Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2037: Death hypnosis

受伤 She couldn't wear thick clothes when she was injured, and Long Tianyu distressed her again. After a while, she was sent a lot of things.

A string of beads was hung in the room, and a screen was placed inside.

The door was blocked by a heavy cotton curtain at the entrance, and I didn't know what method the man used. There weren't many charcoal basins, but the room was a lot warmer.

She wore only a tulle skirt and didn't feel cold at all.

Bai 的 and Bai 芷 saw their wounds and blamed themselves even more.

只有 Only they were present at the time. If they knew that those people were so unwilling, they would have locked something, and they would not let the young lady get into the water and suffer.

"Miss, here you are."

Outside, Cai Ru talked back.

Bai Yan immediately stood up angrily, gritted his teeth and looked angrily at the door.

At this moment, Xiaoxue looked like a wolf-faced dog.

She fell to the ground, and banged her head.

After mother-in-law Sha Sha returned, she transmitted the patriarch's order to all the people.

Those people who were still embarrassed and ridiculed to her and the cheerful people.

Everyone did not hesitate to push the guilt of the disobedient patriarch to her.

But they obviously have the right to choose not to believe?

Why did you have something wrong and it became her fault?

"I've seen the patriarch, patriarch, I was wrong, please forgive our family."

Now, Xiao Xue is still begging.

But Bai 红 was angry with a pair of eyes, and when he walked over, he raised his hand and hit.

After seeing the girl shrink back a little, I unwillingly accepted it.

"You still have a face to ask my lady! You know, you almost killed my lady!"

Bai Yan immediately pulled people back.

Although she doesn't wait to see Xiaoxue, Miss still has something to ask.

Lin Lin Mengya fell across the screen to the girl who couldn't stop begging her to beg her for forgiveness.

I honestly, it's not just Xiaoxue's fault.

But since she has made a choice, she has to pay the corresponding price.

是 如此 Everyone in this world.

"Xiao Xue, there is no reason to take back what I said. Besides, how long can you continue to live in the clan even if I let you stay?"

Wu Xiaoxue didn't understand the meaning of her words before, but after a while, she couldn't help shivering.

The whole person fell down and collapsed to the ground.

My homeowner was right.

If she stayed, the people would surely consider her a traitor.

When she thought of the attitude of the "traitors" within the clan, she couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Although exiled, it is hard, but at least, their family can survive.

"Thank you for your grace."

但 "But I want to know who directed you."

Xiao Xiaoxue gritted his teeth, but he was ready to carry it to the end.

Lin Lin Mengya was not in a hurry, only slowly revealed the reasons she did not say.

"I guess it must have been told by the mountain **** or the angel of the mountain god? Maybe he also said that if you give him up, the mountain **** will come to your family's head. Your parents, relatives Friends, you will be punished by God for your leak, and maybe die. "

Xiao Xiaoxue widened her eyes suddenly and looked at her in horror.

The whole man was thrown into the frozen river water, shaking irresistibly.


Su Linlin Mengya suddenly felt something wrong, and hurriedly said, "Cai Ru, she wants to bite her tongue!"

The latter stepped forward and hugged Xiaoxue's head.

After a short while, the girl clenched her teeth. If it was slower and a little bit, her whole tongue would be bitten by her!

"She seems a little confused, master, what should I do?"

Cairu held her jaw strongly, making her unable to bite.

But people rolled their eyes, as if they were crazy.

"Stun her!"

Zhe Lin Mengya walked out quickly, at this time Cai Ru also stunned people.

No one expected this change.

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed Xiaoxue's hand and checked the other parts.

"She was hypnotized."

Xiao Xue's body did not have any sudden illness.

If it wasn't a small medicine reminder just now, now I'm afraid this girl will have to die.


Bai 芷 looked at her in doubt, Lin Mengya nodded and explained a few words to them.

"If Xiaoxue wants to say something about that mountain god, then this hypnosis will be triggered and she will bite her tongue and commit suicide."

With these words, a few people around him couldn't help emitting a layer of cold sweat.

Bai Frow frowned, and said in disgust, "Where is this mountain god? It is clearly a devil! Fortunately, there is a lady, otherwise this girl, wouldn't it be a life in vain?"

Lin Lin Mengya lowered Xiaoxue's arm.

This time she was forcibly interrupted, maybe Xiaoxue will not be controlled by this hypnotic command in the future.

And now she finally understood why Xiao Xue would be brainwashed.

Yes, it's hypnosis and brainwashing.

年轻 Young immature children are more likely to be brainwashed than other determined people.

因为 Because of the existence of this directive, they are not worried that someone will leak the incident afterwards.

"Cai Ru, you immediately go to the clan and find those who have seen the mountain god. Remember, you must not be forced to ask them everything about the mountain god, and bring them here as soon as possible!"


Xun Cairu knows very well, and ran out immediately.

But she was still one step behind.

The dissatisfaction and hatred of the Dai people towards these people far exceeded Lin Mengya's expectations.

I almost lost her identity the moment she was identified.

Due to the orders of the homeowners, they can no longer physically punish those who have been expelled from the house.

But they still blocked people and asked them why they betrayed the owner.

The children panicked.

They don't know why those close friends and relatives have an immediate dislike for them.

I faced these people with words that were more unpleasant than words. Looking at my parents, I couldn't help but not, but in exchange, it was even more humiliating and insulting. Some children were on the verge of collapse.

"I said, I said, yes"

孩子 The child's complexion suddenly turned before he could say something.

He severed his tongue severely. In the horrified eyes of everyone, he opened his mouth full of blood, one piece together, and said endless words.

"Oh dead!"

The crowd disappeared for a moment.

The rest was full of fear for the child.

With a stun, the child fell to the ground, and the helplessness in his big eyes had solidified.

"Dead, dead! It is the punishment of the mountain god, the punishment of the mountain god!"

Someone shouted in panic.

The remaining three teenagers all shuffled into a ball.

They look at their parents

Alas, crying and seeking help from parents.

"We didn't mean it, we don't want to die!"

After seeing the death of his companions, these children finally knew the fear.

At this moment, the secret of the mountain **** was like the sickle of death, and was placed on the necks of the three young men.

"Stop! Don't say anything!"

At that moment, Cairu arrived.

But one of the teenagers has already moved his mind.

He was threatened by death, completely forgetting those taboos.

But in a blink of an eye, his hypnotic command was triggered, his hard teeth biting hard at the soft tongue.

But the next moment, he was hit hard in the back of the neck.

The other two teenagers were also stunned by Cai Ru.

的 The parents of those children immediately stepped forward and picked up their children.

Except for the first teenager who broke her tongue, the other two were stunned before she could bite.

I'm fine, it's not too late.

There are five and a half children, one dead and one injured, and the rest are still in a coma.

This result has shrouded the entire Gongjiazhuang in a bleak atmosphere.

Although Lin Mengya also has some research on hypnosis, but after testing, she found that the person who set this command was an absolute master.

But she is not without methods.

后 After the two teenagers woke up, she asked someone to remove the chins of the two teenagers, and then seduced them to say something about the mountain god.

Don't look at the solution is very simple, but for them who were unprepared before, as long as a little later, these five children can never be saved.

"Master, people are sober now. However, they don't seem to remember things about the mountain god."

Xi Cairu frowned, and the development of this incident has been beyond their expectations.

Also, it hurt the master

If the boss knows, I'm afraid he will run away again.

I nodded. For this result, Lin Mengya was not surprised.

Although the suicide order is released, those same people will definitely stay behind.

Now these four children have completely lost their memories of the mountain god.

他们 For them, they have become the owner who can serve them enthusiastically.

But unfortunately, the previous things have not been wiped out because of their oblivion.

This is more painful than keeping them in memory.

"Send people first, remember to send someone to protect them secretly."

Forgetting it does not mean absolute security, and maybe those people will cut the grass.

However, the parents of those children recalled that the reason why those children would undergo such changes is, without exception, that they have lost their way in Houshan.

Some of them knew, and some of them were accidentally revealed later.

In other words, when they "lost", they will be deceived and hypnotized by the mountain god.

It seemed to her that she was going to see Houshan in person.

Nine Dragon Tianyu's ointment works wonders, and her own resilience is also abnormal.

After only two days, the wound was almost healed, leaving only a dark red mark on the skin like snow, which was shocking.

Nine Dragons Tianyu still kept his "accompany sleep", willing to be her human flesh, did not let her in the sleep, break even a little wound.

In this regard, Lin Mengya expressed great satisfaction.

That night, the two hugged and slept again, and Long Tianyu finally no longer had to be so careful.

When she just applied her medicine, she said softly like coaxing a little girl: "Don't worry, look back, I'll find some of the best scar creams for you."

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