Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2085: Twenty years ago

Maybe it was because these two days, he was constantly stimulated by things that were familiar to him. As one of the few old people in the town, Liu Bo remembered something.

"I don't remember the specific day. I only know that there were some strangers in the town. Our town is relatively biased, and there are not many people who come here. After these strangers arrived here, they spent a lot of money. Yinzi, please be accommodating, and hope to live in my personal home. Later, I can't remember what happened later. Hey, I don't know myself, I forgot important things. "

Bo Liuliu's memory is a bit confusing, plus he is still a bit older, so I remember more than half of it.

Lin Lin Mengya was very patient and helped him sort it out a little.

"Do you remember what special things they did?"

"I vaguely remember that they seemed to have gone to the Temple of the Goddess. Yes, at first they said it was a mistake, but later the big guys would not let them go. Say yes, I was afraid to offend the Goddess."

It seems that the goal of these people was the Temple of the Goddess from the beginning!

It also confirmed her idea.

"What did they do that would offend the goddess?"

Qiu Liubo smoked another cigarette.

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, which was particularly important.

But last night he thought about half-board in bed and didn't think of a head. He couldn't help but feel a little irritable in his tone.

"How do I know? I have forgotten it for so long. Left and right are things that will make the gods and Buddhas taboo. Oh, how can this person disrespect the gods and Buddhas!"

Lin Lin Mengya keenly felt that even if she could not remember the specific things, Liu Bo's disgust was beyond words.

This shows that the other party must have done something, and may even anger the people in the town.

"Don't worry, since you can't remember it, don't force yourself."

She spoke comfortably.

I realized what Liu Bo had done just now, and immediately bowed down in shame.

"Oh, girl, don't be mad at my old man. I am ashamed of my ancestors. For twenty years, I will forget who I am."

A sigh by Bo Liuliu, he spoke out the thoughts of those who remained in the town.

For more than two decades, they have lived in false lives, and their names, families, and even memories have been tampered with by some means.

Although I was awake from a big dream, in the end, my heart was still disturbed.

Perhaps, they will continue to question themselves in their hearts whether everything they are going through is true or false.

没 "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you forget it in the front, as long as you can understand it later. People live for a lifetime, and some people haven't been confused, they have passed their whole lives."

Yan Liubo smoked his dry smoke, still standing on the ground, but no longer speaking.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that her comfort would not be of much help.

But life still has to continue, and down-to-earth life will give them complete peace of mind.

Big guy and the townspeople reluctantly parted.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu both left part of their manpower to secretly protect the people of Liuhe Town.

On the night after she left, a news about Liuhe Town was sent to a deep house courtyard.

"Lord, Liuhe Town's sleepy array was broken and Xiawu is dead."

Noisy voice, extreme indifference.

It seems like this is just a trivial matter.


The girl voice is like

Xi Lengyu is average, and the slim jade refers to throwing the letter into the charcoal basin.

"Lord, do you want to go on a trip?"

"No need."

The master of the sound, leaning lazily in a large chair.

He tapped his finger gently at the table and smiled lightly.

"It's just a small town. What I want is more than that."

The unexplained meaning in that sentence was deeply obsessed.

Retreat from his salute.

Lame woman, looking at the beautiful picture on the desk.

你 "Look, in fact everything is very simple. Your stuff is nothing more than that."

In Qiang's tone, she was full of ridicule for the women in the painting.

After the encounter, the woman rolled up the picture scroll elegantly, only to see the woman in the painting, wearing a plum pattern ring

He hurried for several days, and finally arrived at the port before the Baili family reacted.

As long as they got on board, the Baili family couldn't take them.

Alas, that was temporary.

I waited in the fiefdom of others, they were still on the passive side.

Everyone seemed silent when sailing on the sea.

Even the teacher and the uncle rarely find her.

"Girl, this time we go to Baili's, we don't know if we can retreat."

Teacher Yun was in deep sorrow.

However, compared to the teacher's pessimism, Uncle Wu Yan looks a little bit anticipated.

"Brother, look at you, why bother the aspirations of others and destroy their own prestige? The young niece is so capable, the old thieves of the Baili family must not fight her! We are poisonous, and we are finally about to turn over!"

He Baili Rui glared at the lack of mind of the younger brother.

If it is so easy, why should the poisonous door stay for so long?

"Teacher, I think the uncle made sense. We are not the same as the Baili family. They have a retreat. We can only fight against the water. The barefoot ones are not afraid to wear shoes. The old thief defeated me once. I can Don't be afraid of him! "

Bali Rui sighed again.

When I was finished, my clever young apprentice seemed to be infected by the lack of mind.

I sent away Wu Yan who was preparing to mobilize the meeting. The teacher and student closed the door.

Seeing the worry on the teacher's face, Lin Mengya couldn't help but relieved: "I know that this time, the Baili family will definitely use insidious methods and don't take us out of vows. But the arrow is on the string, and if we don't come, we can't hide Yes, I have to count on your elderly people, otherwise it would not be possible to rely on them alone. "

Seeing the apprentice who was exaggerating himself, Barry Rui shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Silly girl, because of many things, I can't shoot anymore. This time, I still have to rely on you."

If he knew that he could still suffer this, he would not have made such an oath.

It's a pity that he issued it in front of the poison and medicine. Even if he was shameless, he had to consider Ya'er's face and the whole poison door.

Damn, you always have to pay for the mistakes you made when you were young and frivolous, sooner or later.

"I will never lose your face, but I have been wondering what the question will be for us this time."

Bali's family is very cunning.

They did not choose to get rid of these people in private, but used such a sounding excuse.

To put it plainly, they just want to take all the benefits and have a good reputation.

This behavior is almost shameless home.

At the same time, she also has doubts.

到底 In the end, is there any ability to do things like this?

According to the teacher's intention, his father had almost taken away the most backbone of the clan.

What is going on at the current Baili family?

"I can't guess, but if you want to get rid of our group, the best thing is to let us act collectively."

"But if we were separated, wouldn't it be better to deal with?"

What she is most worried about is this.

What happened to the two drug dealers before was a **** lesson.

They must not be separated, it is better to act together.

"The competition between the two gates was either a single person or a group of people. This was the first time the medical gate people put forward the competition."

When I was here, the teacher's expression was a bit inexplicable.

I should know that the original medical door could not turn any storm.

Xun Sheng was afraid that their poison doctor would not be pleasing to the eye, and they destroyed them all.

But now, Feng Shui is taking turns.

"That's easy to do. But I think the people in Baili's family have been very restless recently."

The dead mentor once said that in addition to finding things, he also released the source of poison.

There is also the previous poisonous cloth incident. If the Baili family is really just for fighting, then it may be too trivial, right?

On this point, the teacher also felt deeply disturbed.

"After all, the Baili family is a large family that has passed down countless generations. The secrets they know are definitely not comparable to ordinary families. I am afraid that they may know what they are so crazy."

In the second half of the sentence, the teacher's voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it.

She also had a tight heart, and asked quickly, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

Barry Rui paused before explaining: "Actually, I don't know the inside story either. It's just a girl, Wei Guo is not as simple as you think. The royal family, the royal family, the temple, the top ten families, why these Existence, is it really just at the mercy and control of Xiancheng? I don't think so. "

As if there was something, it passed quickly through her mind.

Lin Lin Mengya wanted to catch it, but she slipped away.

The words of Teacher Wu made her mind into a new range.

"I know your mind, girl, I want to stir this muddy water, the burden on your shoulders, but it is not small. I have a hunch, this time you go to Baili's, maybe you will have extraordinary gains. .I just don't know if this is a blessing or a curse to you. "

The more I know, the more she feels that she has a heavy responsibility.

I took a deep breath, and she squeezed my fist tightly, and after a while adjusting, she gradually recovered her calmness.

"I know."

Su Baili Rui suddenly felt very ashamed.

If he used to be less willful and less proud, would he be able to hold up a sky for his little apprentice now?

Lin Lin Mengya seemed to be aware of her regret and changed the subject calmly.

对 "By the way, those low-temperature charcoal, I don't know how you and your uncle studied. This thing is hard to come by, you two, don't waste it on me."

Hearing this, Bai Liru rolled his eyes with anger.

"Little white-eyed wolf, what's wrong with burning some charcoal? You have ruined my strange poison and I haven't settled with you yet!"

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