Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2045: Black cat worship

Although the animal husbandry animal is all poisonous, it is extremely loyal to the owner.

Perhaps the descendants of the herdsmen are just to guard the master's tomb.

Alas, blocked by the Vampire Vine.

If Xiao Hei is here, this thing is really not enough.

Thinking of the one at home, she couldn't help but feel a lot of favor for the little guy in her arms.

The black cat is also very clever. However, Long Tianyu feels that the little thing has taken over his wife's heart, and can't help but reach out and want to collect some interest.

He didn't want the black cat to turn his head, and arrogantly avoided the salty hand.


Nine Dragon Tianyu sneered, and grabbed the black cat's neck with his backhand and pinched it.

"Woo Meow Meow Meow"

The black cat who was extremely cold just now persuaded.

Xiaolong Tianyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the pale green cat eyes, then opened his mouth seriously.

"She, it's mine, understand?"

Small cat does not understand what this human is talking about, but just stares at him innocently.

得 He made Long Tianyu's next "spicy hand remind meow" action, and some of them couldn't let go.

"噗嗤", she did not hold back and laughed.

This man and a cat are almost childish at home.

Xiaolong Tianyu hugged the little black cat in his arms with satisfaction, and gave him a hard hand, feeling the smooth and smooth feel, and couldn't help feeling dark.

No wonder both babies like to hold Xiaohei. The fluffy and soft feel is really

Long Tianyu, who was a good-looking cat, suddenly saw his wife's smiling face.

He deeply lost his face, and shoved the black cat into her arms, pretending that nothing had happened before.

I felt that the black cat for the rest of her life hid in her arms instantly.

Lin Lin Mengya did not feel how naive Long Tianyu's behavior was.

Is n’t it often said on the Internet that every little man will have a little boy in his heart?

She doesn't hate Long Tianyu who has such a different mind!

"Sorry, he's just a little awkward."

She stroked the black cat's back lightly, and the latter made a small grunt from her throat, apparently comfortable.

After passing through the level of Vampire Vine, they encountered several flap traps.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu was well prepared. The two of them had a cat. They were finally shocked and arrived at the last Shimen.

The dark green moss on the ocher gate is obviously unknown after many years of baptism, and quietly guards the host inside.

The black cat saw this, and suddenly struggled lightly.

Lin Lin Mengya put down immediately, but saw that the black cat did not run away, but squatted quietly in front of Shimen.

"Meow meow"

After howling twice, the black cat suddenly bowed down on the ground.

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu looked at the worship of the black cat in surprise.

With the meow, more and more black shadows rushed out of the grave road.

"be careful."

Although Xiaolong Tianyu is not afraid of these cats, as the number increases, there is still a certain danger for them.

But what they didn't expect was that all the big and small black cats just came in, except the previous black cat, were around them.

In the group of tortoise cats, get out of the remaining nine adult black cats.

They each jumped a corner, pyramid-shaped, and surrounded the black cat in the middle.

"What are they doing, what are they doing?"

Not only was Lin Mengya confused, but even Long Tianyu couldn't understand the current situation


With ten adult black cats, the movement of kneeling gradually became neat.

Finally, I only heard the sound of 咚咚咚.

They are like madmen, hitting the ground constantly and vigorously.

Zhe Lin Mengya was stunned by this scene. In this way, how can the black cats' little heads stand?

She didn't expect that as soon as she wanted to stop, she was stopped by other black cats.

"Hurry up!"

She is helpless, but these black cats are too cunning.

Even if she wants to lift her feet and pretend to step on them, they won't dodge.

Squinting at the intensity of those black cats, Lin Mengya finally smelled a **** smell.

The black cats don't move anymore, just touch the ground with their heads.

After a while, Xiaoya exclaimed in the system.

"Master, I feel a kind of 蛊!"

Although the information in the system is not complete, Lin Mengya can understand a general idea.

蛊 Those tadpoles are actually the key to herding nature of herding beasts.

The offspring of these herdsmen was probably blocked by vampire vines for a long time, so no new herdsmen were created.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the ten black cats, her body was like electricity, and she kept swinging.

She can't do anything, just watch.

In order to stimulate the potential of his body, each black cat is bearing the inhuman pain.

I do not know how many years have passed, but they have no hesitation, and have not forgotten their nature.

Finally, the difficult minutes passed.

There are ten black cats. No, it is better to say that they are new animal husbandry animals, but they are shaking their heads and standing in front of Shimen.


蛊 Compared with the voice just now, the scream of the animal husbandry is more stern.

From now on, they are not ordinary black cats, but strange little beasts that can graze.

He took Xiaoyao and continued to be surprised: "Strange, how come this mountain stone gate has survived?"

Lin Lin Mengya was trying to ask, but the amazing scene made her involuntarily hold her breath.

The voice of "Xixixuosuo" came from Shimen.

Xun Long Tianyu subconsciously took her in his arms and watched around alertly.

The area to be illuminated by torches is very limited.

Luckily fortunately, she was able to see vaguely that the stone gate was melting at an amazing speed.

Yes, it just melted like ice.

Ten ten herdsmen were methodical and coordinated with each other, issuing a commanding meow.

In the end, even the two of Lin Mengya were surprised.

It turned out that the seemingly indestructible stone gate was actually ten walls made of puppets!

I thought of this, Lin Mengya could not help but touch her shoulder.

Fortunately, the two of them couldn't see clearly, otherwise, I was afraid to have a good nightmare for a few days.

Xiao Xiaoyao said that before that, all the tadpoles were asleep and showed no signs of life, so it couldn't feel it.

But now, it tells Lin Mengya.

The nickname is 噬 心 蛊.

If one of them penetrates into the human body, it is directly drilled into the human heart, and finally, the heart is choked with a lot of holes.

After eating the heart completely, their lives will end.

But the people of Zhongli were not tortured before death.

She could not help swallowing.

Do you want to play so much?

Fortunately, there are fingers of the ten herdsmen

Wandering, those biting hearts are huge now, but they will definitely not threaten them both.

After a long while, the terrible "rustling" stopped, and she rubbed her eyebrows, exhausted.

The means of ridiculing his ancestors cannot be overstated.

"No wonder, those people in Xiancheng are going to put in vampire vines. It is estimated that they certainly did not eat this bitter bitterness."

The door was opened, and the last danger was eliminated, mainly because there are cats that can be meowing too much, and Lin Mengya was relieved before she changed the depression.

But Long Tianyu thoughtfully, staring at her back.

In my mind, I thought about what the big witch had told him.

Although the witch tribe is now fragmented, they still only have one big witch.

现在 Now, Dawu ’s position has already been selected.

In my opinion, the Wu tribe really has a natural advantage and knows who is the true daughter of life.

Alas, are you smarter?

Because, this woman belongs to him!

Thought of this, all the worries and depressions in Long Tianyu's heart slowly dissipated.

Even if things change, the sea is the only one, and she is inseparable from him, integrated into one, and can never be separated.

I walked in front, Lin Mengya did not know the man behind him, and already had a huge wave in her heart.

But when she looked back, she was already invisible.

The ten herds of beasts had a faint blue in their eyes at this moment.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the familiar color, but felt a strange feeling in her heart.

They are as close to her as ever.

I just don't like before, I always like to jump into her arms and roll under her feet.

Suddenly she felt quite sorry, wasn't that the price of growth?

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, feeling that she now looks like an empty nest old man.

The inside of the tomb was still dark.

But the animal in the middle of the previous jump suddenly jumped to the wall.

Between the ups and downs, there were already a few large night pearls in the room.

It was embarrassing and illuminated the entire tomb.

She was unexpected, the tomb was simple.

Even, there are no boxes of funeral items.

In the middle of the tomb, ten jade coffins were enclosed in a circle.

Lin Lin Mengya was surprised when she saw it.

She knelt on the ground first, saluted her ancestors, and then stood up and looked at the amazing ten jade coffins.

The corpse inside is actually lifelike!

Ten jade coffins are only different from old to new.

She started to look at the first jade coffin, it was a very kind old woman.

The wearer was wearing a purple-gold shroud peculiar to the house owner, with a purple-gold hair crown on her head.

The entanglement between the silver wires made the old woman more graceful and luxurious.

She was quiet, lying there as if she was asleep, except she was not breathing.

"The first owner of the palace family, Gong Miaofeng."

It turns out that this is the first generation of homeowners whom the palace family respected.

She paid homage to her ancestor, and then went to the second jade coffin.

In chronological order, here are the ten generations of homeowners.

However, according to the genealogical records of their family, in fact, the first generation of the palace family was not the first person who actually founded the palace family.

She guessed, maybe, the first person to wake up.

Since then, the palace family embarked on a history of blood and tears to get rid of the fertility tools of Xiancheng.

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