Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2082: Show flaws

At almost the same time, Long Tianyu also pulled out his short knife.

Lin Lin Mengya froze, never seen him use such a weapon before.

In a short moment when the two reacted, the ice layer that sealed the cave entrance burst instantly.

I walked alone and got out of the hole.

At this moment, Long Tianyu rushed forward.

的 The sound of the broken blades is extremely clear.

The other side was obviously caught off guard and had no time to fight back but fell behind.

After a few moments, Long Tianyu took out the opponent's weapon.

"do not move."

The deep voice was much colder than that ice layer.

During the confrontation between the two, she kept watching in secret.

Since the ice layer was broken, the cormorant began to infiltrate here with the same poisonous gas as the underground poison source.

In my opinion, the entrance of the cave should be directly connected to the source of underground poison.

She estimated the time a little, and in half an hour, she couldn't treat people here.

Nine Dragons Tianyu has begun questioning the guy who suddenly came out.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The man was ashamed, but even under Long Tianyu's knife, he still said nothing.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes, and since Long Tianyu was a backhand, he penetrated deeply into the other person's thigh.


The screams screamed loudly through the cave.

But the man in front of him had a handsome face without any extra expression.

The man who was stingy covered his wound on his leg.

Now he realized that the man would never have any kindness to him.

"Let, let me go. Otherwise, you will regret it!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Pulled out his short knife, Long Tianyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the eyes of the man, he couldn't help shrinking his body.

But still gritted his teeth and said, "This is not where you should come. If you don't want to die, don't stop me!"

"Bali's house, what benefits have you given?"

The sudden female voice stunned the man.

He looked at the sound source in a panic, but could only see a fuzzy outline.

Chen Long Tianyu also realized something and stared at each other.

Suddenly the man started to avoid his sight with a guilty conscience.

"I don't know what you're talking about, let it go!"

"You have a lot of anti-drug stuff. If I take it now, how long do you think you can live?"

The word "" was broken humanely by humanity, and the man looked even more flustered.

"What are you, you guys?"

Lin Lin Mengya gradually walked to their side, but with a terrifying chill on her face.

"Bali's family is really a good plan. Actually dare to use our lives to clear him obstacles. Then, send you to the benefit of the fishermen. Oh, really treat us like monkeys."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Seeing that the man was still dead and did not admit it, Lin Mengya held out her hand.

The man wanted to escape, but was stepped on by Long Tianyu.

As he struggled, the man covered his face with a scarf and was torn off by her.

Suddenly, the man screamed in horror.

"Give me! Give me back!"

Lin Lin Mengya did not bother, but continued to pull down a small bottle hanging on his neck, a small gourd around his waist, and finally, let Long Tianyu

Stripped off his coat.

"Now you have two choices. First, tell me exactly what the Barry Family wants you to do. Second, they are pushed back into the hole by us. I think they definitely warned you before you left. Here's The poison is too powerful and overbearing. It only takes a minute and a half to make people lose their bowels. But with the concentration here, you will not die for a while. But you will feel a little bit of your body The taste of corrosion. The process will not last too long. Absolutely, it will be hard to forget in your next life. "

The man screamed in despair.

Because she said, it was all right.

Although he knew that poison gas was not a threat to him now, he already felt the pain in his limbs and needles.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. When we took your things just now, you did not fight very strongly. This shows that these things are not the most important at all. Fu Jun, do you think where he will be compared How secure? "

She tilted her head, her tone relaxed, as if discussing the color of her clothes with the other party.

Long Tianyu bent his lips slightly, and looked at the man with black eyes up and down, and said, "The thing must be hidden on him. Since it is not outside, it is inside. It would be better, let me show you ? "

Zhe Lin Mengya covered her mouth and said very evilly: "That's not good. Let's plug him back. Anyway, he still has a companion, so we look at his companion. Isn't it better to throw the net?"

He said this, but it made the man's eyes flash.

He originally thought that the other party knew the value of what he was carrying, so he came to guard it.

Alas, what the woman just said was like they didn't even know the existence of that thing.

He has to finish the errand, but he has to have his life?

After thinking for a while, he said weakly.

"I can give you things, but you promise me that you must let me go."

Lin Lin Mengya thought for a while, and then looked at the man again.

"Fu Jun, what do you think? But if he runs away, how can we tell the housekeeper?"

Blinked, Long Tianyu instantly understood her meaning, and went on acting.

"The owner of the palace only keeps us, as long as he keeps things."

Lin Mengya was blind when she looked at the vicious calculation that the man hid.

"Okay, but you have to tell me, the conspiracy of the Baili family."

The man laughed at her stupid in his heart.

All calculations are for the things in his hands.

I am ridiculous that this woman actually gave up everything.

However, when he saw the black eyes of the man, he felt cold.

He busy lowered his head and said, "The Baili family hopes to release the poisonous source underground. As for this thing, it was my unexpected harvest."

"Oh? Why are they doing this?"

She tried to hold her curiosity as hard as possible, trying to act as if she were mentally retarded.

You must know that people are more fortunate when they are in trouble.

现在 Now, at least the man will think that he should still have a chance to come back.

He didn't know that what Lin Mengya wanted to set up was never the thing in his hands.

"It's for the competition between the two drugs. The Baili family wants to use this underground source of poison to completely destroy the drug door."

Lin Lin Mengya's face was a bit ugly.

Is this crazy?

I know, if these poisons were really completely leaked out, I'm afraid that it will become a **** on earth if it is hundreds of miles away.

For the sake of my ambition and winning or losing, can you regard others' lives as nothing?

This idea, she can't accept it!

"I've finished everything I should say. I can also give you this thing, please, please let me go."

Men feel extremely smart.

He released a less important message in exchange for a chance to survive.

He waited until he was out of sleep, and would tell the owner that the thing was in the hands of the poison door.

他们 Anyway, they don't know the value of this thing, and there will be no loss in their hands.

In this way, before they die, things will naturally return to the owner's hands.

What a pity, he didn't know himself at all, he had already been caught by others.

"Very good plan, but I don't agree with them."

In the darkened cave, her charming face seemed to be plated with a layer of cold frost.

"Girl, I'm also running for errands. Please, forgive me for my life?"

"If I'm not wrong, you should be a puppet master? I have dozens of lives, can you afford it?"

Suddenly, the fear in the man's heart finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"You, who the **** are you?"

"I'm afraid you are not qualified to know."

After speaking, Lin Mengya slammed the man's belly with a punch.

With a irresistible retching noise, a small black object fell to her feet.

Suddenly, the man was struggling to pick it up, and a cold light flashed, his opponent's hands separated from his wrists.

"I don't know when you arrested the two families to be humans, did you think you would end up like this today. You can rest assured that you and your master, I will not let one go!"

She made a low announcement.

No one's sacrifice will be wasted!

Put away the things, the two men no longer care about the lingering man.

梦 From the first sight of the man, Lin Mengya smelled the smell of him.

Ravioli is not so much a characteristic of ravioli.

Each puppet master will have its own characteristics, and the puppets they make will naturally have obvious differences.

The people outside 蛊, have the same characteristics as this 蛊 师.

She can be regarded as a revenge.

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned and looked at the entrance of the gas.

"Yar, how long is it?"

明白 She understood that what the other person asked was the time when the poison source leaked out.

"I estimate that in less than an hour, all living things in this forest will disappear."

She walked over and touched the ice on the wall.

The source of poison in the ground seems to have been blocked by such ice.

It was only this fire that destroyed these ice layers, and that the puppet division caused the current situation.

And she was even more curious, where did this ice layer come from, and how could it seal those highly toxic?

Nine Dragons Tianyu knew that time was running out and was constantly looking for solutions.

After a while, the eyes of the two, coincidentally, looked at the conversation.

Natural low temperature charcoal!

For a moment, they seemed to think of something.

也许 "Maybe, the ice here has something to do with this tree!"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded and said, "Have you heard of the rumors that ice-grown trees are growing in the cold?"

She shook her head and Long Tianyu explained to her patiently.

"The extreme cold place should have no grass. But the heavens and the earth are created, there will always be something special. Planting ice is one of them, but it is not a good thing."

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