Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2097: Clippers leave

The Clipper evacuated under the cover of the mist. On the water, the unburned candlelight fluttered like a ghost fire.

She had no time to guess the secret thoughts of the girl, stood outside the cabin, and watched everyone evacuate.

Tomorrow, someone will find this empty ship full of dead bodies.

I wonder what it would be like for those behind the scenes to watch their calculations fail.

It's not far from the port here, but in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, the group still chose to dock in an unmanned harbor.

On the bank, a team of horse-drawn carriages has already responded.

Everyone took their own things, quickly got into the carriage, and disappeared into the night.

"Master, you have already packed up, do you still have to wait?"

Bai Su asked out of the cabin.

Zhe Lin Mengya's sight stayed on the hazy sea, and she put away her worry.

No matter how strong the man is, she is uneasy after all.

"Let's go and stay before talking."

The horse-drawn carriage swayed, but did not move towards the town.

她 She has arranged things here, and Long Tianyu also gave her a lot of help in secret.

At least no one knows their true identity.

Soon, they went to a small farm.

Although the poisonous people have won, the price is not small.

Fortunately, this group of people will know how to poison, and they also carry a lot of drugs, but they just lack a safe place.

In the farm, everyone is busy and settled.

Until the sky is bright, all talents have a residence.

"Teacher, how is Uncle?"

She took the changed medicine herself, and Bai Lirui sighed, her face was not as spirited as before.

"Relax, he can't die."

After all, I'm worried.

My two collaborators changed Wu Yan's medicine, and after a short pause, Wu Yan even opened his eyes.

"I am alive?"

Lin Lin Mengya and Bai Lirui were somewhat surprised.

Especially Barry Rui, who wanted to hate the slap of iron and steel, but at the end, he could only put his hand down, angrily: "You still know how to wake up! Why not die, lest people worry!"

Wu Wu smiled a little weakly.

At the time, he thought he was definitely going to see the old ancestors, but no one thought it, probably because he heard the voice of the guards, and the hand of the man was a little bit off.

It is precisely because of these points that he lost his life.

"Brother, I'm sorry, but it makes you worry."

"Hum! What's the use of these idiots now? You don't have to thank me, but thank my family, Yaer."

When I saw someone awake, the teacher's tense heart with her gradually relaxed.

At this time, Wu Yan thought something, and said anxiously: "I hid Song Da's medicine box in the room where the charcoal was placed, you guys, don't let anyone find it. There is bone meal of catfish. , If you encounter heavy fog, you can directly trap people alive! "

Xun Wenyan said, Lin Mengya smiled and said, "Uncle no longer needs to worry about this, I and the teacher have prepared in advance. Now, they are trapped by their own hands and feet."

Wu Wu stared at them both, shocked.

"But, how do you know that there is bonito bone meal?"

"The smell of that thing is so stinky, but you can hide it from my nose?"

I caught the opportunity, the teacher was fierce

I laughed at my stupid teacher.

Wu Wu's old face flushed, but he still let go.

"Well, I never dreamed that Song Da was actually a spy. I found him sneaky that night and knew that there was nothing good. I went to his room and blocked him for questioning, but who knew the man's crooked mouth It ’s better to say that he did it for the sake of poisoning. I was really angry but I started to fight with him, but Lao Song didn't fight back. Speaking of which, he was also for the family's hatred.

Teacher Wu seems to know some inside information, so he just nodded with emotion.

Later, she learned from the teacher's mouth that Song Da's parents, wives and children all died in the hands of Yaomen.

Also, he was killed by torture.

Over the years, he has been looking for opportunities to avenge his family.

Because of this, he is used by others.

"I know you want to preserve his last bit of dignity, but it's about your innocence. If you really press it, you're afraid it will have a very bad impact on your reputation."

Yun Songda is a traitor and he is trying to bury the ship, so it is reasonable for the uncle to execute him.

But Wu Yan refused to live or die, so he had to reserve a little final dignity for Song Da.

In desperation, she could only tell the teacher that Song Da was being used by a traitor to confuse her, but she was also involuntary at the time.

Fortunately, things about Dream God before have made everyone mentally prepared.

It would not be too absurd to say this.

老师 "Teacher, uncle, have you ever heard of that dream god?"

Both thought for a while, and both shook their heads.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but feel stranger.

The God of Dreams does not seem to be a nameless person. From the perspective of his style and behavior before, this kind of thing should not have been done for the first time.

Wu Zheng was thinking, Wu Yan suddenly said: "Although the current God of Dreams is not clear, I used to know some of them."

The teacher also suddenly realized that he was knocking on his head.

哦 "Oh, I remember, are you telling the story?"

Wu Wu nodded, but Bai Lirui didn't seem to care.

"You can take such a vain thing seriously."

"Teacher, what is going on?"

She listened to the tone. It seemed that the teacher and the uncle were both informed and busy asking.

"It's nothing, just the respected God in the former temple, there were twelve acolytes. However, this is also the story we heard from the mouth of the older generation. I don't know why, these twelve The attendant disappeared. I remember there was a God of Dreams. Your uncle was not honest when he was a kid, and he liked the story of this devil and devil the most. No wonder he only remembered it. "

The servant **** in Teacher Meng's mouth is the twelve men who respect God.

One of them is the dream **** who is in charge of all dreams on earth.

Of course, she knows which one she encountered, but she doesn't have such great power.

But he is known as Dream God, and I don't know if it is just a coincidence.

Uncle Xun was able to wake up and learned something about her.

Kung Fu was talking to his uncle and teacher, and the palace guards went back and forth.

"Homeowner, that kid is so bad. Please show me how to deal with it."

Through her, the teacher and uncle also knew this ambitious true traitor.

Both of them hate this kind of people most, and never felt that they should be forgiven because of their young age.

Lin Lin Mengya got up and followed the guard to the backyard where the teenager was detained.

I never expected that Ruan Ying was here.

Alas, she seemed very excited.

"Liu Yuan! How can you be so stubborn? What good is it to betray the poison gate? Can you even abandon your own family?"

The little girl was flushed with anger.

She never imagined that her cousin, who grew up with herself, was such a respectable person.

I was worried that he was coming before losing her.

"What do you Huangmao girl know? I'm doing this for the sake of justice and the future of the poisonous gate!"

Qi Liuyuan's disdainful look looked like the world was the only one who was correct.

Ruan Ying was red with eyes.

"Where's your aunt and uncle? Do you take them into account?"

I didn't want to, Liu Yuan showed a pity.

"As my biological parents, I very much hope that they can also greet the glory of the poisonous gate with me. Unfortunately, they are stubborn! I have to keep the former decay, so I can only remove them from this world. It's up! "

The young boy was originally a handsome face, but at this moment, it was as horrible as a ghost.

Ruan Ying stared blankly at her cousin. What did she just hear?

"You, you are crazy! That is your biological parents!"

Yan Liuyuan laughed like a joke.

"What about the biological parents? They gave birth to me, but I and them are different after all!"

Lin Lin Mengya listened to all this quietly.

According to Xun, Liu Yuan was not only deceived, but he was such a person.

It is not surprising that I can do such a thing.

哪里 Where can Ruan Ying accept such a view of extinction, she only feels that her cousin has become unfamiliar to her.

"You're wrong! They're your biological parents anyway. You're wrong to kill them!"

"Yes, or not, who judges?"

Yuanliu Yuan was so devoted that she didn't take this little girl into her eyes at all.

"You said I was wrong, then who will prove your right or wrong? I just do things according to my heart, you are not me, how can you judge me?"

This fallacy made Ruan Ying speechless.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

There is no normal logic at all in Liu Yanyuan's words. Naturally, a girl like Ruan Ying who has been raised at home has never been seen.

"Right or wrong, always meets the criteria of most people. If you really think you are right, why should you argue with her. Don't you still want to win the approval of others to prove your right or wrong?"

Yan Liuyuan no longer smiled.

He can use words to attack Ruan Ying and see her eager but unable to refute, to achieve inner comfort.

But this trick is obviously not applicable to the woman in front of her.

Because her heart is extremely firm.

"It's just mediocre, I'm too lazy to talk to you more."

"You perceive your words to be useless to me. In front of me, it's just like a clown jumping a clown, so you don't speak anymore, and you're afraid of being shy. Well. That's a smart man."

I just had the upper hand, and Liu Yuan, who was arrogant and powerful, could only stare at her coldly now.

Ruan Ying bit her lip, and her eyes were slick.

Suddenly she felt extremely frustrated.

In front of Gongya, everything seemed to become her foil.

She is not the stars, but the entire sun alone, dazzling.

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