Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2096: Last attack

"It's all right."

知道 She knows that they can't grudge them.

And this is also her flaw, intentionally exposed.

"The real enemy is here."

As the bells became more and more unruly, I did not know when it was on the ship's side, and quietly boarded a lot of wet people.

These people silently killed the crowd, but they did not distinguish between the enemy and me.

Soon, many people lost their lives just like this.

The palace guards quickly responded, and among the crowd, those in the poison door followed the palace guards smartly.

For a while, it was deadlocked.

Zhe Lin Mengya also faces a hard battle.

Most of the killers came straight to her, but the three of them joined hands to block the airtightness.

The three of them are brothers, and another classmate martial arts is very tacit.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around for a week and nodded secretly.

It seems to me that all enemies tonight are here.

She suddenly took out a small hand stove from her sleeve.

The stove was very delicate, and she twisted the lid a little to reveal the holes around her.

Through the cover of the sleeve, no one around her saw her movement.

Lin Lin Mengya put her stove on the ground, and then she smelled the smell inside.

Now, whether it's aroma or time, it's just right.

Only about a few minutes passed, and suddenly, in the dark night of Cangjie, a meow suddenly sounded.

The voice was not loud, and I was afraid that no one would notice it except Lin Mengya.

Lin Mengya smiled slightly after the owl screamed.

"Take me to the teacher."


The three of them guarded her and fought and retreated.

Under such combat power, Lin Mengya quickly retreated into the cabin.

As soon as I entered the door, she saw a somber teacher.

"Teacher, are you ready?"

"Oh, dare to start with my students and brothers. If they can still leave alive, do I still have the face of Barry?

"Of course."

Lin Lin Mengya also bent her lips, looking confident.

Maybe it is because of the low value of these people that they have forgotten the fear of being dominated by poison doctors.

Tonight, she will make those people shuddered by the name of the poison doctor again!

The mist was more intense, as if it was darkness before dawn, always with the dying struggle.

I could smell the smell of bonemeal before. I don't know what was mixed in, but it has a faint floral fragrance.

Gradually, those killers like a fish get water, they actually feel that their body is actually a little unwilling to call.

Suddenly, the poisonous man was a little puzzled, and then, standing in place, looked strange.

真 "Really, why should I fight with them?"

Someone looked at his hands.

Even though the hands are thin and can not even lift the knife, the thick cocoons in the palm of his hand are left by the years, an indelible memorial.

"Let you see, Lao Tzu's Poison!"

Poison can be invisible and invisible. Everything in this world can become a carrier of poison or a poison.

Over the years, they have been forced to cultivate their own nature.

Even in front of outsiders, he easily dare not reveal the fact that he is poisoned.

How about actually? Those who do evil are more than those who can poison.

Lin Mengya stood at the window on the second floor,

The strange scent of medicine was emanating from the teacher's house.

Stupid poison, everything in the world can be used for it.

What is it like to have thousands of troops? If he wants, mountains and rivers are broken, and corpses are everywhere.

The savage life was as cheap as before him.

Teacher Yun sat at the table, glancing at the poisonous classics he personally wrote.

I just sniffed the smell of the medicine tripod occasionally, and then grabbed the medicine in the medicine box and threw it into the tripod.

"Teacher's" Flavor of the Wind "is really a sword."

She smiled. The two faces of the master and apprentice were the same light and light.

"Oh, who knows the stupid people below, can you understand the true meaning of this medicine?"

"I think so."

This game is not her home with the teacher.

If the people in the poison door just shout slogans, but they do n’t know how to use their advantages to the utmost, then everything will be a reflection in the water, and they ca n’t help the twists and turns.

"Everyone use poison! This is the long-lost‘ scent of the wind ’!”

I do not know who shouted, those in the poison door, all responded.

Fangshangfengxiangxiang, regardless of any poison, can better stimulate toxicity under certain conditions.

No wonder, each of them will feel more energetic.

For others, it can hinder their control of the body.

Various poison powders, poisonous incenses, poisonous needles, etc. began to show their magical power below.

The poisonous thing can fly in the wind and kill people in the blood, even if it falls on the skin.

Soon, the killers understood the horror of poison.

No matter how fast they can be, they cannot be completely avoided.

They flashed and wanted to withdraw, but they did not expect that those who had died before stood up and stood up.

"Woo Meow!"

Xiao Xiaohe stood on the highest mast of the bow.

A pair of crystal clear purple pupils, just like the king's death.

死 The dead bodies are controlled by its 蛊, each dead body is actually covered with 蛊 and potent poison.

As long as those people dare to approach, they will definitely be infected, and there is no possibility of escape.

Just now, the killers who still have the upper hand suddenly suffered the enemy on the back, and had no advantage.

When Lin Mengya saw this, she turned around and untied a small cloth bag from her waist.

Inside, it contains a black pill.

"Let me, take them for a ride."

She put the pills in, and Yao Ding was taken out of the door.

The black powder flew slowly towards the sky along Yao Ding's fire mouth.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the black powder, the smile on the corner of her lips, getting colder.

"This is something I specially developed, called 'Into Dreams.'"

As the black powder was mixed with the bone meal of the sturgeon, there was a continuous combination of small water droplets that fell on everyone present.

But only those killers gradually felt that the body was heavy.

After a few minutes, those people fell to the ground.

But each of them looked distorted.

Zhe Lin Mengya stepped out of the cabin, and now the only people who are still intact are the poisonous people.

既然 "Since I dare to give my people a 'dream kill', then I can only treat them as they are."

The people at Pudumen didn't understand it at first. Until they saw the killers, they were desperately scratching their bodies.

Even with blood dripping, these people still didn't stop.

Even if they have eyes

Closed tightly, it is difficult to cover up his terror.

Everyone at the poisonous gate finally understood that the coldness in her words was not just ruthless words.

The fight between the two sides is evenly matched, and the situation is now one-sided.

The poisonous man looked at the enemy who fell to the ground, and looked at his hands again.

Is this the power of poison?

虽然 Although they ca n’t do it like Gongya and Baili Rui, they can easily use their own poison, right?

"House owner, if we can do this?"

In the crowd, some people are confused, and some people are awakened.

After looking at the crowd, Lin Mengya said, "Poisoning can save people, and naturally they can also kill people. However, you have to choose overnight. But whether you are holding a sharp blade or wearing poison, if you do it backwards, you must Suffer yourself. These people are examples. "

刚刚 The thoughts that had just swelled out, and with her words, gradually settled down.

的 The transition from the weak to the strong can be easily lost without a little attention.

The group of people on the deck gradually weakened.

After seeing the tragic situation of those people, everyone in the poison gate said that they understood her meaning.

"Homeowner, what do these people do?"

The palace guards were well trained, and after freeing up their hands, they began to deal with the aftermath.

"The boats we prepared before contacting us went on overnight. As for these people, stay here."

According to time, the ship is about to enter the port.

She had long expected that the Baili family would get a big one on the last night, and it was already well prepared.

After receiving orders from the poisonous people, she quickly returned to the room to arrange things.

As for that traitor, he was blocked for a long time, and he was taken away as a pig.

She waited, but did not see Long Tianyu return.

"Where is Your Highness?"

The dark guard left by Jiu Long Tianyu immediately replied: "The palace is down and chasing after the dream god. That man is very cunning, and there is someone to answer it underwater."

Although she has full confidence in Long Tianyu's combat effectiveness, she still frowned.

"Go and meet your Highness, here, there is no big problem."

"Miss, rest assured, Your Highness has his own measure. We went, it was just chaos."

This is a sad fact.

My own man is too capable, and it is quite awkward for the staff.

Bai Su had already packed her things. At this moment, Ruan Ying was still ignorant, and even she couldn't accept it. She was so close to her tender cousin that she was a conspirator.

"Where are we going?"

She asked subconsciously, and Lin Mengya looked up into the distance.

自然 "Naturally, to go to the enemy's lair."

The young girl was startled.

"Are we really going?"

Apparently, the previous attack had left a shadow on her mind.

怎么 "Why are you scared?"

She tilted her head and asked casually.

The young girl blushed, and said hard, "I'm not afraid! Go!"

She shook her head, always feeling that this girl seemed extra stubborn.

People around her got out of the boat with her things before she set off.

Inside the Clipper, the girl wrapped in a cloak, but her eyes were fixed on her.

"What do you think I do?"

"I'm thinking, where are you the best?"

She couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Why do you think so?"

The young girl suddenly turned her head and ignored her.

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