Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2038: Final goal

Chen Long Tianyu knew she loved beauty.

In the past, whether she used gouache or rouge or soap for bathing her body, she had carefully formulated the formula and had all kinds of beauty and beauty functions.

The effect is so good that it goes up and down the palace, and even the ladies and ladies of the family secretly ask for her.

The flesh in his body was raised like a fine white goat fat white jade, delicate and soft, but also exuding a jade-like luster, so that he could not help but sink when he saw it.

怎么 How can she bear such an ugly scar?

Gao Linmengya lowered her eyes, but asked, "What if you can't get rid of it?"

She feels a little jealous.

In fact, this is the same thing as asking if one day she is old and yellow, will he change his heart.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not respond at once, he only had to worry about what to do if she was really unable to get rid of the scar.

I dressed her in a veil, hugged her in her arms, and continued comforting with a soft voice that no one had ever heard.

不会 "No. I will find the best doctor and use the best materials. Also, your scars are not so serious."

Lin Mengya was a little angry.


Sure enough, the most important thing for a man is the skin. He turned his head and pushed the man away, saying coldly, "Do you think it's ugly, too? You can choose not to watch, anyway, I also have a day when the flesh is loose."

At this moment, Long Tianyu reversed his taste.

He laughed and put the wife and babies who were not often **** into her arms.

"how could be?"

He lifted her gauze slightly, and kissed her shoulder gently on the scar that she was already almost the same.

"In my eyes, you are the most beautiful no matter what you look like. Moreover, your scars look beautiful. Not only is my wife, even the wound is beautiful."

Asked softly, lingering love words, instantly unlocked her heart.

Lin Lin Mengya was not tangled at once.

She laughed to herself, when did she care so much about her beauty and ugliness.

However, Yu has something to say.

No matter what it is, it always has its own unique beauty.

Hey, you have to learn to accept everything first.

Thinking about it that way, she didn't feel how ugly the scar was.

"What do you think about the past two days?"

She played with Long Tianyu's fingers, thinking about those rumors about the mountain god.

Death hypnosis, she had told him.

In the past few days, he has been busy tracking the matter.

"I've sent people to Houshan to see them, they are very careful and leave no trace."

The matter was related to Lin Mengya, Long Tianyu could not let it go.

But Ke Houshan was clean, compared to the appearance of the mountain god, not even a broken mountain temple.

"I also asked people about those people. They all said that the legend of the mountain **** on the back of the mountain was passed down many years ago, and no one has taken it seriously. Only in the past few years, the mountain **** has appeared frequently. Only to let them gradually Take it seriously. "

This is exactly the result of his investigation.

The other party is very cunning, and the mountain **** has long existed, not by a few people to fabricate it out of thin air.

In this way, many clues have been blurred and hidden in the legend, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Do you remember Gong Tu?"

She asked suddenly, Long Tianyu nodded.

当然 This person, of course, he remembers, after all, he had been in the house for a while.

He was only later, and was cleaned up by his wife like a mourning dog, and was running away.

"In the past, I thought that the reason why he would collude with those people was through the path of Lin Mengwu. But now I want to come, but I feel a bit wrong."

Xiao Long Tianyu gave her a look that let her continue talking.

"Lin Mengwu used the medicine to control the great ancestors, and even Gong Tu was restrained by her. This shows that there is a big contradiction between them. At first I thought that this was because they were distributing the house benefits. Contradictions. But now it seems that maybe they just started to worship different docks? "

I am not without this possibility.

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words and fell into contemplation.

"The group that Lin Mengwu is relying on is a powerful force in Xiancheng. The people in their group are trying to expand the sphere of influence on the ground. Therefore, they will stare at the palace family. But they are The weight of the fairy city is not heavy. "

Wuxiancheng's power distribution is intricate and complex, not much stronger than on the ground.

If I hadn't shared common interests, I'd have feared that it would have been a long time since then.

不是 He didn't want to provoke alienation in the past and let Xiancheng take his own life.

But it is a pity that the people over Xiancheng were earlier than the people above the ground and realized their situation.

Faced with the pressure of survival, no one is so stupid.

"But I later discovered that Gong Tu also seemed to have some status. An ambitious person like him would naturally not be willing to fall behind. But so is Lin Mengwu, and she would never be willing to be a human pedal. Therefore, I think that the two of them should be an equal position where interests can be exchanged. "

Gong Tuzi Needless to say, he is an ambitionist who values ​​power.

Lin Lin Mengwu is proud and vain.

If Gong Tu really walked her way, she would have used Gong Tu as a slave long ago. Where would she use her heart to restrain the other party?

"The Gong Tu tribe is different from this branch of Gongjiazhuang, but the place where they live is not far from here. Do you think that those people had this idea before?"

This pulse of the housekeeper is not so much a tribe as a private slave of the housekeeper.

They can't leave Gongjiazhuang at will, they must guard the ancestral tomb of the house, and they don't have the right to inherit the housekeeper or other important positions.

They exist for the house owner.

For such people, they will become extremely troublesome in the eyes of some people.

Because they would rather die, they would never reveal the secrets related to the housekeeper!

如果 "If their purpose is to know the secrets of some palace families, then the easiest way is to support Lin Mengwu and become the palace owner."

Lin Lin Mengya muttered to herself, and suddenly she remembered another thing.

"Before Lin Mengwu was so pretending to be my relatives and sisters, maybe I knew that asking Xinquan could verify the identity of the owner!"

They can give her medicine, it must be the secret to know her ethnic pattern.

Perhaps, they have some means to get Lin Mengwu confused.

According to their original plan, the people who came to worship the ancestors this time should be Lin Mengwu.

I just, but she broke through all the conspiracy!

She stopped with excitement, only feeling that it all strung together.

The purpose of those people is not above a palace house.

What they ultimately point to is the secret that may exist in the ancestral tomb of the palace family!

"Even if she knew it, she couldn't get over it."

Chen Long Tianyu bowed her head and rubbed her hand with her chin.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at him.

"How do you know? And, the mountain **** went to hypnotize those people, maybe they already know these secrets?"

She was anxious.

No matter what the secret, it is important to make these people so costly.

But Long Tianyu stroked her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down.

"The secrets of the palace family will not be hidden in the mouth of a group of domestic slaves. With the wisdom of the ancestors of the palace family, they will not think of these things."

This is true.

But she still felt that it was not very secure.

"What's more, that was the tomb of the palace masters of the past. Even if Lin Mengwu can mix in, he may not be able to get in."

He said this, it made some sense, but she was still puzzled.

"But if the secret of the palace family is not in their hands, is it not lost to me?"

I calmed people down, Long Tianyu said his guess a little bit.

"Instead of leaving those secrets that are easy to be discovered, it is better to stay behind, only the secrets that can be unlocked by future generations. I think that the secrets in the ancestral tombs of the palace should only be cracked by you."

Only she can crack?

Identity, or blood? Could it be that she has to be verified again?

You know, apart from the flesh and bones, only that family pattern was inherited from her mother.

"It seems that we have to go to Zuling earlier to have a look."

Looking at the anxiety in her eyes, Long Tianyu felt a little distressed.

"Well, don't worry. Before they failed you, there must be a back trick. Now that I know that the mountain **** may be related to the forces behind Gong Tu, I will let people check."

It's so easy to say this.

Su Lin Mengya suddenly felt like she had never seen through his own man.

"I said"

She suddenly approached, and her red lips were only a finger away from his lips.

"How many identities do you have? How do I always feel that you don't seem to be afraid of those in Xiancheng?"

Chen Long Tianyu raised his lips.

I looked away, but stared at the tenderness in front of me.

"I'm afraid to do the same, not to be afraid. Since it's the same, why should I be afraid?"

"You haven't answered my question directly!"

The next moment he kissed him.

Lin Lin Mengya tried to struggle, but was imprisoned by a pair of iron arms.

"As long as you remember, even if you poke a hole in the sky, your husband can take it for you."

She gasped against his chest and rolled her eyes while listening to the man's words.

"What if I want to kill all the people in the world? Why, would you still give me a knife?"

"Ha ha."

Xun Long Tianyu laughed and made her even more upset. She was about to bite him as revenge, but the man grabbed his shoulder.

"If you want to kill everyone in the world, I am the knife in your hand."

声音 His voice is soft, but his brows are serious.

It seemed as if he could do anything with her order.

"You're stupid, I'm not a demon, why are you killing people!"

She dissatisfied and poked Long Tianyu's handsome face.

This kind of bottomless petting is sometimes quite creepy.

靠 She leaned back into his arms, but her heart was full.

Therefore, she missed Long Tianyu's relieved smile.

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