Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1998: Crying in the middle of the night

In the end, I let Bai 芷 and Bai 芨 give her cold compresses.

When she finally packed up and could see people, Lin Mengya called for a little medicine.

"Small medicine, I cried last night?"

The sound of Xiaoyao hesitated.

嗯 "Um. Master, are you afraid of the dark?"


The latter hesitated for a moment before continuing to say cautiously: "According to the human emotions I understand, last night you were not injured and did not have any major emotional setbacks. Except for fear of darkness, I really ca n’t think of why you cry. Now. "

She is a little speechless, afraid of such a delicate setting as black, which totally does not fit her, okay?

But Xiaoyao will not lie on such things, even if the goods have not fully mastered the basic human skills of "lie".

Alas, she could not help asking more.

"Did I cry terribly last night?"

"Well, terrible!"

Listening to Xiaoyao's answer without hesitation, Lin Mengya fell into an awkward silence.

虽 Although she is not a real man with blood and tears, she cries so miserably that she has no memory and is incredible.

"Is there anything unusual in the system detection?"

"No. But when you cried last night, you cut off your contact with me. So I don't know why you cry."

Lin Lin Mengya felt speechless when she heard it.

I was very good. Although she didn't know why she cried all night, but she didn't want to be shameful, it was still in line with her own style.

"Should I give you a detailed inspection and evaluation report?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought or refused.

He is just like Xiao Yao once told her that man is a mysterious individual.

Even advanced technologies such as the Shennong system can only be "researched", not completely "mastered."

If nothing was detected by the system at that time, then detailed inspection is only futile.

的 Anyway, the mysterious incident that happened to her is no longer one or two.

There is no worry about having more debts. Anyway, there will be a day when the water falls out.

这样 She enlightened herself like this, and strictly forbid them to banish them, and publicize the matter.

I can't, I have to face.

Fortunately, the two girls listened to her in particular, and after putting on a little makeup to cover up the slightly sloppy appearance, Bai Yan also went back and forth.

"The birthday gifts from the homeowners yesterday are waiting for your show."

She is also the wife-in-law in her yard. After the last incident, no one dared to look down on the people in her yard.

In order to cheer her up, her great-grandmother had sold those women and girls who had heard Gong Bin's words.

She knows the hard work of great ancestors.

I do not want to affect the relationship between their brother and sister, but also maintain her unique authority as a homeowner.

It is also difficult for his grandmother to work for him. After all, they still failed to let their great ancestors have a leisurely and comfortable old age.

"Pick out the good and give it to Lian Bo, and let the great ancestor dispose at will. Throw the rest in the storeroom."

The things that the owner sent are naturally good, but compared to what she usually gave to her great ancestor, it was still several grades worse.

In their house, a few brothers and her can use almost, but the great ancestor must be delicate everywhere.

In Lin Mengya's original words, the ants in Zengzu's yard must have double eyelids!

Of course, do the ants set aside their eyelids first, but the whole house knows that the ancestors of the palace are the most expensive and the most important.

But I have to say that, in this way, the power of the palace's power center, but peacefully over to her hands.

This made those who want to watch the joke of the palace seize power, greatly disappointed.

In front of her eyes, Gong Bin's confused things had made her a headache.

I have no reason for it, just because this big chamber of commerce was previously negotiated by Gong Bin.

Now he was imprisoned, and all the burden fell on her.

If Gong Bin never appeared, she would become the bad guy who unloaded and killed the donkey.

As a result, the credibility of the Chamber of Commerce will be greatly reduced.

After all, who would really convince such a person?

兄 Brothers and sisters of the Feng family, can really make her mess!

"Miss, but are you bothering about Master?"

Seeing that the lady was silent, she thought for a moment, and guessed.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, sitting lazily on the couch.

"Well. They all came to the Chamber of Commerce, but he has been talking about it before. I don't know their content, but they suddenly changed people, which always makes people feel a little bad. "

Originally, she also wanted to give the Great Chamber of Commerce to Gong Bin.

Now it seems that she thinks things are simple.

Although Xiong Gongbin is capable, his character weakness is too obvious.

He can really fight with a group of businessmen?

When the time comes, don't pay off the family any more.

Bai 想 thought it over carefully, and then spoke carefully.

"I have heard about this big chamber of commerce. Miss meant to hope that everyone could connect with one another. In the long run, this is a good thing. And I don't think the young master may be suitable for this position."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Bai Yan with surprise.

If she remembered correctly, this little pepper is the most vengeful.

Even if she is in the house now, she has seen her hot name in a few days.

On that day, Gong Bin committed her taboo, and it was said that Bai Yan would not spare him the most. Why did he take the initiative to intercede him this time?

Bai Ye was slightly warmed by her, and he said busyly: "I didn't plead with the younger master, but the situation of the day later they all told me. In the beginning, the younger master didn't have anything to say to the younger sister I was dissatisfied, and I was very polite to speak to them. The main thing was Miss Feng, who was trying to provoke alienation, but she couldn't make any mistakes. Moreover, she was playing the banner for your good. In this way, the young master will be so impulsive. "

何 "What's more," Bai said with a smile: "You are angry because you care about the young master and us. If you don't care, you won't take that time to be angry with him with your heart."

He said this, but it touched her heart.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed. The people who knew her best were these girls.

Bai 芨 and Bai 芷 came together, one person held her hand.

"Miss, I don't feel wronged."

Bai 芨 persuasively advised, and Bai 芷 nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the sincerity in their eyes, but felt a little guilty in her heart.

"You are obviously my family, but I have made you feel wronged again."

That's why she couldn't forgive Gong Bin.

四个 Four of them, in her heart, there is no one who can replace it.

最 The most rare thing in the world is sincerity, not to mention that they have had troubles together before.

She dared to pack tickets. If one day she is in trouble, the rebellious relatives will be extremely separated, but they will follow her without any hesitation and never give up.

Therefore, she couldn't live up to their sincerity, even if it was Gong Bin's breakup, she would not hesitate.

But Gong Bin is also her brother and her relative.

In fact, the most sad thing about her is her.

"Where are you aggrieved? But that day, they exaggerated a little."

Bai Yanrou whispered, and Bai Yan also held his face up and said seriously: "Actually, the young master really didn't treat us well, and he didn't yell and kill us, not even a heavy sentence. This mother-in-law is even more abominable. It is clear that the young master didn't say that he would drive us away, but they jumped for joy. "

In fact, Lin Mengya really hasn't had time to ask the situation clearly.

At first, she was worried about their safety, and at the time, she really touched her inverse scale.

He frowned, Lin Mengya could not help recalling the scene at that time.

Now that Feng Wenyuan has changed his clothes, his elder brother also sent people away. Why didn't they leave and instead chatted with the women?

You know, my elder brother is a stern man.

Xun usually ran into her yard with several brothers, all of whom had been scolded by him.

How can such a person talk to a few unfamiliar girls in the yard of his sister?

"Baiyu, how were those people treated that day?"

Bai Yan immediately replied: "The old lady said, we do n’t need people who are like this, and told Ning Liang to sell people. Later, Ning Liang thought it was something in our yard, so he gave them their deeds. Give it to me. I only told Yaxing yesterday that this time, no one will ask. "

He nodded, and Lin Mengya instructed Bai Su to inquire about the situation that day.

It's best to ask out the details, and then go back and forth.

It was only in the afternoon that Bai Ye told her something.

It turned out that the reason why the older brother talked to those people was that Feng Wenyuan said that she had seen a kind of fabric that could change color in the palace.

As for why they dare to fight against Bai and Bai, it is because Feng Wenyuan's secret words secretly provoked their unwillingness and jealousy.

It was thanks to Feng Qiaoyuan's clever mouth that she angered Bai Zhi, who was always straightforward.

And the elder brother made them kick out after seeing Bai 芷 temper.

As a result of this connection, Lin Mengya finally saw the deep meaning of this.

Whether it's the elder brother, or the white 芷, or those wives, the original intention is to care about her.

As a result, she became the weakness of all of them.

Feng Wenyuan just took advantage of this.

Bai Yan can't stand others saying that she is not good, so Feng Wenyuan angered Bai Yan in words.

From the point of view of my elder brother, Bai Ye treats a foreigner so rudely, not to mention treating her?

In this, of course, Feng Wenyuan's provocation is necessary to aggravate this worry.

婆 The mother-in-law and girl are out of selfishness.

After all, the more she valued her, the more likely she was to excel.

I was also seduced by Feng Wenyuan because of this.

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