Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1993: Lose all charm

Qiu Liuqianrong ignored this contrived guy, and she changed her identity along the way, and has been tracking the two brothers and sisters who appeared out of thin air.

Although they haven't figured out their true origins, at least they have some clues.

For this reason, she was even more worried.

This matter, she must tell Gongya as soon as possible.

She Ma Beichen shook the paper fan, but her sight never left the woman in front of her.

Zhili Zhi told him that this girl was a maid next to Gong Ya.

所以 The reason why I would catch up with her is that I just want to close the distance with Gong Ya.

But last time was not a pleasant time, let him remember this woman.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even glance at him, and recognized her on the road.

With a beep, he put away the folding fan and nodded his forehead.

Tadpole, when did you make a loss-making business?

He squinted and looked at the absent-looking woman in front of him. He couldn't help but leaned forward.

"What are you thinking?"

Suddenly close breath, let Liu Qianrong subconsciously push the person away.

After stunning, it was an alert expression, looking at each other.

Bian Ma Beichen rubbed his face, but he couldn't figure it out. Why was his handsome face so beloved, and he lost again and again in the palace family?

Is it because you are old and lose your charm?

But soon, he gave up the idea.

Do not! It must be that the Gong family did not know how to appreciate him.

"Master, please take care of yourself."

Cao Liu Qianrong warned politely, her face tightened.

At this moment, Ma Beichen was a little playful, and looked at her motionlessly.

"You say this as if I did something to you, are you suggesting me?"

For so many years in Wen Yuge, she has seen hundreds and thousands of disciples.

有权 Like Ma Beichen, she has the power and the right to take it for granted, but she is extremely annoying.

She turned to think of her pleated face, and she immediately made a smile, and it seemed that the pleated doubled.

"Unexpectedly, Magong's taste is so special. Also, if you like it, I'll give up this face to accompany you, and I can even pay for your old car and horse."

I looked at the face that was deliberately ugly in front of me. These years, it was considered that Grand Daddy Ma who had seen Qunmei didn't hold back, and retreated.

Qian Liu Qianrong chose to pursue by victory.

She was purely trying to use this face to abuse each other, but she did not expect that the man suddenly burst into a smirk, and wrapped her arms in her arms.

"It's rare that you are so proactive, the beauty is in the bones and not the skin. So beautiful, I can only gladly accept it!"

He said, her arms tied her slender waist.

Xun really, as he thought, the thin waist hidden under the bloated shirt, soft can almost make people feel soft.

Qian Liu Qianrong realized that she had been deceived, and opened the two of them with her arms on the spot, roaring angrily.

"Let me go! You stinky gangster!"

But Ma Beichen was so spared that she used only one arm to restrain her activities.

I let the beautiful curve run wild in my arms.

I do not know why, he suddenly had an idea.

"I went to talk to you about Gong Ya?"

His mood is always inconceivable, but the idea is frightening and unpredictable.

However, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea, and he even planned to use what conditions to talk to Gongya about it.

I didn't want to, the woman in my arms seemed to be stimulated, bit his hand, and then hid in the corner when he was in pain.

"I do not want!"


Bian Ma Beichen was bitten by a kitten and was not annoyed. Instead, she was lying lazily in the carriage, looking at each other.

"I won't be a room for others, not to mention that I already have my own heart! Mister, please stop, I want to go by myself."

Tamarix Qianrong is a bit difficult to control.

From the moment she left Gong Bin, she vowed not to run after a hopeless person.

But Ma Beichen's high muzzle tore up the scar on her heart that was covered up.

She will never forget, Gong Bin actually doubts herself and Gong Ya for a woman she just met.

It turned out that what she had always liked was just the shadow she had drawn out in her heart.

The real Gong Bin, she didn't know anything at all.

But how can the feelings paid back be so easily recovered?

She could barely hold these in her heart, and cover her sadness with other things.

Ma Machen Chen narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the woman who was nervous and bluffing alert herself like a beast.

For a long time, he suddenly saw a smile.

"Since you don't want to, then I don't force you. I like to be willing and have no interest in being good."

Qiu Liuqianrong nodded cautiously, but grouped herself into a group with deep alert.

Seeing this, Ma Beichen can only gently compare his eyes.

Damn it! Why did he feel a little reluctant and jealous just now?

I must be because he has been busy at home recently and hasn't had a relationship with a woman for a long time.

In the carriage, the two thought about each other, but they were all in a mess.

Compared with the excitement outside, the atmosphere of the palace family in recent days has been lonely.

The quarrel between Xi Gongya and Gong Bin soon spread throughout the palace family. Although Feng Wenyuan claimed that she accidentally stumbled into the water, there were no rumors that it was Gong Ya's maids who pushed people down.

But nobody, dare to ask Gongya.

It is said that the young master was called by the old master in the same night.

And was also closed by the old man himself.

At the same time, the old lady still decides, let people persuade Feng Wenyuan and Feng Qi to move out of the palace.

I was so bullied that she was bullying the Feng family.

I just had a high fever for one night since Feng Wenyuan fell into the water. It is really not appropriate to move the place now.

God is not good at doing too much, just asking them to move out of the palace home immediately after Feng Wenyuan's recovery.

For this reason, the young master also had a fight with the old lady, and even so angry that the old lady almost invited the family.

I watched the atmosphere in the house stalemate day after day, but Lin Mengya calmly calmed down.

She had to tell brothers and sisters of Feng who their territory was.

Even if they confuse the elder brother, it is useless!

Under such circumstances, Zengzu's birthday party came without hindrance.

Early in the morning, she would have to be very grandly dressed and ready to welcome the heads of household.

小姐 "Miss, the list arranged by the guests has been checked, and the housekeeper said that you can be assured of everything. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him watching Gong Ping outside."

Bai 禀 whispered to her while wearing a purple gold inlaid hair crown.

"Yes. The courts are already prepared, yes, those people I asked you to pay attention to, are you all arranged?"

"Master, please rest assured."

Xi Baisu was holding a purple-tongued gown with large ethnic patterns embroidered with dark gold threads.

Although the color of the clothes is a little heavy for young women, it will look old-fashioned if not done well.

But for her, all she can see is the grace and grace, and she can't hold back her peerless style.

Whether it is accessories or clothing, she shows that she is extraordinary as a housekeeper.

Lin Lin Mengya felt this dress, but her eyes were a bit complicated.

Bai 芨 They are trained to help her change, and with the purple crown on top of her head, it is a kind of domineering king.

"This dress is really suitable for our lady. If you are a second person, you can't wear it like this."

Bai 芷 small mouth slightly opened, murmured.

She served the young lady from an early age, only to know that the young lady was best suited to that bright and lively color.

I do not want to, this simple and boring purple tang color can actually complement each other.

Bai 芨 kneeled on the ground and arranged her skirt for her.

The dress was changed by her hands. When she got it, she was also worried.

But the old lady said that this was the dress of the palace's ancestor, the great-grandmother of the lady.

I think that the old homeowner put it on at the same time, so that they will let those people all remember the old homeowner, right?

看着 She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

She said at home that she looked like her mother.

Suddenly, her mother resembled her grandmother.

At that time, my grandmother was forced to leave her hometown and suffered the separation of her mother and daughter. I do n’t know how difficult it was.

Today she is wearing this dress, which is actually carrying her grandmother's dream.

If your grandmother and mother are still there, you will feel happy, right?

Shocking God, the voice of the mother-in-law came from outside.

He said that several homeowners had arrived, and his ancestor invited her to the front hall.

"Let's go."

She turned and raised her head, step by step towards her battlefield.

The reunification of Nian Gongya shocked many people.

Unlike the previous time, each family only sent people to participate. This time, everyone who had such a dilapidated relationship with the palace family and even had this intention was brought by the owner himself.

The ancestor of the Xun Palace family is a cheerful person. Although he is a senior, he does not have the habit of relying on the old man to sell the old man.

Therefore, although the atmosphere in the front hall is not enthusiastic, it is also very harmonious.

I looked at the time, and Gong Qianfeng went to invite the owner to come.

When I looked at the people around me, I couldn't help looking at the door. Gong Qianfeng's heart couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

Xun Palace family, after all, is a big boom.

让 "Let everyone wait a long time, Gong Yalai is one step behind, and I hope you all forgive me."

I never heard of him, but heard his voice first.

There were a few people in the crowd who had met Gong Ya before, and they couldn't help but look a little expectant in their eyes.

As far as looks are concerned, Gong Ya is definitely the best in class.

But when the purple skirt corner appeared at the door, those homeowners who had a bit of a playful mentality, involuntarily, changed their faces.

The woman was not very old, and her face was kind, but they didn't know why, but they couldn't give birth to the slightest thoughts, for fear that Tang might be a beauty.

But that's definitely not pity, but they don't dare to pretend.

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