Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2121: Camp Status

In the end, it was only a matter of her having enough resources.

However, Zhu Yan also seemed less restrained because of her intimate actions like before.

During the trance, some people came over and were eventually driven away by Zhu Yan.

She needs to understand the situation first, and then consider whether she should be exposed to others.

After hearing the whole process of being counted, Lin Mengya could not help but fall into deep thought.

"Don't you know anything about the fight between the drug gate and the medical gate?"

Zhu Yan shook his head. "Someone has come to lobby me before, but I know that once we get involved, we will have no peace. Who knows, they are still bored by them. These people are really blind-eyed. Now they take them Did you take it for nothing? "

I don't blame Zhu Yan for being so resentful.

The reason why Yanxia Mountain can still exist is because there is no root and no ping, and the forces of all parties involve no one to dare to spend a lot of time on them.

But once you have a relationship with the doctor, you can never be alone again.

For the benefit of the immediate idea, this group of people is almost equal to sacrificing all their own future.

No wonder Zhu Yan was so angry.

She glanced inside.

"Where can you guarantee that you are in the same mind?"

Although there are women and children here, many of them have relationships with the betrayed ones.

Not everyone is in the presence of family and continues to be rational.

But sometimes, such a swing is fatal.

I did not expect, but Zhu Yan gave an unexpected answer.

"We can rest assured that women are more powerful than men on the Xiaxia Mountain."

I said here, he was proud of his tone.

"After your story got here, those women only knew that women can take over the house and become their own masters. But because of the large number of people, several bad things happened. Since then all women They are all united together. This time, if they had suddenly had foreign aid, the original people would not have been able to win them. "

Lin Mengya was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that her things would have such a butterfly effect.

Because of this, she also has a new strategy in the face of the situation.

"It's not convenient for me or him to come forward, but the people we bring can be used for you."

There was a flash of light in her eyes.

At the same time, whether it is Zhu Yan or Long Tianyu next to him, he has a feeling.

Someone, it ’s going to be moldy.

The people outside have been completely solved. Lin Mengya gave the plan to Zhu Yan with everyone, and then took Long Tianyu to their former base camp.

Xi Xiaobai and Xiaohu both wanted to follow her, but they are really inseparable from them.

Lin Lin Mengya had to hug her hair in a kiss, and this allowed the two obedient ones to hide in the forest and heal them.

But probably because of their scent, they came all the way, no matter beasts or hounds, silent.

Lin Lin Mengya was happy, and there was always a sense of pride that grew up in my family and early childhood.

In the camp, singing and dancing leveled up, and luxury eroded.

Chen Long Tianyu took her to a big tree and watched everything inside patiently.

Suddenly, she stared at a figure for a long time, and then quietly pulled Long Tianyu's sleeve.

"Look, is that person An Ruchu?"

Chen Longtian Yu narrowed his eyes. His impression of An Ruchu was not deep, but he knew that his wife would rarely recognize the wrong person.

But if it is An Ruchu, why is he here?

"I remember, after Anjia took over the Baili family, he abandoned the original fiefdom. With most people, went to the Baili family?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, "It is true that An Ruchu should have been a running dog of the Baili family at that time."

The owner of the Zuan family was more afraid of her revenge.

In fact, she was ready for the second hand at the time. Who knew that the An's family went to the building, she didn't do it.

"But when we went to Baili's house, we never found the An family. Did they leave?"

On this issue, Long Tianyu has his own different views.

"An old thief is not stupid. He not only offended you last time, but even I hated him. If he left from Baili's house, he would lose protection. But strangely, my people have been monitoring When they were at the Baili family, they did not see the An family. Maybe it was the Baili family who found somewhere and hid people? "

Is it like this?

Lin Lin Mengya did not understand for a while and a half, but she could not run away from the same situation with the Baili family.

I looked away and turned to the camp.

The angle of her lips rising slowly, how to see how to take off a murderous look.

"Eat me, drink me, live me, and dare to hurt my people now. These people, I think they have enough."

Chen Long Tianyu touched the top of her head.

"Don't be angry, it's easy to kill them and vent their anger. You can do whatever you want. They are not worth it."

I heard what she said, and she couldn't get angry anymore.

I turned my head and looked at his man funny.

"Did you know that, in this afternoon, I will be tempted on the verge of crime."

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled.

I really saw the extreme, but also overbearing to the extreme.

"In my mind, only you are the only code."

Lin Lin Mengya covered her head, but her heartbeat jumped up rather irregularly.

Hey no, this guy is foul!

"That's not okay, it's just an extraordinary period. If you settle down in the future, you must give me discipline and law."

Xiaolong Tianyu closed his mouth tightly, and seemed a little embarrassed.

"Ya'er, not rebellious for her husband. The next emperor of the Patriotic Kingdom is your husband and me, and the law is my final decision. No matter what I do, it is within the scope of the law."

Lin Lin Mengya was choked.

After a short while, she spit it out.

也是 "also"

She is in deep sorrow. It seems that she has a long way to go to prevent her man from becoming a tyrant.

The banquet in the camp came to an end because of the dawn.

Those who are slightly in power, happily embrace the exposed blue house women to the house.

I was responsible for cleaning up the mess, and some of them were scolded and abused by the elderly.

I saw this scene, Lin Mengya scolded her.

Because most of them are slaves, there are not many old people here.

But she taught Zhu Yan that if the rebels want to succeed in the future, they must first gather people's hearts.

So Zhu Yan secretly saved a lot of elderly slaves who were abandoned because of their infirmity.

In this way, quite a few fugitives came to take the initiative.

The number of puppets also changed from more than 3,000 to more than 6,000 now.

But in these people, adult men still account for the vast majority.

女人 These women and children, and these old people, are less than a thousand people together.

It is no wonder that Zhu Yan would be trapped inside the cave.

While there was no movement in the camp, the two of them quietly sneaked in.

I checked carefully in each place and found that there were not many people in the camp except those old people.

I was on the mountain, and she did not find any trace of these people.

Zhe Lin Mengya thought for a while, and signaled Long Tianyu to go to that position on the edge of the camp.

之前 It was used to send a whistle here. Now, those old slaves have been rushed here.

Fortunately, there were little tigers and little white smells around them, so that the beasts did not dare to approach.

Otherwise, the lives of these people will be more difficult.

She spotted a strong old man.

人 The man had just packed up a mess, it was just when he was sleepy and hungry, and when he wanted to go back to the camp, and rested, he was suddenly covered by his mouth and carried away.


The man was terrified, and Lin Mengya comforted immediately: "Shh, don't be afraid, I'm Zhu Yan to rescue you!"

When the old man heard the words Zhu Yan, he immediately straightened up and struggled.

Lin Mengya motioned to Long Tianyu to let go, and as soon as the old man turned his head, he saw two men in black.

"You are really sent by the little god?"

This name that made Zhu Yan speechless did not attract Lin Mengya's attention.

She nodded and said, "Boss, what is going on here now? Why are you and everyone else?"

The old man wiped his tears.

I was full of hatred for these people.

"Those people were cheated by Zhong Yan's big liar before the little **** returned!"

Zhongye is a very smooth person.

Zhe Lin Mengya had never seen him before, only to hear that Zhu Yan had mentioned this man's long-sleeved good dance, but she was born of cheap family members, so she was reduced to this.

Zhu Zhuyan is not a person who trusts each other easily, so he always keeps a hand on Zhong Yan.

However, this man's deliberateness was so deep that he actually persuaded the other leaders to take advantage of Zhu Yan's hunting efforts.

老人 As for the specific reason, the old man is not quite sure.

But those few people said that if this time is done, you can worry about food and clothing for several years.

So they took people and went down the mountain secretly.

现在 Now, in the camp, counting these elderly people and those who stay, it is only a few hundred.

In other words, it is not too difficult for them to rob the camp now.

After saying goodbye to the old man and telling him not to leak the news, they returned to the forest.

"Yu, do you think this matter is credible?"

He told her intuitively that the old man did not lie.

她 When she said that she was from Zhu Yan, the expectation of light in the eyes of the old man was definitely not fake.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also agreed with her idea.

"The old man should not have lied, but I think the people who leave may not be that simple."


He lowered his head and said gently in her ears: "Whether it's Xiancheng or Yimen, they need a lot of living people. These people go out, I'm afraid they will be more bad.

She was surprised.

Yeah, judging from the information she has now, Yimen and Xiancheng regard these ordinary people as little mice.

咬 She bit her back molars and became puffer.

This is an armed force that is being financed with her own private house money.

She just thought, she felt a lot of meat pain!

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