Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2122: Configure poison

别 "Don't worry, it's too late to recover now."

Where can Longyu Yu let her efforts go, even if someone has already gotten into those people's hands, he has the means to **** it back.

But Lin Mengya thought for a while and said, "Don't worry. They are so many people who can be fooled by a few people. They want to come because they haven't suffered much. Let them toss and wait until they realize themselves It's not too late to find it again. "

These people used to be slaves who could not eat or drink, but after being sent to Yanxia Mountain by her, she provided them with food and drink.

A warm life made them forget the sufferings they had suffered before.

That being the case, why not take this opportunity to let them recognize the current situation?

However, these people will not be treated better when they return.

The enemies in the camp were few and there were hundreds of people. For these people, she had no mercy.

I asked Xiao Hei to run a large circle around the camp, and she and Long Tianyu left.

From tomorrow, they will be tortured.

Good days are gone forever.

After discussing the two, Lin Mengya still decided that God was unaware of the ghost and returned to the team.

Since he followed, presumably if someone wanted to calculate her behind, it would not be easy.

On the evening of the second day, she exchanged with the people in the team while nobody noticed.

As for her substitute, Lin Mengya did not see it.

After she returned, she knocked her teammates side by side and found that they had no doubt at all, so she was relieved.

In the end, it is Yu's method, and it really is extraordinary.

Tomorrow is the last day, they must go down before the sun sets tomorrow.

Compared to her calmness, the other sixty people seemed a little restless.

"Master, the poisonous insects in Yanxia Mountain are very rampant. Can we beat the medical gate by us?"

Someone asked the doubts of most of them.

Zhe Lin Mengya picked up a tree branch and drew a rough outline of the route they had taken in the open space illuminated by the campfire in the past two days.

"Did you find out that the deeper you go, the less the number of poisonous insects. This situation is not normal in itself."

Everyone nodded.

They also noticed the situation.

一般 Under normal circumstances, if they want to catch very toxic poisonous insects, or when there are a large number of them, they will go to the mountains.

But when they first came in, traces of poisonous insects were everywhere.

I didn't want the deeper the woods, the fewer traces.

"Master, are those poisonous insects all around?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"I feel that, rather than having more poisonous insects than inside, it may be that the poisonous insects inside have converged somewhere. If we can meet, that is the real hell."

Twenty-six people were silent.

Then someone wondered, "Shouldn't it be so coincidental? And how do you know that they are all in one place?"

Lin Lin Mengya took out two small wooden boxes from her small medicine box.

"Let's all come and see, what's the difference between these two poisonous scorpions?"

The big guys got together and looked at the poisonous scorpion in the box.

The head on the left is slightly smaller, but the shell is black and black, although it is already dead

Alas, but the corpse is bulging, and the tail hook is also very sharp. At first glance, you know that the toxicity is not small.

Another, although it is half a slap in size, it is tan in color, and slightly more toxic than ordinary poisonous scorpions, but it is far inferior to black scorpions.

"Master, this"

"The big one I caught from the outside. The generation of Haze Mountain is inaccessible, and the situation inside is complicated, so the poison is worse than elsewhere. But look at the small one, everyone here has raised poisonous scorpions. . No one of you, by any means, can be more poisonous than this poisonous scorpion? "

Everyone, look at me, I look at him, and then shake their heads.

Even if it is poison itself, it cannot be soaked in a poison jar.

Of course, after breeding, poisonous scorpions will become more toxic.

With the addition of some artificial intervention, this level is definitely not reached.

的 The toxicity of the little scorpion, don't look at only one, but it is not difficult for three people to poison.

Thinking of them, they couldn't help but be afraid.

This is the only one. If they run into a nest, they should run first, otherwise they don't know who destroyed them.

"How could this be?"

Everyone speculates, but there is no intention.

This is what surprised her.

I just realized it after a little thought, presumably because of the previous things, so that the big guys have developed a good courage.

Since then, she has nothing to worry about.

"That's because although the outside is huge, it is only affected because it is far away from the source of poison. But the inside has been affected too deeply, resulting in a fundamental change."

"Source of poison?"

Facing everyone's doubts, she explained patiently.

"As far as I can see, the poisonous weeds inside the mountain are many times more than outside. Some things were originally non-toxic, but now they are toxic. This only shows that the soil and water here have been polluted. I think there should be a place in this mountain A huge source of poison is infecting everything here, all the time. "

Twenty-six people looked at her quietly, seeming to be difficult to accept for a while.

Lin Lin Mengya was not too busy, and quietly added firewood to the fire.

After a long time, someone took a breath.

"My mother-in-law, this is really life-threatening!"

As the poison doctors, they are most aware of how much such changes will affect here.

不 It won't be long before all the plants and trees here will be infected by the poison, and become a true poisonous mountain!

"Then the doctors, do you know the news?"

What the other person asked was also the question she was thinking about.

Before I came here, she observed it carefully. The three hundred people from the medical department didn't seem to be counting on them.

He also said that they should not be considered abandoned.

In this way, they should know nothing about such a difficult situation.

Unless they have enough confidence, they retreat from here.

"Whether they know it or not, we have to be careful this time. I know that big guys have housekeeping skills. This time, it is also an opportunity for us. What level can we use to improve our poisonous skills? Each of you has worked hard. "

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and encouraged the big guy.

What she didn't say is that no matter how powerful the toxins are, it's no harm to her.

Plus Xiao He's assistance from the side, at least the one hundred and eighty people she brought, she can guarantee that they will not be affected by these toxins.


And their greatest danger comes from the medical department.

最 The most poisonous thing in the world is always the human heart.

That night, these encouraged poisonous people immediately started their plans with great enthusiasm.

Such a thing as poisonous arts, only practice makes perfect.

What's more, here is a natural poison storehouse, the materials are inexhaustible, which is a rare opportunity for them.

I used Xiao Hei to send a letter to both Bai Su and Cai Ru. She believed that the next day, the enthusiasm of the big guy would be unprecedentedly high.

As for medicine, how they intend to do it is their thing.

If you want to count on her head, it depends on them, do you have this ability?

一 As soon as the next day dawned, everyone came out of the camp and began to find what they wanted in a small area.

The place was chosen by Lin Mengya, in a small mountain stream.

The vegetation here is lush, and the toxicity is still within the acceptable range of the big guys.

Remind everyone that they must pay attention to safety, and then let everyone go freely.

She walked under a towering tree, and gently shook a small bell around her waist.

Suddenly, Ada appeared in front of her.

"What does the lady say?"

"How is the medical department now?"

禀 "Miss Hui, now the doctor is setting up a trap. They have arrested Jiang Ting and his party, but they have released the law enforcement elder. I want to come and hope that he can come for help and drag you into the trap."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

Ada is very reasonable, but she feels that something is wrong.

"You said, only that moustache was put on?"

"Aside from him, there are a few of his confidants."

"Where is he now?"

"Should find us in the mountains and mountains, Ah Er is watching him. If he approaches, we will know."

A gleam of cold light crossed her eyes.

"Just show me him, this guy, I always feel a little weird."


It was not until noon that everyone returned with a full load.

Even if it is lunch time, everyone is talking about it.

Probably because of the common experience of life and death, it was originally relatively closed. It was almost a secret method inherited from the blood of the family. They also revealed a little through their mutual discussion.

This progress is extremely gratifying. Originally, Lin Mengya thought that it would be the poisonous gate in the future. Everyone can learn from everyone's strengths so that they can make great progress.

But the premise must be the voluntary of all parties.

I can't say what they can say, but they must know.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about who steals the secret recipe of his house.

After all, even she would not allow such a thing.

After eating, rest enough, Lin Mengya waved with her little hand and announced that she would go down the mountain.

Everyone immediately packed things quickly, but Lin Mengya announced another thing before everyone left.

"I hope you can put the newly deployed poison on your body to defend yourself, after all, it is not very peaceful here."

开始 Starting tomorrow, it is a formal competition.

Yeyimen will certainly take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of them.

But they are not unprepared, at least here, they still have a certain advantage.

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