Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2081: Low temperature charcoal

梦 For the acuity of taste, Lin Mengya is far stronger than Long Tianyu.

The latter just smelled burnt, but she smelled the rancid smell.

He is not like the smell of burning corpses, very well-behaved.

She speeded up, and Long Tianyu followed.

Finally, she saw the direction of the rising smoke.

But under the eyes, there seemed to be a white shadow, passing by.

"Who is there"

She asked, but there was no response from anyone.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the entire forest was under the control of Yu's people, so she didn't think much, but went directly to the fire.

He did not see behind, Long Tianyu's expression of relief suddenly.

I think the clear fox flashes fast, otherwise things will be troublesome.

怎么 "How could it catch fire?"

Coincidentally, the burnt place seemed to be the poisonous hole she had drilled before.

The smell is probably because of Fujimori.

Those people who had been before were almost burned to ashes.

Thoroughly disappeared from this world.

These people are dead from the moment they become human 运输 and become the transporter's nourishment.

Now, they just need to be able to get into the ground.

"Only by burning can we prevent these things from harming people again."

Xun Long Tianyu explained, her frown frowns slowly.

"You're right. This harmful thing really shouldn't exist anymore. But I want to know why the poison source exists."


These things are clearly arranged by intentional people here.

Until now, they didn't know what those people meant.

"Sorry, it's my people who don't think well"

She immediately interrupted him.

"No, their choice is correct. Later, when it is safe, I can come again."

I was talking, but I heard a muffled sound.

There seems to be something broken.

The two people above were startled.

Especially Long Tianyu, who was almost subconscious, picked up Lin Mengya, took several steps back, and stopped in a safe open space.

"What was that sound just now"

"You're waiting here, I'll see."

Chen Long Tianyu put her down, turned and ran towards the place just now.

She stood not far away, watching the other person's bare hands, and moved away from a scorched place.

After a while, a wide hole, one by one, appeared in front of him.

But before, she didn't remember that there was such a hole here.

Yu Wen is still very high, Long Tianyu just walked a few steps inside, and automatically retreated.

Outside, Lin Mengya stepped on her feet, with anxiety on her face.

I couldn't help running until I saw someone coming out.

"Are you stupid enough to be a duck?"

Pouting so much complaint, but still couldn't help checking if this person was burned.

I was okay, I did n’t even have a hot place, but I could n’t help but curse a few words.

"It's not better to wait for some cold, what are you anxious for"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was not angry at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed it.

After all, is his wife caring about him

"It's okay, the stuff there is not hot at all. Don't believe it, you can go and see for yourself."

Lin Mengya expressed doubt.

Where is the freshly burned coke?


Hold her eyes wide, and watched the man who just pulled up from the ground and put the dark piece on her hand

s things.

"Isn't it hot?"

The man asked with a smile.

She shook it hard, and the thing that had been coked was instantly broken into several pieces.

What ’s weird is that this thing is really not hot at all, just a bit warm

"This, what the **** is this"

Is not a vine, nor is it any kind of tree here.

Lin Lin Mengya was led by Long Tianyu and walked to the area he had just moved away from.

"Although it's hot inside, these things are just a little hotter than here, not hot at all."

As if showing off, Long Tianyu took her two steps into the cave.

It's true that the temperature here is like a clay kiln, some are roasting.

But the dark, coke-like things on the ground were really not hot at all.

Even, she also found a few pieces, the kind of Mars that has not died out.

I could make her feel that Sanguan was subverted again. Although the inside of this thing was still red, the temperature of the outer wall was acceptable to her.

She carefully held it in her hand, watching the red inside go out a little bit, and the temperature gradually dropped.

"This is really a miracle."

"Oh, maybe."

Facing her sigh, Long Tianyu seemed much calmer.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him sideways.

"Did you see something similar"

Shrugging his shoulders, he easily said, "If you want to say a miracle, the strange poisonous herbs you encountered are much better than this."

This is true.

At least in terms of feel, this thing is no different from ordinary branches except for temperature.

But she unbuttoned a coat and picked up a lot of charcoal from it.

"What do you want this thing for?"

"Oh, low-temperature baking, you do n’t understand it, it ’s rare anyway, it ’s better to take it back and use it”

Zhe Lin Mengya buried her head in collecting charcoal, never seeing his own complex expression.

It seemed to him that his money was not enough.

Otherwise, why make my wife so frugal

That's the way it was said. In the end, Long Tianyu waved his hand and let the nearest dark guards step forward to take over Lin Mengya's work.

"All right."

He pulled her up and wiped her hands a little with her clothes.

"Let them do the rough work, do you think that the temperature here is falling a bit faster"

He said that Lin Mengya really felt it.

When they came in just now, although the heat wave was not annoying, the temperature was a bit high.

现在 But now, it's not the kind of hotness that I can't stand.

I glanced deep into the dark cave, and they decided to walk inside and see what happened.

The dark guards were collecting charcoal in simple language, and the two went forward hand in hand.

Although the temperature has not kept falling, it has become more suitable after they have walked a short distance.

She even sweated finely on her forehead.

Around him, there are still traces of being burned.

Even the coke here is increasing.

Xiaolong Tianyu whistled, and the people outside immediately picked it up inside.

Although they don't know, what is the intention of the master.

But fortunately, this work is very simple, long work, and actually can have some fun.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around and said, "These trees seem to extend from here."

The further you go inside, the more coke there is.

Chen Long Tianyu stared inside and took a deep breath.

这里 "Here, it's not that dry."

After the high-temperature roasting in the general fire place, the moisture in the air is evaporated and will be very dry.

But the air here doesn't have that kind of irritability.

This could not help but surprise both of them.

Lin Lin Mengya listened to her ear, and then she reached out her hand and touched the wall.

"Is wet"

Chen Longyu also learned her movements, and sure enough, the wall was covered with a layer of water.

"Can there be a particularly deep underground river in it?"

Yes, plants need water to grow.

有 It is not surprising that there is an underground river here.

The more I walked inward, the wetter the walls became, but the underground river was still missing.

Until, Lin Mengya's hand touched a layer of smooth and cold.

She suddenly retracted her hand, and then, incredibly, touched something she had encountered before.


Her voice was a little hasty.

Holding the other hand, holding Long Tianyu's hand, he touched the wall.

The latter's eyes, like her, were full of surprise.

"It's ice"

Que Long Tianyu asked.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and continued to explore.

"Absolutely ice is right, but where does the ice come from?"

She can be sure that the hole is not deep enough to freeze.

And these thin ice layers are melting rapidly. I believe that it won't be long before the opportunity turns into water.

Chen Long Tianyu began to be vigilant.

"Let's go on"

It's too weird here.

The first was charcoal that was not hot, and then the ice layer appeared suddenly.

的 Weird here, I'm afraid it's not a little bit.

Gao Linmengya did not speak, but turned on the radar, and then said, "This place is getting closer and closer to the source of the poison. This is another way.

The implication is to want to continue.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, and did not object.

He believed in Yaer.

At least on this kind of issue, she rarely does things that are not sure.

"Let ’s just go on, you guys, you are responsible for cleaning up the charcoal outside."

I protect her, he alone is enough.

And maybe in the back, will use Yaer's extraordinary ability.

Although he can trust his men, he doesn't want her secrets to be exposed.

The dark guards nodded immediately and bent over to speed up.

This time, Long Tianyu walked in front of her, holding the person firmly behind her.

The temperature is getting lower and lower.

After Ji Long Tianyu noticed it, she immediately took off her coat and put it on her body.

Fortunately, it wasn't a sudden drop in temperature, otherwise they would have to catch a cold.

的 The ice on the walls is melting, but the thickness is different and the speed is different.

Finally, the two came to an end.

But here they found a thick tree.

But the tree was also burned, and at the heart of the tree, there was red light.

The tree was so thick that two people hugged it together.

She was in flames, and she could almost imagine how leafy it was before it was burned.

也 She also found that the charcoal blocks just now are almost the branches of this tree.

After walking around the tree, she found that there was a hole in the back of the tree.

I was just blocked by ice.

I beckoned, she called Long Tianyu.


At this moment, the ice surface that sealed the entrance of the cave came with a "click, click" sound.

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