Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2033: Landlord 纹

Lin Lin Mengya only glanced at him and walked into the cave accompanied by the maid and those ten people.

She doesn't blame those outside, but it's not because of her broad-mindedness.

Their respect and love did not originally come from her, but from her identity as the owner.

Alas, she just feels a bit troublesome.

Moreover, those maliciously directed at her, which made her feel quite uncomfortable.

She's upset, naturally those "culprits" don't think about it.

In general, annoying her was not a wise decision.

I was just those outside and it was not clear.

"Homeowner, you have to ask your heart."

Mother-in-law Shao guided her.

I treat her with the same respect as before.

He is the girl who has been very active, but watching her with hate and disgust.

Gao Linmengya glanced at the girl, although she felt that she was quite righteous, but she narrowed her neck unconsciously in contact with her clear eyes that seemed to see everything.

"Well, there is work."

She nodded and followed.

I wonder if the heart hole is not particularly large, but probably because of the high temperature here, so there are many flowers and plants that grow in the shade.

I passed all the way, my eyes were fragrant.

That is a tribe who values ​​this place very much. Except for a small path in the middle, they have never trampled on everything.

Qunxin Cave is not a closed cave.

When she reached the middle, she suddenly felt suddenly open.

In front of the is an obvious hot spring pool, and there is no obstruction on it. The water vapor from the fumes evaporates, and the light above makes it look like a fairyland.

Ten people looked at each other and stood by the pool.

Bai 芨 and Bai 芷 guard her tightly, clearly.

"Please ask the owner to remove his clothes and immerse himself in the pool of inquiry."

Granny Sha's attitude is very serious, after all, this is not a joke.

The two girls in front of Gao Linmengya looked a little nervous.

Bai Bai stepped forward and asked politely: "Dare to ask Mother-in-law, how can I verify the identity of my lady? Can someone please do it for me?"

Granny Sha Sha shook her head gently and explained: "Girls don't have to worry. This question is that the heart spring is good for the body and will definitely not make the homeowner any discomfort. As for how to verify, please be patient with the girl."

In my opinion, the attitude is resolute.

Bai 芨 returned, her eyes were worried about her.

Zhe Lin Mengya blinked at her, a definite smile on her lips, but the latter froze immediately.

Isn't the lady already expected?

Mother-in-law Sha Sha was not in a hurry, but said very understandingly: "Please rest assured that there are only a few of us here, and there will be no other person snooping."

With this in mind, Lin Mengya is absolutely assured.

The little girl next to her uncle froze and said coolly, "Don't you have a ghost in your heart, don't you dare?"

Bai Yan immediately glared at the other side, picking up his fist and going to talk to the other side, but was stopped by Bai Yan.

"Whether or not I can verify successfully, you will certainly not stay in Gongjiazhuang again."

From the beginning to the present, Lin Mengya finally revealed her cold and domineering side.

The little girl stared, but with a little fear.

"Why do you? I tell you, even those outside you recognize you, as long as we don't recognize you, you will never be the real housekeeper!"

Her eyes were cool, and the smile on her face was scary.

It turned out that they actually had the idea.

The people in the palace family do not inherit the qualifications of the palace family, because they are only slaves who are loyal to the palace family owner alone.

But again, they have their own mission.

If she doesn't pass the verification, then never want to see the secret they are guarding!

"Oh. What do you mean, who is the owner, can you just let it go?"

She raised an eyebrow, with a look of indescribable evil.

"I see, you have forgotten your identity for so many years!"

Her reprimand left ten people speechless.

The little girl had to talk back, but was pulled by the people nearby.

Gao Linmengya looked around coldly for a week, and stretched her arms. Bai Yan and Bai Yan took off her dress neatly, leaving only a thin shirt.

Zhe Lin Mengya stepped to the steps step by step, and walked into the pond a little bit under the watch of everyone.

Everyone, eyes widened.

The cloth was soaked in water, and she became transparently attached to her exquisite body.

Gao Linmengya only felt that the temperature of the water was a bit high at first, but after getting used to it, she felt that the water was really comfortable.

She squinted and stood in the center of the pond.

Gradually, she felt a tingling sensation, rising from her waist.

"Master, please get up a little!"

Outside Shaozi, Sha Sha was nervous.

Ji Ke Lin Mengya just got up, and a sudden pain came.

With a bang, she couldn't support it and fell into the pool.


Bai 芨 exclaimed with Bai 芷, and immediately wanted to run to the pool to save people.

But was pulled by others, the girl laughed proudly.

"I said, I said she was fake—"

The next moment, she seemed to be strangled by a neck and stared at the woman who stood up again in disbelief.

"Yes, it's ethnic pattern!"

Among the ten people, an old woman with the oldest qualifications and the most noble status, stared at the woman in the pond with surprise.

I was just struggling, and her clothes were washed away, revealing her perfect carcass.

Starting from a slender white waist, a plum blossom mix of glamorous and cold arrogance stretched to her chest.

She was coughing, but a strange purple appeared between her brows.

The transparent water drops kept falling, and everyone was surprised at the lines appearing on her body. No one noticed the bright purple eyes.


Several of Sha Sha's mother-in-law immediately knelt down and moved to tears.

Bai 芨 and Bai 芷 did not bother about the other, "噗通" jumped into the pool of water at once, helped her to the outside of the pool and put on a coat.

"Miss, how are you upset?"

Bai Bian gave her a soft back immediately, Bai Bian took her sleeves and wiped her face, for fear that she might get something wrong.

"It's all right."

Actually, she was just unprepared for a moment, so she got a pain in her feet.

Now, it ’s much better, but my mouth and nose are still a bit uncomfortable, probably because of being choked by water.

"Homeowner! Ask the homeowner to sin!"

Twenty-nine kneeled in front of her, sincerely remorseful.

I ask the reason why Xinquan can be used to verify the identity of the palace's owner, because if it is a real owner, after immersing in it, the family pattern of plum blossoms will appear on the body.

This is a magical pattern that only the blood of the owner can have.

Jain started with the birth of the owner, and the previous generation of the owner painted with a magical paint.

The former plum-shaped mark of Zhe Lin Mengya was used to confuse outsiders


Because only by using the spring water of Wenxinquan can we truly inspire the characteristics of this pigment.

Now, no one can question her identity.

"no no!"

The only one who stood was the girl who questioned her from the beginning.

In addition to panic, the girl's face had deep fear.

From the beginning, she identified it as a shameless liar.

That's why she was easy to deny her.

But now, the facts are before her, and she suddenly feels that the sky is falling apart.

Because it was she who killed the only faith in her heart!

"Homeowner, are you really our homeowner?"

In the girl's eyes, there was a touch of fanaticism.

But a word from Lin Mengya made her freeze in an instant.

"I am the owner of all of them, but I am not yours."

She is expressionless and has no extra emotions.

"Sha Sha, from now on, drive her out of the palace. And her family and her supporters."

"I do not want!"

The girl finally realized that she was afraid now.

跪 Kneeling at Lin Mengya's feet, she could not help crying.

"Homeowner, I was wrong. But I was blinded too, homeowner, you cannot drive us all out, we are your most loyal slaves!"

"Oh? Really?"

声音 Her voice was faint and she could not hear any ups and downs.

But alert like Granny Sha, she heard a little danger from it.

"Who did you hear about this I am not the owner?"

The girl froze for a moment, then immediately lowered her head.

"You just heard a word from someone else, and you chose to vilify your homeowner. Your loyalty is really cheap."

Lin Mengya did not hesitate to poke the girl's hypocritical lies.

What a commendable but sad quality she has seen so many loyal people.

的 People like girls don't deserve such beautiful words.

The crippled girl burst into tears, but no one dared to plead.

They looked into her eyes, in reverence, with a multitude of intentions.

Lin Lin Mengya only felt ridiculous.

This is the most intuitive and simple difference.

The self who had no ethnic pattern before was a prisoner who could be treated at will.

But now, it seems that they have the power to kill and kill and become the masters of their fate.

It's like a robot, executing those specific programs.

For a while, she even wanted to leave, regardless of the impulse of these people.

"Drag her down and dispose of it as ordered by the owner!"

Mother-in-law Wu Sha solemnly ordered that there were two mother-in-laws who blocked the girl's mouth that kept crying and then dragged them away.

Others still surrendered at the feet of Lin Mengya, continuing their old and traditional loyalty.

"you guys"

Bai 芷 some can not see the hypocrisy of these people.

The girl is abominable, but just now they all acquiesced, but now, they come to pretend to be loyal servants.

I was stopped by Lin Mengya.

"Baiyu, I'm tired, I want to go back first."

Bai 芷 was resentful, but after glaring at them, she turned to help her own lady.

After Lin Mengya got dressed, she glanced at the pool water that had been restored, and tightened her lips.

谁 Who did all this?

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