Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1992: Outbreak of conflict

This is the first time she has put the money of the owner in front of her family.

If she doesn't understand Feng Wenyuan's intentions now, she will be too stupid.

Xi Gongbin felt a little blocked.

He didn't understand why the young girl suddenly changed her attitude. If she was dissatisfied that he had driven out the two maids without permission, she could clearly say that there was no need to be so eccentric.

"Sister, don't be willful. If you really don't want those two, you can call them back."

Xi Gongbin stepped back. In the end, he still loves his younger sister.

But she tilted her head slightly, her narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sneer in the corner of her mouth.

"You went into my yard privately, disposed of my maid, took my clothes to outsiders, and said that I would not be willful. Gong Bin, am I in your heart, or is it the owner?"

After speaking, her face completely cooled down.

When Xun turned around again, her beautiful face was as good as ever, but she never saw the innocence and tenderness of Bansi.

I was probably the reason why she was always the delicate and weak girl in front of her family.

Suddenly, she could no longer converge her full body, forceful momentum, and was completely released in a flash.

In the whole courtyard, from Gong Bin to Feng Wenyuan, and then to the mother-in-law, since there is no one, dare to look at her.

"From now on, no one will be allowed to re-enter my yard without permission. Offenders will be beaten to death."

The cold words, word by word, carried majesty that was irresistible.

"Feng Wenyuan, as a foreigner, I have tolerated you a lot."

She walked towards each other step by step, but Feng Wenyuan retreated unconsciously.

Then, just before she was about to fall, Lin Mengya smiled suddenly.

"Don't you want everyone to think, am I deliberately targeting you? So good, I won't let you down from now on."

Her words can only be heard by both of them.

文 Feng Wenyuan did not cry when she braced, but this time it was true, because she was just too scary just now.

Su Gongbin was suddenly sobered by her attitude.

He suddenly remembered what he had said before, and regretted that he almost bit his tongue.

"Sister, listen to me, I"

But the other person just looked at him coldly, and led someone into the main house.

With a bang, the door closed in front of him.

Then he realized that the little girl has a secret!

He just feels like he was blinded by lard just now? Why do you think it ’s just a piece of clothing, but you forgot that there is so much secret in the little girl, how can someone in her room easily step further?

He should have remembered these things.

Why, he didn't remember anything just now?

"Big Gong, it's Wen Yuan's fault. Or, Wen Yuan, go and apologize to Miss Gong!"

A face crying with pear rain appeared in front of him.

Xie Gongbin shook his head, his face a bit inexplicable.

This matter can't be resentful, because he thought it through and thought so hurtful.

Xiaomei, will you never forgive him again?

I waved my hand, and he said, "I don't care about your business, I didn't do it right. Well, you go back first, and be careful later."

怎么 How can he blame Wenyuan girl?

At that time, the girl Wen Yuan also said that she was afraid that the private sister's things would be bad. He thought that the sister was so close to him, so he would not blame him.

I just didn't know it until now, but how did it become like this with a piece of clothing.

Feng Wenyuan left wailingly, but it was only a short time after she left Dongyuan, she gradually stopped crying and sat on the stone chair next to her.

The maid next to her was a little bit angry.

"This young lady from the palace is really not at all understandable. The girl just wore her one piece of clothing, why was she so angry?"

文 Feng Wenyuan shook her head and looked at the clothes on her body, a little proud of her face.

"She has everything, and I have nothing but my brother. My brother said that if life goes too smoothly, God may not see it anymore. So, I'm helping her with disaster relief."

He can play with his mind and make such righteous words. If Lin Mengya heard it, he would only admire a logical ghost.

Facing the lake, I sorted out my clothes a little. When Feng Wenyuan was enjoying her peace of mind, she was unprepared and a figure appeared.

The figure came fast, moved fast, and went fast.

But for a moment, Feng Wenyuan felt a strong push.

She slammed into the pond with a bang.

The maid next to her uncle had not responded, and only after Feng Wenyuan took a few sips of pond water, she yelled.

"Help! Help! Help me! My lady is in the water! Come on!"

In the pond, Feng Wenyuan fought desperately.

But there wasn't even a passing one around. In the end, it took a lot of effort to be picked up by the maid and almost half of her life was lost.

The "originator" Cairu, after finishing the task, rushed back to Dongyuan.

At this time, Bai Su had just brought back the aggrieved Bai Yan and Bai Yan.

In the courtyard, as Gong Bin left, the wives and maids shivered.

In fact, they did not mean to betray the Lord.

I have only been in these past few days. The young lady, Bai Bai who is too returning, is just jealous.

Lin Lin Mengya's failure to detect this in time was considered her fault.

But she has always been a clear rewarder and punisher.

When they came here to serve, she had strictly forbidden anyone to let anyone in and out of her yard at will.

However, they took their emotions above their own job.

From this point, they are not as good as Bai 芨 them.

"Master, what about people outside?"

Pushing a little girl into the water was not difficult for Cai Ru.

And she was not as gentle and careful as the others, and she took the initiative to undertake these "crude jobs".

Zhe Lin Mengya sat at the table, her fingers touching the smooth tea cup, but her anger was not seen on her face.

After looking at Cai Ru thoughtfully, she whispered softly: "I punished what I said at the beginning, and since today, Cai Ru has officially become a member of my yard."

It is naturally good to follow the host brightly, but Cai Ru also has his own concerns.

"Master, would you like to meet with Ning Liang?"

不用 "No. I'm the owner of the palace. I don't even need to talk about such things."

Cai Ru also had no opinion on this.

Except for Bai Su, the faces of the other three people were hesitant.

Finally, Bai Yan said softly: "Miss, we haven't suffered any grievances. Otherwise, just let it go, why do you let people catch you?"

Bai 芨 this is true.

In fact, even if Gong Bin was dizzy again, she could never do anything to kill her maid.

I didn't even show up in the outer court, but they were banned from entering Dongyuan.

But if the lady does this, it is tantamount to tearing her face with Gong Bin directly.

Lin Lin Mengya did not think so.

"I used to think that way before. But now I realize that I must have a clear line between the owner and my sister."

She knows that Gong Bin did not intend to do so.

But in the eyes of Gong Bin, she is still a sister, more than a homeowner.

Hey sister, he can manage, even go over her and dispose of the people in her yard.

Because in the sibling status, the elder brother has the responsibility to discipline his sister.

But as a homeowner, all her powers are paramount.

糅 Once these two identities come together, it will be sooner or later if there is a conflict.

Only in Feng Wenyuan's deliberate introduction and provocation, it broke out in advance.

"But do this, how about the other young masters?"

Bai 芍 also expressed his concerns.

But Lin Mengya just shook her head, apparently she didn't worry about this at all.

"The palace family is not all confused. Cai Ru, Bai Su, can I have a clue about what I asked you to trace?"

The two looked at each other, and finally, Cai Ru, who was better at speaking, spoke.

"My subordinates have probably inquired about it. Liu Qianrong was inseparable from the younger master, and the relationship between the two was very good. But after meeting Feng and brothers, they had friction. Finally, the younger master chose you After they were sent away, Liu Qianrong had a big fight with the young master. Afterwards, he disappeared. The young master also sent someone to look for him secretly, but found no one. "

This point surprised Lin Mengya.

I want to come to Liu Qianrong's transparency, and I have long realized the other party's purpose.

But she doesn't think that Liu Qianrong will really leave her elder brother.

The girl was a strong woman who dared to love and hate, with little sand in her eyes.

If she were to leave, at least, she would say goodbye to herself.

Perhaps she did it intentionally.

Thinking of this, Lin Mengya immediately commanded: "You go and tell Bai Lu, let him pay attention to the caravans and families that come and go recently. I always think that Qian Rong should not go too far. Maybe there is something inconvenient for her Somewhere, so we hid it so we wouldn't find her. "

Xi Baisu and Cairu immediately went to do it.

After the storm that had just passed, the palace family who had just returned to calm for a long time again ushered in another storm.

"I said, don't you bother hiding all day?"

In a carriage, a handsome man was helplessly glaring at the woman sitting in front of him.

The woman's face was very beautiful, but at this time she was posing as an old woman with pleats on her face.

I just had those eyes that were too agile. Fortunately, women have a lot of experience in dressing up. They glued the ends of the eyes and turned them into an old look with triangular eyes.

"I am willing to hide, if you are bothering, I will go."

The uncle gave him a white look, and said nothing at all.

The uncle man sighed helplessly and said, holding his teeth, said: "It's a loss, this sale, my dear, I have no money left!"

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