Outside of my heart, almost everyone is looking forward to it.

When the girl was thrown out by two mother-in-laws, and by the way announced the result, the people couldn't help cheering.

But soon they realized one thing.

That was before they offended the homeowner.

Uneasy and regretful became the source of panic for all of them.

Gong Ling looked at the people who had already panicked, Gong Ling could not help but sigh.

He knew this would happen.

Regardless of whether the homeowner is true or false, the harm to the tribe is unavoidable.

Now, it's just one more cruel result.

Hope, the owner can show mercy.

Soon he heard the end of the girl's family.

Cut the grass and eradicate it.

I drove all the girls' family and supporters out as much as they ruined everything.

Of course they will live, but guilt and regret will torture the hearts of these people.

These people were tortured for the rest of their lives, because they had betrayed their only master in their hearts.

This is also a signal from the young homeowner.

They can betray, but the only result they get is being abandoned by the entire family.

Gong Ling could not help but take a breath.

For people like them, being abandoned by the family is more frightening than death.

For a moment, all of them were afraid of the owner.

Zhe Lin Mengya emerged from the questioning heart and ignored these people.

I should never punish her for being soft. Now, it is more important to find out the real behind the scenes.


Xi Gongling greeted him, and just wanted to say something, but saw that person just waved his hand and said, "I will not hold the blame of others except the one who started the figurines. Now, I want to go down the mountain."

Suddenly a cool tone, suddenly the distance between them was getting farther and farther.

Xun Gongling could not help repenting in his heart.

I'm afraid that the owner who would be careful and helpless is gone.

Perhaps this is the price.


Gong Ling stepped back silently, Gong Ling is an understanding person, she does not need to say anything.

All the people retreat from the road, and are more angry than the just sentiment. Now they are like a weak young bird. It seems that she can be easily cut off at any time by her.

Zhe Lin Mengya saw too clearly that this is the most changeable part of human nature.

A thought can be good or evil.

She didn't have time to take care of these people, she only took Bai Ai and Bai Ai and hurried back to Zhuangzi.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw someone fighting inside.

Ada they instantly appeared in front of her, let A Er and A San protect her firmly, and whispered: "I'll go inside to explore the situation, my wife is waiting here now."

Before Lin Mengya had time to question their sudden change of title, she saw Ada, holding the knife in her hand, and rushed in.

Although the other party was very cunning, they chose to do it when they both went to ask their hearts, but they never dreamed about it. Lin Mengya had been in the dark and arranged for the people, waiting for them to come.

Under the protection of A Er and A San, around Lin Mengya, no enemy dared to step forward.

Sure enough, as Long Tianyu said, except for those who are hard to deal with even by themselves, these three people can absolutely protect her under any circumstances.

Soon, the battle was coming to an end.

She saw Bai Su and Cai Ru, and when they saw her, they hurried forward and returned.

"Master, we have been at the shrine as you have instructed. Sure enough, after you left, the shrine rushed into many people. Now, we have been taken down by us!"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, very satisfied.

Don't look at the number of people they brought in this time, but each is an elite.

"Yes, my brothers? Are they injured?"

Because he has to calculate the plan, Lin Mengya was afraid that her brothers would be there, because she might be out of season, so she gave people money for various reasons.

But she didn't dare to support it too far, lest they encounter unexpected events, and sent someone to protect them in secret.

Cai Ru said with a smile: "Master, rest assured, all five sons are safe and sound. It was true that someone wanted to attack them, but they were stopped by our people. Now, the second son and the fifth son are also helping out there. . "

It turned out so.

If there are two brothers and five brothers, it would be really powerful.

I was talking, several people ran out.

"Don't run! Stop!"

The people under her cloth also chased out.

Xi Baisu and Cairu immediately caught up and joined the hunting team.

He squinted at the enemy on his stomach, and there was no way to escape.

The people actually took one and stabbed their weapon at their companions.

There were several beeps, and several people's chests were penetrated by sharp blades.

In front of everyone, I gradually cut off the vitality.


Mi Gong, who was responsible for the chase, cursed a little irritably.

These people dare to count his little sister, so that he can't wait to rush up, and then cut a knife of 70 or 80 to deflate!

"Brother Five."

Gao Linmengya yelled, and Gongwu immediately turned around, threw the blood-stained sword, and came over.

I pinched her shoulders and looked up and down carefully before asking: "You girl, how can such a big thing be kept from us? Is it impossible, do you look down on us?"

Tong Ming knew that this was the anger of Wu Brother, so Lin Mengya was not anxious to explain.

He just looked at the corpses behind him.

"Are all dead?"

Hagiya nodded somewhat discouraged.

邪 This group of people is so bad that when they start, they are all deadly.

But once a companion is injured, the companion who was just fighting alongside him will end his life immediately.

The trick is called a neat and neat thing.

"It's okay, that's not to blame you."

From the actions of those people just now, Lin Mengya understands that these people are well-trained dead.

Even if such a person is caught, it is very laborious to force them to ask.

Besides, besides killing each other, they also have other suicide methods.

Lin Lin Mengya walked to one of them.

They did not cover their faces, and what surprised Mengya Lin was that there were men and women in these dead men.

It surprised her a little.

"Remove these bodies and burn them together."

She checked it once and got up and instructed.

The bodies were all "clean".

In other words, they could not find any clues to their identity.

Except for one thing, these people's bodies are very healthy.

You must know that as a dead man, the most secret and most dangerous thing to do.

死 For their masters, the dead are generally the best tools at the same time, and they can be thrown away when they are used up.

No one will take good care of a disposable cup, dead men, too.

So she felt a little strange.

"Search for it, look at these people, there is no sin!"

Wu Gong hate said.

His servants scattered immediately and began to search from room to room.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the messy room and asked smoothly: "Did they ever care about anything after they came in?"

Wu Baisu kept staring, and when he saw this, he replied, "It's nothing special. They just rushed to the shrine, and then we were chased to other houses. Now it seems that their purpose should be the shrine."

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded, and people went to the shrine.

It's more chaotic here than outside. At a glance, you can see how fierce the battle that erupted here just now.

Because of the things to be verified, except for a small number of people here, others followed her to Houshan.

Some of these people were killed or injured, but most of them were rescued even by Bai Su who appeared.

Zaolin Mengya searched carefully in the temple, but found nothing.

"Without any secret passages and mezzanines, is it possible that they are here to grab the spirit?"

She murmured to herself, but suddenly, a flash of aura.


She screamed badly, turned around and flew out.

The person next to me was also close behind.

"Aer, go tell everyone, go to the ancestral tomb of Houshan Palace!"

She really prevented the enemy's sneak attack, but she only prevented some people.

The ancestral shrine may indeed hide the secrets of the palace family, after all, this is regarded as the sacred place of the palace family.

The ancestral tomb is also one of the holy places of the palace family!

If there are secrets hidden, then these are the only two options.

However, because there are artisans in the ancestral tomb and other people responsible for guarding, she did not arrange too many staff to pass by.

Hope that's too late!

In front of the tomb of the palace's ancestor in Mt. Houhou, Gongsi led all the craftsmen to hide first.

工 The artisans are timid, afraid to pray repeatedly, for fear of being affected.

Hei Palace did not reveal his identity because he knew that there would be someone outside to guard him.

四 "Four sons, will we really be fine?"

The puppet artisans looked at him. After all, everyone came out to work, and peace was the most important thing.

The palace nodded four times, soothing everyone's emotions.

当然 "Of course not. You can rest assured that everyone here will be okay and will never be hurt by those scumbags."

He looks amiable, his voice is gentle and gentle, and he has earned a good impression.

工 The emotions of the artisans gradually stabilized, but he was relieved.

They are a family temple here, but what is enshrined in it is the first owner of the palace and their ancestors.

The annual ancestor worship is held here.

He looked inside the craftsman. Two people got up, sneaky, and wanted to go inside.


Nishinomiya wanted to stop each other, but the two moved very fast.

I instantly ran to the entrance of the ancestral tomb.

That is an auricular chamber in which sacrifices are held. Usually only the head of the palace family and the ruling person in power can enter.

"You can't go in!"

Hagong chased after him in anxiety, but the two men quickly twisted on the candlestick beside.

"Kachaka" Several voices came, and the entrance of the ear chamber was opened by them!

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