Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2044: Venomous rattan

"You want to bring people back to non-Yecheng?"

Frowning slightly, Long Tianyu obviously didn't agree with her.

I want to come, these people shot at her one after another, exhausting all his patience.

Annihilation killed them with a sword, which was a great step backward.

Lin Mengya took his hand and said softly, "I know you won't agree. Actually, I thought that since they are loyal to the housekeeper and the housekeeper, there are some positions that belong to them. However, probably they It's closed all the year round, so it's easier to be incited. I think they'll be able to use it after a few years of practice. "

How to deal with these people is also a headache.

Fortunately, the previous events have stopped them from worshiping blindly like they did at the beginning.

For Lin Mengya, they are more guilty and fearful.

These people are frightened. If she abandons them all now, I'm afraid that they will be pushed to death.

"Either, it's up to you to decide for yourself."

Nian Long Tianyu, although unhappy, will also respect her decision.

Lin Lin Mengya naturally knew the awkward mind of his man and took the initiative to send him to hug him.

对 "Well, what's the use of this thing?"

之前 She hid things before and hid them in her chest.

I now take it out and bring the seductive fragrance of her body.

Chen Longyu's dissatisfaction was getting heavier. He looked at the silver seed coldly and said stiffly, "It's never going to be a good thing."

Zhe Lin Mengya laughed aloud.

怎么 Why do my men eat all vinegar?

She placed the seed in the middle of her palm and observed it carefully.

Except for the top, there is no gap in the silver casing.

But something that can make their own ancestors attach so much importance must not be simple.

"What are you going to do with this thing?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu covered the true emotions in his eyes.

虽然 Although he didn't know the role of this kind of thing, he intuitively told him that this thing was a little bit unknown.

If he could, he would like to destroy this thing, lest it bring Yaer some unforeseen danger.

"I want to go to the ear chamber on the other side first."

The secret chamber where the seeds are hidden is not the ancestral tomb of the palace.

The teenager she was locked in must be trapped there.

Although it was simple when she went in, her ancestor still kept the killing tactics.

Now that the seeds are in hand, she has no intention of disturbing those black cats again.

让 Let's make it here forever.

"Okay, but I want to go with you this time."

刚 She just wanted to refuse, but could not help nodding after seeing his stinking face.

I hugged him and gave him a deep kiss. It wasn't until the two men's breath blended before they reluctantly separated.

After the two talked again, Cai Ru disappeared for a long time.

"Master, surely someone wants to steal that purse. I've let you out on my own, as you instructed."

She is never short of staff.

I never thought that Gong Tu could sneak into the tomb without knowing it.

"Well, I know."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and frowned, Long Tianyu could not help but shave her neck.

"Little bad guy, so many arrangements, even I hide it."

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed his neck and raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, if you were willing to exchange your secrets, I would know everything."

Xiao Long Tian Yuming knew it

She is deliberately making trouble, but it is difficult to control herself, and she lowers her head to taste the petal-like mouth.

好 "Okay, I will tell you all from now on."

Lin Mengya, who had been taken advantage of, could only stare at a pair of misty eyes and looked at each other unwillingly.

I am really treacherous, her beauty is probably useless!

On the second day, Lin Mengya brought Long Tianyu to the temple again without notifying anyone.

里面 In the remaining ear chamber, it looks exactly the same as before.

The only difference is that a majestic town tomb animal is carved on the door of the closed tomb.

She thought it was open the same way as there, but didn't want Long Tianyu to step one step ahead of her and find the institution.

With the opening of the tomb door "Booming", the dark and icy tomb reminded her that this is the real tomb of the ancestors.

After waiting for the dusty air that had been sealed for many years, she and Long Tianyu took the torch in their hands and entered the tomb.

Every not far, there is an oil lamp.

Xiaolong Tianyu touched it, there was only some solidified or dried oil.

It seems to me that many people here really haven't come in.

"You said for a while, we will not encounter any traps for the institutions?"

Lin Lin Mengya approached him unconsciously.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also took advantage of the trend, grabbing her waist.

"Follow me, don't run around."

He instructed with some dignity, Lin Mengya nodded immediately, and accompanied him neatly.

的 The graveyard here is not as long as the other side.

I soon reached the corner.

"Be careful!"

She was hugged by him violently, and took a few steps back, which made it possible to avoid the danger ahead.

"Is this rattan?"

A rustling sound suddenly sounded in the darkness ahead.

Zhe Lin Mengya, relying on her good eyesight, could only see the outline.

In front of her, she flirted with bravery and fluttered the branches, seemingly countless barbed canes.

If they're just one step late, I'm afraid they will be scratched by the rattan.

"what is this?"

"Master, this is a blood-sucking vine, and the barbs and juices are highly toxic."

In the system, the little medicine has come to an answer.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

Is this a defensive measure made by my ancestors?

He could hear the people nearby, but he snorted coldly.

"Huh! I still think of something, but it's such an unstoppable thing."

I do not know why, Lin Mengya heard a bit of low anger from his tone.

"Don't move, I'll cut them all!"

Xiaolong Tianyu was fearless, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

"I have a better way."

He lowered his head and looked at Lin Mengya in doubt.

He saw that the latter slightly moved his body, and in the depths of his eyes, a glamorous purple appeared.

Lin Lin Mengya let go of his hand and turned back to give him a slightly restless smile.

Soon, when she stepped into the corner again, although the rattan made a more urgent "rustle" sound, none of them came forward.

Poisons, whether they are animals or plants, have a fear of being strong.

Now, she is full of rattan that can't be matched by vampire vines. So, instinctively, vampire vines are afraid.

After Lin Lin Mengya tried it, she walked to the depths of the Vampire Vine without fear.

According to Xiaoyao, vampire vine is originally a kind of grasshopper.

As long as the root system is pulled out, it will wither and die in the shortest time, and can no longer cause any harm.

In the darkness, the vampire vine, which has always been mad, is stepping back.

At the end, all of its rattans curled up into a ball. In front of her, no power was left.

She is their king. In front of her, there is no poison of any kind.

Lin Lin Mengya saw the ball and reached out to dig.

All the rattan can only get out of the way, Lin Mengya's fingers dug into the soil, but touched a touch of hardness.

The root system of the vampire vine is rooted in it.

It took her a lot of work to dig things up.

All the vampire vines stunned down instantly, lying weakly on the ground.

But Lin Mengya saw that in her hand was a human head that had become bones.

A little disgusted, he pulled out all the vampire vines.

邪 This evil thing is most likely not made by your own ancestor.

After clearing her head briefly, she placed it next to the vampire vine.

The torture suffered after strangulation finally came to an end, I hope the deceased can rest in peace.

Xiao Long Tianyu also walked to her in time. After seeing the head, Long Tianyu said coldly, "Sure enough."


She looked at the other side in doubt, the latter explained: "This thing, I am afraid, is the fairy city flowing out and being placed in the mother grave road."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the disgusting rattan, which could be raised so much, and did not know how much nourishment she had sucked.

He is just an immortal city. Why should this thing be placed in the ancestral tomb of the palace?

She was skeptical, and went on with Long Tianyu.

Under his feet, he made a creak.

She lowered her head and looked, but saw some skeletons that were already scattered.

She crouched down and looked closely, but found that most of these skeletons are actually cats!

Big and small, I do n’t know how many.

马上 She immediately thought of a black cat over there.

Judging from the performance of the black cat, they are not malicious to her.

He also said that they are likely to be left by an old ancestor to guard the silver seed.

But here, the cat's bones are everywhere.

Maybe, they want to guard the same here, but they become the nourishment of the vampire vine.


When Lin was thinking, Lin Mengya heard a meow.

立刻 She immediately followed the sound source and finally found an adult black cat in a small corner.

The black figure almost blended with the darkness, but looking at its posture, it seemed to be injured.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately crouched down and said softly, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

I probably smelled the familiar breath. After the black cat stopped for a moment, she limped and came to her.

It struck Lin Mengya's heel pants and sat at her feet, licking her wound.

Lin Lin Mengya gently took away its front paw, which was clearly the toxin of the vampire vine!

She was surprised that the black cat was not poisoned, but licked the wound.

"Is it true that they are animal husbandry?"

Chen Long Tianyu knows the origin of Xiao Hei.

You must know that such precious beasts are not something you can just have casually.

Gao Linmengya touched the top of the black cat's head. Maybe it was also the offspring of the herd of beasts?

Otherwise, where did this natural ability to resist toxins come from?

Standing up, she held the black cat in her arms, and her mind was a little more serious.

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