Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2107: Explore the Barry House

She took a deep breath and stabilized her mind.

Since there are three chances to compete, they can make up for them in the next two games as long as they plan well.

Now she can't panic.

I opened the letter, Lin Mengya carefully looked at the content above.

But the more she looked, the more weird she looked.

In the end, when she put down the stationery, the whole person was enveloped in an emotion that no one else could understand.

Suddenly, everyone's heart sank.

Bali Rui was distressed and said softly, "Even if you lose, it's not your fault, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Over there, Wu Yan was almost anxious to scratch his head.

"Yeah little niece, don't scare Uncle like that, it will block you."

The people next to me were also anxious.

Lin Mengya froze and waved.

"Don't worry, I just forget it, let's go back first. In short, this time, we are not without a win."

Even though she is quite confident, everyone only thinks she is holding on.

Lin Lin Mengya pressed a smile, and it is not yet public.

I waited until everyone was gone, sure that she and the teacher and uncle were the only three left, and Barry Rui sighed.

"Your girl, there is a teacher to support you anyway. The heavy task of reviving the poison gate should not fall on you alone. This is not fair to you at all."

Uncle Yun also nodded and clenched his fists.

"I have lived this life for decades. Little niece, your uncle never fears death."

After being moved, Lin Mengya was a little speechless.

She shook her head helplessly, then passed the letter to the teacher.

"You will understand by looking at it. This time, we have really exhausted the time and feared that it was also a mischief, and Tianli Zhaozhao could not tolerate them."

After hearing the content of the letter, Bai Bairui's doubts were answered.

"This this"

He was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Beside him, Wu Yan was already anxious to tear the paper over.

I saw black and white written on it.

The first time he heard that a baby died of an acute illness when he was inland, if the two can find out the cause of the disease and solve it, the fastest one will win.

In the second round of the match, the worms in the Yanxia Mountains of the letter state often injured and hurt people. The two together cleared the worms for a period of five days. The larger number was the winner.

After the third match of the match, the match was decided by the ruling team.

Bali Rui was so emotional that she pressed down the urge to laugh three times.

Bian Ren is the old thief who looks like a ghost. In the end, he is not going to be defeated by his apprentice.

Wu Wu saw the first one, but he was still worried about the second one.

"This is a place with few personal trails and easy to defend. I heard that there is still a gang of robbers, and no one has dared to enter the mountains recently. Let's go this time, I'm afraid it will be more formidable, and the form is not optimistic. "

Lin Lin Mengya and her teacher gave a tacit glance to each other. The chicken thief's apprentice and apprentice pressed her relationship with Yanxia Mountain without a word.

不过 "However, if the first item can be won, then the second item will not win. In short, we can still catch up with the third item, there is always a chance to come back."

But Lin Mengya thought about it, shook her head and said, "I think it's better to focus on the second one."


Alas, didn't we already have the result of the first match and we won the first match steadily, so we can be more confident. "

Uncle Yun said very disapproving.

Teacher Yun understood her meaning, and opened her face coldly after uncle's glance.

"You all know that it is a bad thing done by the Baili family. You think the medical department will send such a good opportunity to us."

Wu Zheng still didn't quite understand it. Helplessly, Barry Rui had to explain with anger, "This thing is what they do, no matter how fast we are, it is always faster than them. And, there is something wrong with us. Even if it is We immediately sent someone to give them the results, and you think they will really believe it. Not only are we wasting our time, but we are still scared of gains and losses. "

He said that the first competition was a pit.

Bali dared to do this, they have the ability to escape.

之前 They had a conflict with Bai Lijian before. Once they point directly at Bai Lijian, it will definitely make people feel that they are venting their anger.

He will, in turn, increase the treacherousness of those people.

It's better to give up and let them feel like they're out of business.

Wu Yan nodded again and again, thinking about it, and gritted his teeth and said, "It's all those guys who get in the way. Otherwise, why are we so passive, but the Baili family is so distraught, letting them go like this, I really don't want to "

"Blood debt, where it would be so easily erased."

Bend the corner of her mouth and draw a cold color.

After all, everything the Baili family did will be revealed to the world.

At that time, they were just mice crossing the street. Everyone shouted and lost their ability to do evil.

"Yes, such people must not let them go"

After the three of them reached an agreement, Lin Mengya will come forward tomorrow and announce that all the poison gates will go to Yanxia Mountain in Xinzhou.

As for those who want to take the fruits of her victory, let them learn a lesson

Late at night, Lin Mengya kept a candle and sat at the table without any sleepiness on her face.

Chen Long Tianyu opened the door lightly and softened the corners of his face after seeing her.

"I'm not saying how about letting you sleep for a while, not tired"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, but her eyes fell on the black cloth bag in his hand.

"Change it."

Faced with her eagerness, he smirked and passed the cloth bag to her.

Inside is a nightwear with a special fabric.

The color of this dress is closer to black than the traditional night clothes.

I do n’t know how this fabric came out. After Lin Mengya got it on board, she put on a hood. If you turn on the protective function of the system, it will be completely integrated with the night. Even the best eyesight, you ca n’t tell. come out.

Seeing that she was well dressed, Long Tianyu tidy her up a little.

His eyes are gentle and he looks at her.

"No matter what the outcome is tonight, before dawn, we must evacuate from the Baili family."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

"I know. No matter how much I want to rescue my father, but I am not letting you and me be in danger at the same time without full confidence."

She was never an emotional person.

Even if she had met her father, she could still hold back her heartache without turning around and left without hesitation.

Because of this, she can better ensure the safety of her and her father.

好 "Okay, my ya'er is the best woman in the world."

He gently kissed her forehead.

The two of them no longer lingered, taking advantage of the night, under the cover of eighteen hidden kung fu best dark guards, mixed into the night.

The old house in Baili house shrouded in the dark is like a quiet monster with a huge mouth.

I stood in the alley not far away, and she let go of her system's maximum range of detection, almost covering half a hundred miles of home.

After just a few minutes, she collected it.

But everything that was detected before has been deeply engraved in the system.

"Bali's home is very tightly guarded, and there are many people inside and outside to guard it. We want to sneak in silently, and it is difficult."

Long Tianyu thought for a moment, and whispered, "Chen Ao, You Lang, two of you and eight people, deliberately made some movements and led away the patrolling guards. Asan, you temporarily design a sleepy array, only Trapped them for a while and created some opportunities for us. "

一次 This time, the three brothers were also included in them.

Asan followed the other two and went away. Soon, he heard the voice and hurried in the opposite direction.

The opportunity is unforgettable, and the remaining twelve are transformed into off-string arrows, and disappear in the alley in an instant.

Circumventing the noisy front yard, Lin Mengya released the system's detection function again.

Although there are many guards patrolling here, with her cheat device, everyone can always avoid it one step in advance.

However, it became more difficult to find her father's job.

They have searched almost half of the front yard, and all the suspicious places have also ventured. Unfortunately, nothing is gained.

It is rare that Lin Mengya can keep the most basic calmness.

Only with the return of the outside guards, their situation became more and more difficult.

The inner courtyard, in addition to the guards, has a lot of headaches.

Lin Long Tianyu thought of gritting her teeth and taking her in once, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

I hid in the corner, she quietly said in his ear, "After a quarter of an hour, you immediately leave with someone. Remember not to be too far away from me, I will try to make the protective function bigger."

Xun Long Tianyu suddenly understood what she was going to do, before she could stop it, she saw her eyes filled with strange light instantly.

After a short while, she slammed shut and isolated everything.

She ventured again to open the exploration function and protection function.

Wu Xiaoyao issued an alarm on the side. Once it reached the zero point that she could no longer afford, he would forcibly cut off the link with her consciousness at the last moment.

For one minute, two and a half minutes had not passed, and her brain felt acupuncture-like pain due to overload.

She clenched her teeth, and used this rare time to contrast every inch she could explore.

The backyard is bigger than she imagined.

Dozens of large and small courtyards, each more or less guarded.

But when she probed in, everything inside her surprised her.

But the person he was really looking for was still missing.

"The master has reached the limit that your body can bear"

"Give me the last minute"

Exploration became fast. All the scenes quickly passed through her mind like a lantern. She had no time to organize other things, but she was only looking for her father.

"The countdown to ten seconds begins, ten, nine"

Piao Xiaoyao has begun to time, he will not be worse than a minute.

At the same time, Lin Mengya's body has exuded a layer of cold sweat.

Where is my father?

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