"Your Highness, what do you mean?"

The waiter's face was not very good-looking. The smile seemed to be reluctantly turned up, showing some difficulties.

"Bring everyone in, no one is allowed to leave without the order of this temple."

Xiao Long Tianyu glanced at him with a contemptuous glance, and then commanded in a deep voice.

Ning Liang, who was always by his side, immediately stepped forward to greet the new Crown Prince, also the husband of their family.

After the death, in the eyes of the Feng family's father and son and the internal waiter in shock, several people were taken to the palace's inner courtyard.

The villagers outside the village soon began to talk about it.

Of course the goal they are talking about is the pair of 璧 in front of them.

After all, the impact of double face value is common, but there are not many such high-quality ones.

Lin Lin Mengya was led by the man and returned to the house.

Until he turned a corner and couldn't see the two of them outside, Lin Mengya suddenly snapped his wrist backhand.

"what happened?"

Xiaolong Tianyu did not resist at all, and asked with a smile.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly, but temporarily let go of her heart.

I'm fine, but I wasn't hurt.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

She didn't think it was Long Tianyu's surprise to her.

I want to know that there are a lot of things today. If Long Tianyu is going to come, he will definitely inform himself early.

After all, they have dual identities, and some things must be prepared.

Qi Long Tianyu was asked to laugh and squeezed her face.

怎么 "What? Don't want to see me?"

"I'll ask you business again!"

I looked at the woman who was just graceful and luxurious, and instantly narrowed her eyes. Long Tianyu was very satisfied with her vitality and vitality.

"Yes. I should have returned to Longdu today."

Sure enough, Lin Mengya guessed that would be the case.

It was too sudden for Gao to establish his prince. Like her, Long Tianyu was caught off guard.

"But I received a message saying that someone wanted to count you while I was away, so I rushed back. How can my daughter-in-law be bullied by others?"

Lin Mengya looked at the man with skeptical eyes.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who will be bullied?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu felt a little dangerous for a moment, then shook his head without a bone.

"No! But I want to protect you, I will protect you all my life."

In the end, she was not thick enough, and was defeated by this guy's love affair without money.

I had no choice but to change the subject.

"I think they should try to get away from the mountain, right?"

Chen Longtian Yu knew his wife too much, and at a glance she knew that Bacheng could not stand the attack of her own words, squinted her eyes, and smiled and nodded, "That's true. But my people are not waste."

For these, Long Tianyu has absolute confidence.

In fact, even Hou Zun did not understand why she had repeatedly failed to assassinate Long Tianyu in the past six months.

This time, she spared no money at all. She thought that she could kill two birds with one stone, which could not only eliminate Long Tianyu, but also hold the palace family in her hands.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. In both cases, she did not succeed either.

"Your Highness, everyone has handled it cleanly."

The two of them are talking about kung fu, a dark guard with them, behind them.

The man bowed his head, dare not look in the direction of his own master.

"Well. Hurry up and put the head in the hands of the posthumous."


After Wu Anwei said the news, Lin Mengya realized at this time that this person was far from being so light and breezy on the surface.

"Actually you don't have to accompany me to reveal your identity. After all, there are too many people who want to deal with you."

Speaking of her "bitter bitter heart", Long Tianyu didn't want to appreciate it at all.

I just held her wrist and said seriously: "You are Lin Mengya, I am Long Tianyu. You are Su Mei, I am Su Yan. You are Gong Ya, and I am Murong Xi."

He looked into her eyes, filled with deep affection.

"I exist only because of you. Without you, there would be no me in this world."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the familiar handsome face, but felt in his heart that his words carried deep meanings she did not understand.

Aunt stretched out her hand, and she wrapped his neck around her with a little pressure to bring the foreheads of the two close to each other.

"Fool, it's you who turned me into what I am now. You and I have long been linked together, and even fate can't keep us apart."

I was Long Tianyu, who made her into Lin Mengya.

They are people who have achieved each other, are dependent on each other, and have changed each other.

Chen Long Tianyu kissed her forehead softly and said, "Okay, we'll talk about other things later. Now, the news should have spread."

When I mentioned this, Lin Mengya had a headache.

It is necessary to make a good birthday feast, and it is necessary to bring up these moths.

She sighed weakly and rubbed her eyebrows.

"The posthumous person will give people trouble! By the way, you are now a prince, what about the prince before?"

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words, but his eyes were a little sad.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't hear his answer and wanted to raise her head to look at him, but he pressed her chest gently.

"Prince is probably going to die."


Lin Lin Mengya did not expect, did Long Tianyu always know this?

"Instead of saying that I am his substitute, he is always my substitute."

She was even more confused.

Long Tianyu touched the top of her head and said, "Since I was born, someone has been dying for me. This is the case for the prince, and when the day we switched places, his death was coming. "

If a person's birth means countless deaths, is that person's existence right or wrong?

This is a problem that bothers Long Tianyu. Maybe he didn't think so before, but recently, he often has such troubles.

Lin Lin Mengya seemed to be feeling something, her arms around his waist.

"I don't think so. If the prince is really dead, then the post will be crazy. How could she have this reluctance to make such a purpose?"

She knows the heart of Aiko.

I changed to her. Maybe she wouldn't compromise so easily, although she wouldn't target others like the posthumous.

After Houzun was able to do this, it seemed that he had found a way to rescue the prince.

嗯 "Well, maybe you are right, but the woman is crazy, and I will send you more staff in the future."

When Lin Mengya heard this, she immediately wanted to refuse.

Counting the Jackdaw Guard, every time she goes out, she has to be followed by a large group of people.

"There aren't many guards here, and I have enough people now. Besides, they are all good at picking up thousands of miles, and I need to be guarded wherever I am at home. And, where are thousands of days of thieves The truth. It should come, it will always come, don't worry too much. "

In fact, Lin Mengya also knows the current situation.

There are too many people who want to kill her, but these people may not be successful, and she doesn't take these people to heart.

In front of those who could endanger her life, she had as many guards as furnishings.

So she simply looked away.

Nine Dragons Tianyu continued to train, but was blocked by a pair of small hands.

"Well, I promise I'll be careful. Go, great ancestors are in a hurry."

Holding this large dog, Lin Mengya walked happily towards the main hall.

The two finally entered the hall one after the other and did not dare to hold hands.

After all, it is a birthday feast of the great ancestors, and they should think about the affordability of others more or less.

In the front hall, everyone passed their respective subordinates, and more or less, knew what was happening at the door.

Not to mention, Gongya is now the prince and concubine, which is enough to shock everyone's attention.

同样 But again, she is not in harmony with Hou Zun, and it has become a well-known secret.

Anyway, the posthumous mother is her mother-in-law.

I haven't passed the door yet, and my daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law officially on the bar, even if they have Hedong lion in their house, they have to cry out quietly.

What's more, His Royal Highness Xi, who was rumored to have no face, began to pay his respects to the palace grandmother from the moment he entered the door.

Suddenly, some unexplainable careful thoughts grew wildly in the hearts of those homeowners.

But they also have to admit that the palace family really has the strength to form a large chamber of commerce.

It is like this kind of rapid change, which can also affect the ability to defend the country, which is beyond them.

In a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, everyone went to the birthday feast all the way.

The original dinner was held by Feng Qi.

Zhe Lin Mengya has been staring at him closely, so everything in this birthday party is under her control.

I had to say that even though Feng Qi was not kind, but the birthday party was well arranged.

At least whether it is singing and dancing or drinks and dishes, they are very innovative, and the guests and hosts are happy.

"Homeowner, Feng Qi arranged a special firework show at the end. Shall we do the same?"

At the birthday party, Ning Liang quietly walked to her and said.

She looked at the guests around her, and Long Tianyu seemed to ask her what was happening with her eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, got up and followed Ning Liang and walked out.

At the same time, Long Tianyu also left the table and followed her.

"Have you checked those fireworks?"

Su Ning nodded brightly and said, "The small ones have been checked and there are no problems."

The firework show prepared by Feng Qi is called "Fire Tree Silver Flower".

I heard that the layout is very novel. She has also seen the design drawings before. When the performance is performed, the night sky of the palace house will be illuminated for an instant. It is indeed rare.

After listening to Ning Liang's words, Long Tianyu did not express any opinion, but just looked at her gently.

"how do you feel?"

Gao Linmengya sought his opinion, but the latter shook his head.

"Listen to you."

She thought for a moment, and then commanded: "Just follow the original plan. You tell them to be awake, in case of water, be sure to put out in time. Also, be careful of the fireworks display, Don't hurt yourself. "

"Yes, the owner is assured that everything is prepared and there will be no accidents."

Xu waved her hand, Lin Mengya let Ning Liang back down, and turned to look at the bright moon in the sky.

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