Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1997: Meet under the moon

The emergence of Ji Houzun's will has fully demonstrated that the appearance of Brother and Sister Feng is not accidental.

虽 Although they came to deal with her, Lin Mengya did not think that the other party would stop there.

For her own child, Hou Zun has already gone into trouble.

Therefore, she must take this risk, leading to the killing trick that Hou Zun buried behind.

But she was a bit surprised that Long Tianyu would agree to try her own risks.

"I thought you would stop me."

歪 She tilted her head, and the latter squeezed her cheek.

"Where can I be stumped by such a trifle, my wife?"

Jain tone, pride and spoiled.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't hold back, "Xie" laughed out loud.

He is the only one who will ask nothing, and supports himself to do such a thing.

"Let's go back first."

He was a little behind and watched her leave first.

In the dark night, the darkness in his eyes quietly became deeper and deeper, and there seemed to be endless deep meaning hidden in it, but he could not tell her clearly.

烟 This firework show is just like its name, bright and beautiful.

Wu Rao was accustomed to the modern fireworks displays, but she still couldn't help but be attracted by all the fireworks in the sky.

既然 But since it is a fire tree silver flower, in addition to the fireworks in the sky, there are many ingenuity on the ground.

The small fireworks that were smashed into trees are one after another, and they bloom in the eyes of everyone.

In the air, the smell of fireworks gradually filled, but it was not as pungent as ordinary fireworks.

Around me, I started to get angry with all kinds of lanterns. Looking through the smoke, it was like a fairyland on earth.

The homeowners who were admired in the yard, after getting the consent of the host, couldn't help looking at the strangely shaped lanterns.

"Okay, my old bones can't overwhelm you young people. Yaer, you can play with them too."

I was busy for a day, and my great ancestor was very tired.

Zhe Lin Mengya's tense nerves also relaxed a lot at this moment.

As Ning Liang promised, when the fireworks were set off, no accident happened.

She was busy calling someone and accompanying her great ancestor to the backyard to rest.

She squinted and watched everyone walk out of the yard, her mind moved slightly, with Cai Ru, also looked at these strangely shaped lanterns.

But to her some surprises, there are many stories drawn on these lanterns.

She looks the same, and finds that some are coherent and some are independent little stories.

看着 She looked at it and couldn't help but be fascinated.

Suddenly, when she returned to God, she found that Cai Ru did not know when she disappeared from her side.

But here is the palace house, her people inside and out, there is nothing to worry about.

She continued to watch the story above the lantern, but she accidentally hit someone.


She immediately turned around and apologized. The surrounding lights were not bright enough. She only saw the man in black.

"It doesn't matter."

声音 That voice is a little dull, but with the coldness of Jinyu.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and saw the man's delicate and beautiful face.

Maybe to outsiders, this person is the same kind of iceberg as Long Tianyu.

But Lin Mengya knows that Yu is cold outside and hot inside, and this person has a chill that makes her feel dangerous.

Her subconsciously took a big step back, and she lowered her head, avoiding the man's too straightforward gaze.

"I didn't see it, sorry."

But the man took a step forward, even reaching out and raising her chin.

"You and I don't need to say this."

The man stared straight at her, her deep eyes almost touching her mind.

But Lin Mengya immediately let go of the man's hand, and her attitude was lightened.

"Since the son didn't blame him, Gongya thanked him first."

She is self-identified and alienated in her tone.

The man smiled and left automatically to show his unintentional offensive attitude.

"It was Ms. Gong, it was me Meng Lang. The lady's full concentration just now seemed like a fairy under the moon, it was me who was blinded for a while. It was my fault that Tang missed her."

Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed when she heard such a sincere apology.

It's no wonder that even though she was at the birthday party just now, it doesn't mean everyone knows her.

But for men, she is always polite.

"Since you read it wrong, then it doesn't matter. I have something to leave first, please do it yourself."

She nodded, who also smiled with a look on her face.

I just looked away, and locked her tightly.

As soon as I walked a few steps, she saw three figures standing not far away, her steps could not help lighter.


When the two boys saw her, they shouted crisply.

Lin Lin Mengya picked up Mo Yan, while Long Tianyu also picked up Ning'er.

She kissed **** the tender faces of the two babies.

怎么 "Why did you want to bring them out?"

She has always been concerned about the safety of the children, so she did not let the two children come out to see the guests.

"Three of our father and son are afraid that you will run away, and they came to you specially."

The man whispered, but got a white eye from Lin Mengya.

When Xiaolong Tianyu saw this, he had to smile, but realized it, but not far away.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and the man's figure seemed to be able to merge with the night.

A hint of alertness and danger crossed Long Tianyu's long eyes, he embraced his wife's shoulders exclusively, and then took them away.

The black man was standing still, watching the woman leave from his sight.

The clenched fist almost scratched the flesh of the palm of his hand, but he was still light and light, watching the woman pair up with others and marry a child.

After all, he was still one step behind.

Maybe it's not too late.

He raised a smile, the face hidden in the night, but for some strange reason.

The eager enthusiasm in Yan's eyes revealed the twisted and madness is bound to be obtained.

He will definitely get that woman! No matter who it is, you can't stop it!

After Lin Mengya completely disappeared in his eyes, the man turned around and completely absorbed into the darkness.

Accompanied his wife and children to play until late at night Long Tianyu sent everyone back to Dongyuan.

The two boys already had their own rooms, but today they are particularly sticky and say they have to sleep with their mother.

In desperation, Lin Mengya had to appease the big one first, and promised to only let the two boys sleep in the small bed in the outer room, so as to coax people to leave.

But Long Tianyu did not leave the house, but went to the palace's guest room without alarming anyone.

Here, there are three people in the Feng family.


Feng Qi just lay on the bed and felt that there was an extra person in the room.

He gave a low drink and immediately sat up, looking alertly into the room.

But the next moment, his neck was pinched in his hands.


He tried his best to break free, but unfortunately it was useless.

Finger slightly closed his fingers, and even Feng Qi seemed to have heard the sound of his bones cracking.

He looked at the man in horror. In the dark, he could feel the strong intention of killing from the man.


The man chuckled and suddenly let go.

"Cough cough"

Feng Qi was paralyzed on the bed, breathing hard, but coughing again and again.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of being strangled to death.

"The post still hasn't grown like this."

When the man spoke, he was indifferent.

Feng Qi shrank suddenly.

His biggest backer is the posthumous title, but it is clear that the comer doesn't even look at the postage, let alone him?

"You cooperate with him, but you are not afraid of death."

"You, how do you know?"

男人 Compared with Feng Qi's surprise, men seem to care less.

At this moment, the moonlight shines through the window, reflecting the cold and expensive eyes of the man.

启 Feng Qi suddenly shook, looking at the man in surprise.

"I don't know anything on the ground?"

Xiao Long Tianyu mocked the other's self-righteousness, but the chill deepened only when he thought of the other's behavior.

告诉 "Tell the Emperor, if she still wants to keep her son's life, cut off from there as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will die in front of her son."

This is not a threat, because he is just stating the facts.

I no longer look at your Feng Qi, Long Tianyu left the guest room after making the final ultimatum.

In the guest room, Feng Qi was like a dehydrated fish, panting heavily, and his sweat was soaked through his clothes.

impossible! How did Murong Xi know the relationship between Houzun and that person?

But with his extreme emotional instability, he suddenly covered his head again and kept slamming the bedboard.

How come 发作 at this time! Damn it!

He tried hard to calm down, but the pain that was about to burst made him lose his mind a little bit.

After a while, after the pain exceeded his limit, he quieted suddenly.

"Why am I here?"

The sound of is still elegant and gentle, but it is mixed with a bit of panic.

启 Feng Qi looked up and looked around in a loss.

Although he didn't seem to change at all, if anyone saw it, he would be surprised.

Because Feng Qi now is almost the same as the person a moment ago.

Out of the window, dark clouds once again enveloped the bright moon, and the darkness drowned the entire world.

On the second day, Lin Mengya woke up a little bit.

有了 Since the system has been in place, she has rarely dreamed extremely confused and unclear dreams.

But she couldn't be completely controlled by the system-this was the advice given to her by a small medicine.

After all, she is not a robot that can move by system.

She rubbed the sour temples, but still couldn't recall what she had dreamed of last night.

I heard Bai Jing and Bai Yi being in charge of grooming her, but when they saw Lin Mengya, they exclaimed involuntarily.

"Miss, why are you crying?"


Lin Lin Mengya subconsciously felt that they were joking.

But after touching a tear that hadn't dried in the corner of her eyes, she was also a little stunned.

Alas, she doesn't remember crying herself?

Bai 芷 took a small mirror kindly, Lin Mengya only knew why they were so surprised.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks were pale, and my eyes were red and swollen, and I knew that I was crying very sadly.

I couldn't help but wonder.

Did she lose her memory?

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