Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2106: Shameless doctor

I don't know if the doctors are too confident or if they are acting on purpose.

至少 At least three of these nine people are her old acquaintances.

He squinted at the seat of Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong, plus the deputy chief of the temple who helped her through the scene.

She couldn't help but think more of the medical idea.

These three will definitely stand on her side, aren't the other six people all medical doctors?

Elder Lu introduced Yingying with a smile and said, "These nine people all agreed to participate in our ruling team after careful consideration. Before that, they all used personal guarantees, and they will definitely decide our two rivals fair and just. For one thing, drugmates can rest assured. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and exchanged glances with the three men in the air.

She didn't receive any news before she came, and whether it was Ma and Cheng's two seniors, or the deputy master, if she knew the news in advance, she would try to notify her.

But now they are so secretly concealed.

Obviously, there must be something weird about it.

Elder Lu also introduced the adjudication group in turn.

"This one, Master Pei from Longdu sentenced Master Pei"

The Pei Yuan ruled that she also heard something.

人 This person is the chief of the Royal Hospital of the Royal Palace, exquisite medical skills, and a hereditary post.

But Pei's family can be regarded as a medical doctor. Even though he is now obedient to the royal family, his relationship with medical doctors is actually good.

She looked at Pei Yuan, who was also looking at her.

And for some reason, she felt Pei Yuan's sentence and seemed to be disgusted with her.

I can't help but think of the three who have a close relationship with her. It is normal for the medical department to find him.

"Second place, Yao Wang Chuan Ren, Yao Wang Gu's young son"

He Qingye is only in his twenties, but he sits beside a group of big men and shows no timidity.

The face is red and white, and looks pretty good.

The most important thing is that the temperament is dusty. It really looks like an empty valley Youlan.

Aside, Wu Yue whispered, "Neither of our doors can be separated from medicine, so the power of Yao Wanggu is not easy to be underestimated. For the first few years, his master has been fair and treats both of us equally. But I heard this. Mr. Aoba, he was engaged to a family lady in the medical department two years ago. Now it seems that their relationship is definitely closer than us. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, knowing in her heart.

"Third place, Elder Doctor's Church, Wen Yuan"

The three words of Dr. Yun's Doctor's Hall made Lin Mengya notice the person.

Wu Wenjing has been depressed for a while since she was smashed by three views.

After that, she went out early and returned late every day, and even after she set off, she followed her away, and she did not know where she had gone.

The current situation of Dr. Physician Church, even if it is not torn apart, is not much worse.

虽然 Although she and Wentian support Wen Jing in secret, the physician's hall is a very exclusive place. To master it, she has to rely on Wen Jing herself.

太 This elder is too senior, she doesn't know the origin of the other party, but the doctor's hall is inseparable from the doctor, and she wants to know where his feet are.

接下来 Then, the introduction of Elder Lu even more confused her.

"Fourth place, His Excellency His Royal Highness, His Majesty His Majesty Lu"

"Fifth, the envoy of the Lord of the Temple, and also the Lord's Protector of the Temple"

"Sixth place, His Royal Highness Xiao"

"Seventh Lord Lord of the Temple"

"Eighth place, Ma Lian, Ma Lian"

"The ninth place,

Master Cheng Rusong

他 After he introduced them one by one, everyone was shocked by this unprecedented battle.

Looking at it this way, the forces on Wei Guoming's face are almost all there.

The emperor emperor, the temple, the three kings, the top ten families, plus two drugs, medicine.

This time, they must be playing big

Lin Lin Mengya went through from beginning to end, narrowing her eyes slightly.

On the surface, this lineup is quite fair.

But in reality, there are some extremely complicated relationships.

There are three deputies, each of whom is a good doctor, that is, those who have little to do with it are those who have little to do with them.

King Huang, Temple, King Xiao.

These three forces, she is not 100% sure to fight for it.

At that time, if it is defeated, it is equivalent to the public execution of the poison gate, and there will be no chance of turning over in the future.

This battle is not easy to fight.

Next to me, the teacher and uncle also saw the problem.

"Oh, this medicine is really some shameless embryos, such things can be done, a group of hypocrites"

No matter how anxious the uncle is, the situation has become a foregone conclusion.

In my opinion, if you want to reverse the wind, you must crush the opponent with absolute strength.

I just have too much water in it. If I want to win, I'm afraid it will be more difficult.

She was thinking, but she heard the teacher whisper "But the real medical disciples are only the three elders. Do they only want to rely on the Baili family?

She said that she felt strange.

Judging from Bai Lijian's attitude towards Elder Lu, the Baili family should be obedient to medical practice.

This time, the two sides are definitely fighting for life.

Isn't Bai Lijian afraid of losing the entire Baili family?

After turning her mind, she smiled and said, "Since they are all high-profile figures, we don't seem to need to worry about the fairness of the ruling. However, there is one more thing, I hope Elder Lu can help doubting answers."

Elder Lu nodded.

"This time the fight is about two of us. Now most of our poisonous people have arrived, but they can be cured."

She paused, glanced at Bai Lijian already.

The latter immediately felt blood on his head, and could only give her a grimace.

"I mean, too few disciples of your martial arts have come here. In this way, it makes us feel that we are bullying less."

Elder Lu seemed to remember something and said, "Look at me, I forgot such important things. But before the match, the nine adults decided by lot to determine the content of the match. Also It was already in the hands and delivered to the elders of the poison gate. Why, the housekeeper didn't know. "

Eurasian poison door

Lin Mengya just felt like she was being calculated.

Elder Lu also seemed to be ignorant, and slowly said, "Half a month ago, the two of us went to the battlefield. Only waiting for the nine adults to come together, we agreed to start the game. I want to come. Hurry, miss such important news. "

She didn't receive this **** fight at all

I looked at the nine people on the stage again, and she clearly saw a few people on the medical side, showing ridicule and the helplessness of the three on her side.

So it is

I also want to know that the elders from the Lumen family are the ones who do not agree with the teacher and uncle.

可 Such a big thing, the other party

I actually hid my heart, only thinking of fighting for power

They are simply treacherous doctors, and now they must lose.

"The master of the palace is still in the chest, why is this so disappointed that it is impossible to succeed, the master of the palace is unaware of this matter. Oh, I do not know that you, the person in charge, have not been unanimously approved by the poisonous door."

Bali firmly seized the opportunity and began to ridicule her.

It was nothing for her to be stingy about him.

Now she is most anxious to find the location and content of the match.

The city of Elder Lu is much higher than Bailijian.

In front of everyone, he pretended to regret and said, "How is this happening? The owner of the palace is the negligence of the old man. By the way, this fight is divided into three parts. The specifics are in this letter. We The game was held two days later, and everything was too late. "

Falsely, it is clear that he wants to win without fighting, but still makes this gesture.

With a smirk, Lin Lin Mengya shoved the letter into her arms.

"Thank you for reminding Elder Lu."

Elder Lu Lu looked at her with a smile, but deep in his eyes, there was a touch of cold light.

"Let's wait and see."

"Don't live up to Elder Lu's kindness"

Under the different thoughts of all parties, Lin Mengya took people back to the house.

"Stupid dumb idiots, have their brains been foolish and stupid? What time is it? They only care about this bad thing"

The uncle scolded him when he returned to the yard.

This time, the teacher didn't stop, but sat beside her silently, frowning.

"Yaer, I don't think about it."

Teacher Ai said apologetically.

However, several homeowners in the surrounding area have comforted one another: "You ca n’t say that the poisonous gate was incapable. They left the entire poisonous gate for self-protection. Now they want to rob right, it is abominable"

Teacher Tong sighed bitterly.

He also did not expect that after so many years, these people can still be so shameless.

Gao Linmengya also asked a few questions about the so-called poisonous elders.

"The elder elders who hum the **** was the last time they fought. If they hadn't done it alone, they were so happy that we couldn't turn over for decades"

Last match

She set her eyes on the teacher.

Listening to the news that the teacher and uncle usually talk to each other, it seems that when the last match, a very serious accident occurred.

Calculated according to time, at that time, the teacher should already be in Jin State.

However, the teacher should be able to come back, otherwise, there will be no prestige here.

"I do n’t want to mention the previous things. In short, if they still want to reapply the tricks, I will certainly not give in."

Bali Rui's eyes were firm.

In the past, he could make it because he felt that these names were not important.

But it's about his little apprentice, who is raised by his daughter.

Wu 泄 vented a pass, and now calm down.

Da Ma Jin Dao sat on the chair with a cold look.

"The older brother gave way because he didn't see these things at all. However, they obviously forgot the lessons I and their team gave them at that time."

A fierce momentum slowly appeared on the two of them.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but be a little curious, how dazzling the poisonous and madman was then, how gorgeous it was

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