Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2086: Mysterious Murder

I watched the teacher start to quarrel with myself with a moustache, but Lin Mengya smiled occasionally and answered a few words.

Although she doesn't have enough confidence, she doesn't want to see the teacher indulge in it, but indulge in the past.

Out of the bilge, she walked to the deck.

Er Haifeng blows her hair wantonly, she is as beautiful as the most beautiful goddess on the fairy mountain in the sea.

She turned her head, and she was not surprised to see Long Tianyu standing not far behind her, always in a protective posture.

While the orange-red afterglow, she saw the deep and ardent love in his eyes clearly.

怎么 "Why look at me like this?"

She tilted her head, in a tone that was never coquettish to others.

In front of outsiders, she is the head of the palace and a genius poison doctor who carries the whole banner of the revival of the poison gate.

Ye Wei is in front of him, she is just her.

It can be soft, willful, and easily, showing its truest side.

He came over and stood with her.

"I like watching you."

Wu Su's itching words to her ears made her heart tremble slightly.

She pretended to be impatient with a glance at the other person, but even herself did not realize that the corner of her mouth was rising.

"When you come to Baili's house, you have to be careful."

For him, she always had some extra concerns.

If it is about martial arts and ingenuity, she believes that her man can definitely kill the audience.

This time, the Baili family is bound to win, and it will certainly make a lot of treacherous means.

Whether it is poison or medicine, its power is inestimable in the hands of those who are proficient in this way.

She was afraid of her own man and would be fooled by others.

She would never want to see him again, at the mercy of poison, but without resistance.

For him, life is worse than death.

He stretched out his fingers, and he smoothed her eyebrows, unconsciously wrinkled lines.

"I know."

There were so many things that he couldn't tell her.

Therefore, he was both worried and sorry for her concern.

He seemed to be a little too pretentious in front of Yaer.

With a hint of joy, he climbed up to his dark eyes.

He deliberately thought badly, and it was better not to tell her.

I let her mind fall on her body forever and never give it to other people even a little bit.

The atmosphere between the two of them was thick, and suddenly Long Tianyu hugged her and fled to the side.

排 On the deck where the two were standing just now, a row of hidden weapon is nailed at this moment.


Xiaolong Tianyu gave a cold drink and caught up randomly.

The next moment, Ada took his place and stood in front of Lin Mengya.

"Be careful!"

Lin Lin Mengya was a little worried.

The other party dared to take a shot in front of him, for fear of being able to escape.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Long Tianyu, with a black face, holding a small scarecrow, returned to her.

"It's a long established institution."

Nine Dragons Tian Yu was very displeased.

At that time, he was acting in the fastest time. If the other side was nearby, he would have no time to hide.

When he arrived, there was only such a sufficient thing there.

I want to come, the planner has enough time to slip away.

She also saw the authorities.

Plutonium is a very simple trigger device, which uses a candlelight, and it is also the kind of candle that can be seen everywhere.

"Go and search the rooms!"


Zhe Lin Mengya stopped Ada's operation.

Looking at the scarecrow, she just felt like she was staring at anytime, anywhere with a pair of wicked eyes.

She waved her hand to signal that Ada took away the scarecrow.

He turned his head and saw the gloom in Long Tianyu's eyes, then lowered his voice and said, "Now, the poison gate has just united. If I search at this moment, wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

This kind of thing, Long Tianyu never cares.

But he has to take care of her mood.

"I know."

自然 "Naturally, I will not let go of this black horse. He can count me at this time, maybe he just wants to let the poison door centrifuge."

设定 The hidden weapon that has been set first misses the opportunity when it is on the crosshair.

If she has any other actions during the period set by the other party, the hidden weapon will not hit her.

I didn't mean her life, but I wanted to use this matter to make something else.

It's natural that she won't let the other party succeed!

Chen Long Tianyu naturally hated the person behind this scene more than she did.

I just called my secret guard and asked to investigate in secret at this time, but heard an exclaim in the cabin.

"Uncle, how are you doing uncle! Come on, come on!"

The scream for help stunned the whole ship.

After looking at each other, they dared to go in the direction of the sound before most people arrived.

"what happened?"

The two broke into a small cabin.

There are only two beds and a small table inside, and the situation is clear at a glance.

A teenager in panic, kneeling in front of another bed, constantly calling for his loved ones.

"What happened?"

刚 As soon as she came in, she smelled a strong **** smell in the air.

When the young boy heard her voice, she immediately turned her head and cried and said, "The housekeeper, my second uncle, he is dead!"


一 Her heart was tight, and she went to the bed to check her briskly immediately.

I saw a middle-aged man about 40 years old with his eyes closed, but his chest cavity was weird.

The pillow had been infected with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and his body had become stiff. It seemed that he had died for a while.

"Don't cry, tell me, how did you find out that your second uncle is dead?"

The teenager was also a lord of the six gods, and when he heard the words, he sobbed and said, "After boarding the boat, the second uncle said that he was seasick, and went back to the room to rest first. I have been in the other person's room. Just back when I saw that my second uncle was already dead. . "

I lost my loved one, the teenager was already distraught, Lin Mengya did not continue to ask.

At this moment, those companions who heard the sound were also red.

No one expected that this would happen.

大家 "Let's be quiet first. Suddenly, we had better find some clues. Did anyone hear anything just now?"

She stood up and said to everyone.

Everyone shook their heads.

This boat is not small, so even if they are crowded, they live and sail.

At that time, they were slightly relaxed when they arrived on the boat based on hurrying, so most of them were resting in their cabins.

What happened was just supper. Everyone had dinner in their cabin.

So there is no clue.

Lin Mengya frowned.

The tartar is dead. If it is not handled properly now, I am afraid that it will make people feel terrified.

大家 "Everyone goes back to their own room first, I will be responsible for the investigation at this time. Later I will let people protect in front of everyone, no matter what is abnormal, please

Everyone must ask for help, not careless! "

Everyone nodded.

After looking at his companion who was dying in the end, he left with heavy steps.

The juvenile has been taken away by other relatives and friends, and there are only a few people in the cabin.

掀 She lifted off the man's clothes, and a large black-purple fingerprint was impressed on his chest.

"It doesn't look like it was hurt by martial arts."

Nine Dragons Tianyu is a master of the world, only one glance can be judged.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

"Yes, this is not martial arts, but poison."

From the moment she entered, she knew.

She doesn't know who did it, but she must be a master among the masters.

Xun Long Tianyu mixed his manpower with the manpower of the palace family and did a good job of distribution.

Zhe Lin Mengya also pulled up the corpse's clothes and ordered anyone to enter without her permission.

The two looked at each other, their eyes were covered with heavy.

Outside, it was completely dark.

The Erhai wind whizzed past, bringing a cold chill.

She looked outside and said nothing, followed Long Tianyu and returned to the room together.

Teacher Yun and Uncle are too busy at the moment.

The sudden death of my uncle's companion has also cast a shadow of uneasiness on everyone.

No one knows whether there will be the next one. If so, who will be doomed.

Who is there who can live without death?

Although they did not regret this step, the threat of death made everyone's hearts raise.

"I'm going out for a tour, you're waiting for me."

Lifting the oil lamp, Long Tianyu whispered.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately followed.

I have such a thing, and she is also confused.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not stop, but took her hand out of the hatch together.

There are three floors above and below. They live on the top floor. The room is relatively more spacious than the bottom floor.

各个 In the cabin, all doors are closed tightly.

The guards brought by the Xun Palace family and Long Tianyu guarded the door alertly, bringing the only sense of security.

They didn't find anything abnormal during the inspection.

"Let's go and see on the deck."

Although no one was on the deck, she felt uneasy.

He had the intention, nodded, and took her out of the cabin.

As soon as Wu reached the middle, Lin Mengya saw the front, and there seemed to be someone there.

The two immediately relieved themselves and sneaked in quietly.

On the dim stern, two figures were sneakily doing something.

Xiaolong Tianyu squinted his eyes, and hurried forward, catching two people who were making troubles.

"Ah! Let me go!"

Hesitating voice, so immature to surprise her.

Nine Dragons Tianyu held each person to the light.

The two are actually sixteen or seventeen years old.

They were struggling a lot just now. After looking at the people in front of them, they suddenly froze and looked at them both in surprise.

"You, you, are you trying to kill someone?"


Lin Lin Mengya did not understand why the other party said so.

"You two don't sleep well at night. What do you run there for? Do you know that it is dangerous at night? If you fall, you can't even save it."

Who knows, another young man yelled, "You don't need to be a good person here! If we don't leave now, sooner or later, we will die in your hands!"

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