Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2032: Verify identidy

For a moment, everyone was hesitant.

刚才 They just fainted with anger just now. After all, their faith in serving sincerely for years has collapsed instantly. Such stimulation is enough to make most people lose their mind.

Alas, her behavior could not comfort the crowd safely.

"There was never a problem before you came, maybe, this is what the ancestors meant!"

The youngsters in the crowd were already angry.

They are afraid that their parents and elders will be deceived by this woman, and they ca n’t wait to say, “You see, she has no awe of her ancestors! Even if there is something wrong with the ancestor ’s tablet, she should n’t destroy it!”

Lin Lin Mengya almost made the boy's fallacy laugh.

What's this? Obviously these brands have problems with Hong, okay?

But it's clear that teenagers know their families best, and they poke at the weaknesses of those adults.

Even Gong Ling, who understands her face, is not very good-looking.

However, it is not so much black and white, and all the blame is pushed on Lin Mengya.

After all, this is weird.

He looked at the scum below her feet and said Shen Sheng: "Our ancestors' tablets were originally made of millennia of indestructible wood. Even if they had insects, they would not break so badly. This month, they were responsible for cleaning the tablets. Who is it? "

In the crowd, an honest and middle-aged man ran out immediately.

He saw that the tablet was shattered, and his head was so sweaty that he was so scared that he knelt down and shouted injustice.

"You Ming Jian! Xiao Xiao cleaned up yesterday, there really is no problem at all!"

Lin Lin Mengya saw that he didn't seem to be lying. After thinking about it, she asked, "So, did anyone come in after you left yesterday?"

The man did not dare to be sloppy, and thought again and again, and then said cautiously: "Absolutely not! The ancestral hall is important, if it is not for sacrifice and major events in the clan, we would never dare to take a step forward. Besides, after I left, I personally There is no leak in the lock! "

He said so utterly, but Lin Mengya heard other meanings.

The Dai people did not dare to enter, indicating that this was a hollow place.

In other words, if someone really sneaks in, no one will find it.

"Homeowner, leave the matter to me. I will definitely find out what happened and give you an innocence!"

Wu Gongling is not stupid.

If there are no such omissions, then this matter is likely to be regarded as the ancestor's anger.

现在 Now, it seems that someone intentionally did it to the disadvantage of the homeowner.

"No, I have to prove my innocence myself."

Wu Gongling wanted to persuade him, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

Even if Gong Ling surveyed it clearly, these people still kept a tadpole in her heart.

She can't make these people who are most loyal to the homeowner, but instead become one of the most unstable factors of the housekeeper.

She looked around proudly, and looked at everyone without fear.

"Whether the people here believe it or not, I can tell you frankly that it is not a god's will or an ancestor manifestation. It is someone who deliberately planted stolen goods!"

"This is impossible!"

Immediately someone retorted, and someone stood up and said righteously: "Everyone here will be loyal to the owner. No one will do such things as blasphemy!"

"How do you explain the tablets and incense? You wo n’t do it, would n’t anyone in the world do it?"

In the face of Lin Mengya's questioning, the confidence of the man's answer was not enough.

"Anyway, none of us here will do it!"

Xie Gongling sighed and explained: "Homeowner, I dare to take my head to guarantee that everyone here will not be against you."

Lin Lin Mengya's sight, like a steel knife, scratched everyone present.

"You say with all your heart that you want to be loyal to the homeowner, but now just because these things are nothing, you have questioned your beliefs. It turns out that your loyalty is so shallow and so chilling!"

There was a panic in the puppet crowd, because he suddenly realized that they wanted to be against the owner.

Some are doubtful. It's not interesting at all that what they just did is totally tantamount to betraying their creed.

And there was still obsessed and glaring at her.

Their love for her is due to loyalty, betrayal and hatred, too

in this way.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at them, and there was only helplessness in her heart.

知道 She knows this enthusiasm, and her wholehearted dedication will sooner or later go wrong.

She didn't want to, it would be so fast that she was too late to make the corresponding preparations.

Perhaps, since she hasn't been here, today's things have already been deployed.

She turned her head and looked at Gong Ling.

The latter is also the wrong look of his face.

"Ling Ling, is there any method in the clan, but let me prove my identity?"

Ling Gongling was late, just like the first dream, and nodded in a hurry, "Yes, yes, but-"


"Houshan has a hot spring eye circle, which was originally used as a bathing place for every homeowner before hosting the ancestor worship. But later, because of the rugged mountain road, we brought here. But if the identity of the homeowner is disputed , But can go there to verify. "

Sure enough, there is a way to verify, she quickly asked: "How to verify?"

这 "This is a long time ago, I have to check the ancient books."

Nian Gongling is also unclear. In fact, the inheritance of the house owner is always cautious, so there will never be controversy.

It was the little girl who first accused her of being a fake, with a bit of pride in her eyes, saying, "It is rumored that my housekeeper was born with a vision. Only the blood of the real housekeeper will appear, and other people, flatly will not have!"

"Oh? How did you know so clearly? Could it be that someone had already anticipated a dispute, so I just told you how to verify my identity?"

Her eyebrows were cold and her little girl was a little short.

But still mumbled.

"Don't care who tells me, anyway, if you dare not go, then you are fake!"

Zhe Lin Mengya retracted her gaze and looked at the people around her.

"Huh! Since I proposed it myself, naturally I will not regret it. But you have to reflect carefully, don't let people know that they have made a raft!"

After saying that, she walked out of the temple first, followed by Gong Ling.

几个 The young men who bit her tightly also followed.

Laoshan Road is indeed a bit difficult to walk.

But Lin Mengya always held her back high and walked on the mountain road in a hurry.

Behind me, followed the mighty clan.

Bai 芨 and Bai 芷 also worked hard to follow, they looked only indifferently to those people.

"Miss, let's go back! I see people here, their heads are crazy!"

She could not see her own lady being wronged, waving her fist, and said indignantly.

Bai Bai yanked her and motioned her eyes to stop talking.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled indifferently.

"Can't go, if I go now, the house will be over."

"But they are a group of lunatics! How respectful you were before, now you actually turn your face and don't recognize anyone, what kind of effort do you take that mind for?"

She glanced at Bai Yan, reached out her hand, and gently patted the back of the other's hand as a soothing.

"Stupid girl, sometimes you ca n’t just look at the surface. They are slaves who serve the masters of their generations. In their hearts, the masters are not just masters, but gods in their hearts. If anyone insults me in front of you Are you angry? "

White 芷 's face wrinkled, and her heart softened again.

"But you can't spare them so easily!"

"Of course."

Lin Lin Mengya tickled her lips, hiding a little danger in her smile.

The imperial family must not engage in blind worship.

Moreover, she did not want to make the palace family a feudal aristocracy.

If the palace family wants to survive smoothly and become a family that lasts for thousands of years, then it is necessary to turn blind obedience to someone or the identity of the homeowner into responsibility and love for the entire family.

Only everyone is proud of their family, and they can also reasonably judge whether their behavior is beneficial to the family.

At the same time, the realization of personal value and the realization of family value must complement each other in order to continue to develop.

Next to me, I have been listening to my own lady Baiji, but there is a question mark in my head.

She really doesn't know what the lady said, and dare not ask.

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