Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2049: About children

For Lin Mengya, his feelings are more complicated than any other person in the family.

He only knew for himself that it was gradually becoming more than the simple love between men and women.

That is his mission, his loved ones, and his love.

His destiny has long been closely entangled with her, and turned into the most painful but inseparable everything in this world.

"I know, Nan Sheng." He smiled warmly and made people feel like a spring breeze.

Patted the other's shoulder gently, and said softly, "In my lifetime, she will always be my sister, and you will always be my brother."

The promise of He was also a shackle to him.

He is the love debt of his own, so why bother to pull other people to worry?

Lin Linsheng breathed a sigh of relief and in turn comforted him.

"Actually, I had my sister when I was a kid, and I wanted to marry her. But at that time, I did n’t know what it meant to be married. I only took care of a person for a lifetime when I heard that my father said that he was married. Little girl. I see, you are still not experienced enough. As long as you can figure it out yourself, it is better than anything. In the future, you will definitely meet women you really like. "

I let the other side pull myself, and chattered in my ears.

Although the fourth palace may not agree, it is only a quiet audience.

Actually, he is grateful to each other now.

Some things are more comfortable than just hiding them in your heart.

On this side, I didn't know that I had innocently killed Lin Mengya, an innocent boy, but he was heartless and was playing with his sons.

The two little ones hope the stars and the moon, and then they return the dear father and mother.

This time, even one person hugged a thigh, and no one would refuse to go back to the yard to sleep.

Even Long Tianyu, who has always disapproved of his son sleeping with them, suddenly acquiesced.

With two cheers, they stripped off their clothes and went to the bathroom with their father.

The bath room was in the yard. Lin Mengya stood outside with a smirk on her face.

Every time she bathed the babies, she was the four girls in her yard, or the people who looked after them.

This time, Yu didn't know what kind of wind was being drawn, and actually took the initiative to bathe the babies.

You know, three or four-year-olds are quite lively and naughty.

Especially his two, they are clever and act. If they don't pay attention, they will fall into their cunning little traps and even be turned around by playing.

She wants to see today, can Yu Da, can he handle it?

"Stand up for me!"

A serious voice came from inside.

Lin Lin Mengya's smile was even bigger.

She could almost imagine how the man looked up.

That's the son, not the enemy, as it is?

But inside, there were no movements of two small but rebuttals.

"Have you master martial arts taught you the rules, right? Man, stand and sit, sit and sit. Take a bath, you must have a bath."

Lin Lin Mengya almost didn't hold back.

What the hell! Only a fool would think, use these words to fool a child, right?

Sure enough, her baby Ninger spoke.

"Daddy, what is it like to take a bath?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not hesitate to answer: "From now on, you can do what I say. From now on, you must all act in this order, understand

Huh? "


The two boys responded crunchily, but Lin Mengya had some regrets.

She underestimated the position of Long Tianyu in the hearts of the two boys.

He had worshipped him blindly, but how could he not listen to these orders now.

I shook my head, Yu Yu was smart.

Although suspected of speculation, it is not wrong.

How could their two babies be only a wealthy idler who does not know anything about the world?

I went back to the house, and Bai I had found out two new pajamas made for the baby.

That soft and white cloth, the feet are also fine and tidy, and will definitely not make the baby cold.

She couldn't help but feel the small clothes, and she was too satisfied.

"Your craftsmanship is good. Others do it, either the fabric is not soft enough, or the stitches are too thick to wear on the body, and they are not comfortable enough."

She was so blushing and blushing that she was a gentle temper. Now, after experiencing a lot of pain and finding her own lady, she still doesn't improve her soft heart.

I just, but a little tougher than before.

"It's just because the lady doesn't hate it."

"It's not. You don't have to look at how old the two skinny guys are, you know the beauty is ugly. For those things that Xiu Zhuang sent in the past, they all have to pick. If I ask them why, they can still It ’s eloquent. But when you come back, you can see what kind of clothes you made, and they do n’t want to put on them, thieves! ”

Lin Lin Mengya's "complaint" made everyone in the room laugh.

In the final analysis, Bai Ye's craftsmanship is good on one hand, and more importantly, she puts a lot of thought into it.

The embroidery and tailors outside are very good at craftsmanship. If there is one in mind, where is there one that can be compared with Bai?

"Speaking of a few days ago when the husband went out to give the family a gift, I heard a strange thing."

Bai 芍 frowned slightly, his tone seemed a bit heavy.

"Although there were many children who died early in the Jin Dynasty. For some months, I don't know why. There seemed to be a lot of children who died early. Fu Jun said that he had arrived in a small family before. There was just no voice. How long the sixteen babies have disappeared in just half a month. But that's cutting the heart of the mother, Amitabha, I really don't know what evil has committed. "

With these words, the inner room suddenly became heavy.

But nobody blame Bai 芍 for disappointment.

Because of the two little things in the house, they are more empathetic.

Especially Lin Mengya.

Even if she imagines the two children are sick, she feels distressed.

What's more, parents who have lost their children?

Moreover, she is the head of the family and pays more attention to these.

"How is this happening? Is it in our home? Can you find out why?"

Bai Yan shook his head and said, "When the husband came back, he mentioned to the housekeeper once, and the housekeeper immediately summoned people, but this did not happen to our house. It ’s strange here. Frail, but no illness and disaster, how could it be easy to die. But these children, no matter how clever doctors, can not find out what is wrong. I just heard that they seem to suddenly become unlovable Then, a little bit weakened. Alas, I felt miserable when I heard it. "

In this way, in addition to the crime of the child, it is also a torture of parents.

谁 Who can watch his child die?

Alas, the scourge is just one family.

As a doctor, she feels that she needs to do something.

Since the news came from the outside, she will ask a few people tomorrow to ask for detailed information.

Best, only people are going to inquire about themselves.

After all, if the disease also passed to the palace to seal the land, wouldn't it have taken her by surprise?

I was thinking about it, and I heard an exclaim from the mother in the yard.

"The homeowner is not good! Girl's amniotic fluid has broken!"

It was impossible for her to frown!

Because of the previous reasons, she and her teacher used a strange method to extend the child's time in the mother's body.

In this way, their mother and child will have enough time to make up for their previous deficit.

After calculating the days, I will wait at least four months before launching.

Why now, amniotic fluid is broken?

"Don't panic!"

The people in the house were already in a mess, but fortunately there was her.

"Be prepared as I said before, Cai Ru, you have to invite both the teacher and the uncle. Bai Su, you report."

Although there are still months to prepare, she always feels prepared.

So, I prepared everything for production early, and now, it just works.

Soon, a few girls remembered their duties and acted in an orderly manner.

She immediately went to her room.

"Sister Ya!"

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the girl's cry.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately walked to her bed. At this moment, the child was already pale and sweaty.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Seeing her, I was relieved immediately.

But the pain caused her pain.

Gao Linmengya looked down at the birth canal and found that she only opened two fingers. Tonight, her son-in-law was going to suffer.

"Don't I let you take good care of the girl? How could it be launched in advance!"

I asked Whisper while whispering her needle to relieve her pain and stress.

The wife around was also anxious cold sweat.

They all looked at Lin Mengya personally. For her, she dared not have any deception.

"Homeowner, the old slave was wrong! The girl was fine before going to bed. She has eaten well and slept well for the past few days, and never showed any signs of it. Old slave, old slave really don't know what happened!"

Now that it is too late to interrogate them.

The accident happened for a reason. When she was absent, the teacher came to give her a pulse every day.

With the teacher's medical skills, where can I not diagnose the problem?

The pregnant woman shouldn't sleep late, so she didn't ask her to come to the room.

Who knows, something happened tonight.

A flash of cold light.

If I let her know, who would hurt her sister-in-law and the baby in her stomach, she would have to peel the other person's skin!

I soon prepared the room for my child.

The house was repainted by Lin Mengya, it was new everywhere, and everybody cleaned it carefully.

She also made a large pot of disinfection potion, which has now been sprayed.

To the greatest extent, it guarantees the health problems of children and mothers.

All the tools to be used are also being disinfected.

I let a few people wear the specially prepared new clothes, and I sent her to the delivery room, and it started tonight.

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