Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1995: This main hall

Feng Qi just shook her head again and again, a little grief and aggrieved little daughter-in-law.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, but Feng's father was almost anxious and almost lost his grace.

Sui Naihe's own son never said, nor could he force him.

I had to pat his shoulder and whispered softly, "Since you insist on not revealing it, don't ask for your father. Where is your sister now, I want to pick you up soon."

此时 Feng Qi now felt relieved, and whispered, "My sister is sick now, I'm afraid it's hard to leave for a while."

"Sick? What kind of illness did Wenyuan get? Does it matter?"

Feng Qi heard the words, but looked at Lin Mengya again.

He saw that the latter was still proud and beautiful, and thought of his own sister's pitiful appearance, and angrily said, "My sister, was pushed into the water! Now, she is lying on the bed and no one is healing!"


父 Feng Feng heard it, grabbed his son, asked in a hurry,

谁 "Who is it? How is Wenyuan now and where is she?"

妹妹 "Sister is now at the palace, as for the person who pushed the sister into the water, I haven't found it yet."

But he kept staring at Lin Mengya, his intentions were obvious.

At this time, Feng's father reacted and looked at Gongya incredibly.

He pressed the flames and asked, "The housekeeper, Feng Yuan is grateful for your children, but why my daughter is left untreated, I think, you have to give me an account!"

Frowning and raising, Lin Mengya had a good time.

"What did Master Feng want to tell me? How did my palace family treat your Fengs' sons and daughters a while back? Everyone has heard of them. Now that Miss Feng is sick, I kindly leave her in my house to take care of her. Can I still do it? Wrong? "

Seeing her so quibble, Feng Qi almost gritted her teeth.

"The" good intentions "of the housekeeper, we are led! Father, let ’s not argue with her anymore, save the younger sister first."

父 Feng's father was also filled with indignation at this time.

他 In his opinion, the two children of his family are the most gentle children.

Jain Palace looked like a person who was so lofty and unreasonable. Naturally, he would bully his pair of children.

"Okay, I'll go and ask the doctor to come back for my father right away."

When the two of them wanted to enter the palace's door, Lin Mengya scolded them.


Xiao Xiao, the gatekeeper next to her, also came out, blocking their father and son's way.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned around and said coldly, "This is my palace family, how can you let you go in?"

Feng Qi was flushed with anger.

"Miya, don't go too far!"

"What's wrong with me, how can you help me? And, tell me clearly, how do I treat you so hard?"

If you let them in, from now on, how can she, the housekeeper, look up?

父 Feng Feng guarded his son behind him.

With a look of rude and ruthlessness, his eyes turned into a lion protecting his child because of his anger.

"House owner, I respect you as the house owner, only tolerate it again and again. If you insist on bullying my child, I am willing to accompany you to the end!"

"Master Feng didn't understand this? You can ask, a few days ago, your children came to my house, how did I treat them?"

Squinting his eyes, she watched her reluctantly, even with a little frankness in her eyes, Feng Yuan could not help but pause.

Later, someone said, "I don't believe the housekeeper will bully the two. A few days ago, didn't their brother and sister follow the housekeeper's son in and out?"

"No. I also saw that Miss Feng was next to the granddaughter of the palace family, like a young lady of this family. At that time, I thought that the palace family had another Miss Miss!"

With more and more discussions, Feng Qi's face became worse and worse.

He suddenly looked at Lin Mengya, who has not paniced in his eyes from the beginning to the present. Or emotions like anger.

Is she already prepared?

"Master Feng, are you quite clear?"

Her voice is not big or small, but enough to be heard by everyone around her.

"Miss son of your family came to my house. My great ancestors personally placed them in the house. My elder brother was close to them and even the guests took them both. Miss Feng fell into the water and was the first time my palace family found The doctor came to visit, otherwise, could she wait for you two to decide? "

These are the testimonies of the people outside.

At this time, Feng Qi understood why Gong Ya had been patient before.

But it turned out that she was waiting for this.

Impossible! She will never know her plan!

For a moment, the wind reversed.

Or from the beginning, the hearts of those who watched were toward Lin Mengya.

Feng Qi was at a loss for the first time.

In the scenes he had experienced before, those who watched would naturally sympathize with them who were weak.

现在 But now he is wrong.

"呸! Ingratitude!"

The mood of the puppet crowd was gradually picked up, and someone had begun to scold Feng Qi mercilessly.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes slightly, and the brothers and sisters of the Feng family were indeed very pitiful.

But they forgot one thing.

The entire non-Yecheng residents have received her favor.

She holds the livelihoods of these people in her hands.

Maybe outside, the people who eat melon will probably stand on the side that looks slightly weaker because of sympathy and the like.

But it doesn't apply here.

"I, I don't!"

启 Feng Qi rushed to explain, but where is he the opponent of those villagers.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, I heard a sharp and cool voice, mocking: "Oh, today our family can be seen. The palace family's means of training people, it really is first-class. However, in the eyes of the mother, it is not Rub the sand. House owner, can you confess it? "

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head to face the inner servant who had been silent since the beginning.

She raised her lips and smiled indifferently.

"Is it? It's a pity that I don't think I'm guilty, and, even on your own, dare to condemn me?"

The housekeeper was probably not stung like this, and an unnecessary face suddenly became a little pale.

"The lord of the palace is not small! However, since our family has served the maiden's will, it represents the majesty of the maiden. Since Miss Feng's family is in your house, you can't get rid of it! The things here, we The family will give false obituaries to the mother-in-law, and the owner of the palace still thinks about it, how to explain it to the late wife! "

Lin Lin Mengya frowned.

Even if she doesn't like the posthumous, now if she openly opposes the posthumous, her name is not right.

At the corner of her eyes, Yu Guang reached Feng Qi, and suddenly she saw the smile hidden in the corner of her mouth.

All of this, suddenly bright.

From the beginning to the present, Feng's goal is not her elder brother at all, but her!

They first concealed their identity, provoked the elder brother's relationship with her, and made all these things in order to thoroughly anger her.

I just didn't expect her to act so unexpectedly, she almost killed Feng Wenyuan.

I also let them cast jealousy, and could not continue to make waves.

Today, the inner servant of the posthumous deity came to find himself.

If she wants to avoid the edge, she must suppress it.

At that time, I can only let the posthumous person rub it round.

But if she does not compromise, then the posthumous master will be famous.

Huh, but it really forced her into a dilemma.

But unfortunately, she has never been a master of peace.

When she wanted to tear her face publicly, the crowd was suddenly separated.

A squad of light armored soldiers surrounded them.

"Bold! Our family is a posthumous messenger, you dare"

"so what?"

Before the waiter's words were finished, she was cut off by a mellow voice.

Everyone gazed at the man who came out slowly from the crowd.

He was wearing a black suit, black hair, black pupils, and eyebrows like blades, and Junmei was as cold as heaven.

He walked in front of Lin Mengya, with his body full of nobles, but it was so cold that he could only bow his head and dare not speak.

He didn't look at those obstructive people, just took her hand.

"Waiting for me?"

He smiled at the other person with a touch of ambiguous tone.

Lin Lin Mengya was slightly shocked.

不是 Didn't this person give a message last night, saying that nothing happened today?

随后 But then, she no longer cares about being coaxed by this person.


A short word, with great trust in him.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was in a good mood, so he didn't even get bored with those people.

"Dare to ask your Excellency?"

老 Master Feng didn't know the man in front of him, but Feng Qi was shocked from the beginning.

impossible! How could he be here!

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him lightly.

"Who just bullied my wife just now?"

With a quick glance at his eyes, the Feng family and his son took the housekeeper together, feeling a cool breeze blowing from behind the neck.

That is the taste of being stared at by death. Today, their lives are in the hands of this person!

"His Royal Highness will really laugh and laugh, the palace owner is your future concubine, we have too little respect, how dare to bully?"

The housekeeper changed his eyes instantly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth felt stiff.

Lin Mengya has not relaxed her vigilance.

怎么 How did she feel that from the moment Yu appeared, both the housekeeper and Feng Qi had seen a ghost?

Obviously, in this game today, they never dreamed that Long Tianyu would suddenly appear here.

I think there must be something weird about this!

"Don't dare, it's best."

He gave no face to these people at all, and after he appeared, Feng Qi and the housekeeper knew that it was difficult to realize their attempts today.

The waiter was a cunning man and said with a smile on the spot: "It's a misunderstanding, and I hope the palace owner is magnanimous. Your Highness, we have to leave the house."

启 Feng Qi glanced at the housekeeper secretly. Obviously, this kind of behavior where the situation is not good enough to be slipped away is very unreasonable.

But Long Tianyu's men blocked his way.

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