Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2048: Ambiguous feelings

Zhe Lin Mengya, while listening to Bai's report on the situation at home, told people to invite all the family members to her great ancestors.

In order not to fight the grass and scare the snake, and to let the people behind the scene relax their vigilance, a few brothers have long let her come back because of the busy events at the end of the year.

They also did not expect that so many old things will happen later.

As a result, she heard the news that she was almost hurt by the traitor of Gong Tu, and she even blamed herself.

Of course, Lin Mengya did not blame them.

First, she drove people back.

Second, except for her older brother, who was just one step back, the people the day before yesterday had already been scolded by the great blood of the great ancestors.

If it wasn't for her to show no signs of injury at all, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to end the year.

Therefore, when she appeared, several brothers gave her sincere remorse one by one.

I made Lin Mengya cry and laugh, and finally begged her great ancestors not to blame them anymore.

He is Long Tianyu who has been with her all the time, and has received the privilege of great ancestors alone.

He not only smiled and praised him as the dragon and the phoenix among the people, but also damaged those things which were useless.

In response to this, Long Tianyu showed a very modest face and was not at all stubborn. In front of Zengzu, he expressed his unswerving faith.

I heard Zeng Zu applaud again and again, and even spoke, inviting him to the palace for Chinese New Year.

Seeing that the two people with the highest status in the palace family accepted Long Tianyu, a few brothers who regarded their brother-in-law as fierce beasts were awkward, but no one dared to say a "no".

This kid, it will please me!

The great-grandfather knew that they had something to talk about, so he just said, when will Lin Mengya be free, and go and take over the child.

Lin Lin Mengya is naturally two babies who really want to be.

Especially after seeing her mother, she was worried about her babies.

She is afraid that where she did not do well enough, for fear of leaks, it will hurt the babies.

How is this mood different from my mother then?

His Majesty's Flower Hall quieted down, and instantly became another quite serious atmosphere.

On the way back, she talked with Long Tianyu.

In the plans of the first ten generations of homeowners, including mothers, unrelated people like the elder brother and them, when they are lucky, they can survive the crisis without wave.

Since then, the palace family has only remained a brilliant family in history and memory.

If you are unlucky, you are afraid that you will become a victim.

But who can escape the fate?

Instead of letting a few people block a winning face, it is better to concentrate everyone's strength together.

But before that, she must first see what kind of attitude the brothers have.

After thinking for a moment, she cleared her throat and said, "I need to tell you one thing before talking about the business."

Rare, you will see her so serious.

Whether it is the palace brothers or Lin Nansheng, they can't help but tighten their bodies.

He was Long Tianyu, still sitting next to her.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit it.

The two are indeed a good match.

Although Long Tianyu didn't open his mouth, his eyes were always faint and gentle, looking at their sister.

A high cold, a gentle, obviously two different temperaments, but harmoniously natural.

Seeing this scene, Miyamiya still couldn't help but feel slightly bitter.

虽然 Although he can ensure that he has not touched the selfishness of choices that affect the whole world.

But my heart is not something I can control.

He was careful, hiding the love in his eyes, and did not dare to show the slightest in front of anyone.

I didn't know, but Lin Nansheng was unintentionally looking into the eyes, splashing a lot of ripples.

两 And both of them are decisions, we must first take the business as the most important thing.

She didn't reveal too much about the contents of the sheepskin letter.

After all, many timings are not yet mature, and all of my brain is thrown out, which will inevitably make people feel a lot of panic.

So this time, she just told the origins of the palace family and the plans of the ancestors in a general and concise way.

She thought that her brothers, especially her own brother, had complained about her mother after she left them two brothers and sisters after knowing that her mother was for this reason.

But his brother's expression, although looking very shocked, didn't have much anger.

It made her quiet, first relieved.

"This is generally the case. If we don't want to be prisoners of others, we must fight to the end."

This is no objection.

He desires freedom, but it is the nature of everyone.

When a person leaves the mother's fetal room and falls on the ground, the yearning for freedom is rooted in everyone's blood.

Since this time, the family members of the palace, especially theirs, can be regarded as having an understanding of Xiancheng.

But the more they know, the more they hate this place, which is almost inhumane and can be called the devil.

There, the people on the ground are not human at all, and even the animals are not as good.

现在 Now, when their demon hands reach out to their loved ones, they are even more aroused by the blood of men.

I barely thought about it, and they stayed in the same camp with her.

For such a result, Lin Mengya did not feel any surprise.

In the bones of the Haremiya family, there was a spirit of rebellion.

The more Xun wants to be detrimental to them, the more he wants to control them, but it will inspire this fierce force in their bones.

You know, once people make up their minds, it may be a thing that must not be underestimated.

Wuxiancheng despise them too, so they will surely win the glory of victory!

"You said, Xiancheng is looking for something as important now?"

Xi Gongbin seized the point.

She nodded and did not say the existence of silver seeds.

I didn't trust her, but she had better plans.

"Let's kill the Baili family, and find them well!"

Hiromi Yumiya sneered.

He had been fighting on the battlefield, and he was naturally bloody.

是 如此 The same is true of several others.

It's been a long time since they saw Baili's home.

What's more, this time, they came to take the initiative.

既然 "That being the case, let's make good plans during the Chinese New Year. I think that this time, the Baili family is afraid to come for my life."

She touched her smooth and soft neck and laughed at herself.

Several others laughed at Baili's family, which was beyond their control. They sought death by themselves and could not blame them for being intolerant.

After Lin Mengya gave some tasks to them, she took Long Tianyu and went to the great ancestor's yard to pick up her sons.

I looked at their backs, and despite the desperate concealment, Gong Shi could not help but leaked a trace of sadness.

I kept observing Lin Nansheng in secret, thinking for a while, then chasing up quickly, my brother, and embraced Gongsi's shoulder.

"Old fourth, I'm late. Some things are not clear. The younger girl said that you are the most careful and clever and the most clever. So I want to ask you something first. I wonder if you have time? "

The gentle smile of the four palaces completely covered up his true emotions.

"it is good."

The two walked together without arousing doubt from others.

After all, Lin Nansheng was a good fit with them, so it is normal for the brothers to discuss each other.

Shimiya Shi originally wanted to go outside to see how the tribe resettled.

By the way, he also explained some doubts to Lin Nansheng.

But as the other party ’s problems became more and more unsettling and more perfunctory, Gong Si realized that in fact Lin Nansheng should have something else to say to himself?

He stopped, and sure enough, Lin Nansheng didn't notice it.

It was not until I stepped out that I suddenly discovered that the people around me were gone.

I sighed in my heart, Lin Nansheng knew that he was the most unsuitable for discussing emotional issues.

But he doesn't want to see good brothers, he will regret his life because of his sister.

"What question do you want to ask me?"

Kuimiya Shi is still the gentle manner.

But this makes Lin Nansheng's words more and more difficult to say.

It took a long time for him to adjust the amount of words he could.

"In fact, there is no problem, that is, I just want to know if you have any favorite people."

一 As soon as he said this, Gong Si changed his face.

He knows that he can hide in front of the little girl without any flaws, but in the eyes of others, he is afraid that there are already a lot of loopholes.

"What do you ask me?"

Lin Linsheng seemed to have made up his mind, and his words were blurted out.

虽然 "Although my sister is good, she is always your sister. Even if there is no blood relationship, the relationship between you has been settled, and there is no chance to change it!"

The face of Kuimiya Shi was always gentle and elegant, and cracks appeared for the first time.

Drinking and drinking is a matter of identity.

He was too late when he met, and she was caught too early.

He lowered his eyes, and whoever he was, could not see his look.

"Is that what she told you to tell me?"

Apical tremor.

He hid cautiously, just afraid he would welcome her disgust.

He may be cowardly, but there are certain things that he already knows are destined to be changed, but he cannot control his heart.

Lin Nansheng scratched his head in anxiety. He regretted it so clearly, and explained quickly: "Sister is not like that, do you know the Master Xiao who teaches children to class? He almost married his sister Up to now, my sister still doesn't treat her with courtesy. Since you are all clear, you don't need to say more. I will say these things to you if I take you as my brother. "

I am probably the habit of protecting my sister from an early age.

Lin Linsheng couldn't see her sister's sadness, so she had to break through this layer of window paper in advance.

Dan Gongsi seems to be returning from hell.

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