completely.

现在 But now, it is just turning this into competition within the college.

As long as it is properly introduced, it can become a benign, but the mechanism to promote the progress of students and gentlemen.

Sure enough, the third brother is still the most suitable for that position.

"Homeowner, do you want me to remind the third son?"

He Yanbo said tentatively that he was afraid that the homeowner would be unhappy about it.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, with a pleasant smile at the corner of her mouth.

"No, nothing is needed. Yan Bo only needs to cooperate with my third brother with all his strength. This is a good thing, and it is a good thing."

Only then did Yan Yanbo feel a big rock fall to the ground.

刚才 He thought just now that the homeowner would be angry with the third son's self-assertion.

"Yes, are women's schools crowded out too?"

I mentioned this, and Yan Bo's face was not very good-looking.

"Exclusion is not counted, but recently, some people from small families want to let the college and abolish women's schools. They said that women and men are in the same school, which is detrimental. But I have rejected them one by one. Do you allow them to talk trivially? "

Lin Lin Mengya knows, meaning beyond words.

Not to mention anything else, her house is a family owned by a woman.

Those people have opinions about the women's school, to put it plainly, don't they still have opinions on her?

I'm afraid she agreed to abolish the women's school today, and the next step is to be said to be a chicken cock, and mess up the ethics.

I wo n’t work on the palace side, so I want to use public opinion to suppress her?

I want to be beautiful!

他们 "They want to talk, let them talk. I don't think the women's school has to be placed in a separate place."

Fu Yanbo was shocked. Was the owner confused?

Then Gongya's words made Yan Bo realize that, over, the owner of the house was mad.

"What kind of men's school and women's school are all our students at Sitai College. So starting tomorrow, both male and female students can go to school in one classroom. Apart from living areas to be separated, everything else can be together."

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