Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2146: Teammates like dogs

Hearing this, she could twitch her mouth.

He made it clear that they wanted to take a salary at the bottom of the kettle, but they were unprepared, and they were caught in a trap.

He didn't shut his mouth honestly, but he had to get it out.

Will others apologize to them?

Sure enough, Shen Bingqing and his party simply ignored them, and instantly let the other party experience the feeling of being dismissed.

"Miya, don't you care about this?"

I was talking about the young man who was sitting with Old Guo that day.

Now he is not the relaxed look of a pair of winners at the time, and even a little more anxiety in his tone.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him and returned saltily: "Why should I care?"

After the man was taken aback by her, he then gloomed and said, "You are also a member of my poison door. Today, my poison door disciples are damaged. Shouldn't you get a fair return?"


She just feels ridiculous.

"You are incompetent, causing damage to your men. What is it to me? And, what is the relationship between me and you? If you admit that I am your gatekeeper, then this justice, I can get you back. "

The young man was anxious.

Anyway, they are the same.

She only cares about her personal vengeance in this way, she is really a woman's belly, she doesn't know about the overall situation.

Then he bluntly said, "Since you have to take care of it, there is nothing for me and you to say. But don't let outsiders read the joke."

This is a reminder of her.

For a moment, Lin Mengya only felt that this person was simply stupid.

"What do you think is this place? You, me, or them, can go out in the end, just one of our three parties."

The other two groups of people didn't expect that she would not even bother to pretend to be fake, and tore up the situation of the three parties.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

Even Du Yangfeng, a master of regulating the atmosphere, is at a loss.

The poison master is really poisonous.

"You, what do you mean? Anyway, we are all poisonous!"

The man seemed a little panicked.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care about sneering and said: "What do I mean, aren't you the clearest? Here, you are you, I am me. Who can accomplish the task alive, that is who's ability."

After Speaking, she took Bai Su back to the side to show her attitude.

She's not stupid.

From the moment these people came in, the six people in the medical team were obviously ready to take action at any time.

Before, they had the absolute advantage. Now, once her people join forces, it is not a good thing for those people in the medical department.

Hyun signaled that she had taken a counter-attack posture in order to make the other party feel that they would not cooperate.

Three feet stand on top of each other and restrict each other to be temporarily safe.

"Okay! Ok! I misread you!"

Wei Jian almost lost his breath of old blood.

He thought that although this woman was more publicized, she would still be sensible.

Who knows, she would be so stubborn.

There was a gloomy gloom in his eyes.

It seems that the plan made before can be implemented.

When Xun looked at Lin Mengya again, there was only cold alienation in his eyes.

Wu Baisu saw that he was in front of her subconsciously.

Lin Lin Mengya patted her shoulder gently, so that she did not have to be so nervous.

Next to the doctor's gate, Chi slave

But when she and Bai Su first appeared, she followed both of them.

"I want their faces!"

She was a little obsessed in her tone and couldn't help murmuring.

This master and servant, either charming or cold, is very rare.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a cold realization, sticking to herself.

She looked over to the medical gate and saw only a woman in red.

But that face

Frowning her brow slightly, a savage and vicious woman gradually emerged from her mind.

Menglong Mengru!

的 The woman who tried to subvert the Jin Dynasty's dynasty and even wanted to become the emperor, in the end, just disappeared.

However, that face is at least 70% to 80% longer than Long Mengru.

The remaining 20% ​​is only because their bones are slightly different.

And Long Mengru is very petite, but the woman in front of her is very tall and hot.

会有 In the world, will there be two people who look exactly the same?

She didn't know, so she felt strange.

Fortunately, she just glanced back and took her eyes off.

She Chinu only nodded in satisfaction only after she noticed something and looked a few more times.

The realization of Shen Bingqing has always fallen on Lin Mengya,

Cao Yue next to his wife was jealous and sad.

Why, he just refuses to look at himself?

There are countless thoughts among the three groups, and it is hard to say who wins or loses.

Du Yangfeng is indeed a master. After looking around, he smiled again.

"Since everyone is an acquaintance, I don't need to talk nonsense about some things. Everyone comes down this time, presumably to complete the task. In this case, let's show our abilities. Just don't think about it for a while, so as not to complain What's your opinion? "

Du Yangfeng is a smart man.

Everyone said nothing before they found anything.

Want to fight, it's not too late to find something.

"I have no opinion, as long as some people do not force me."

Gao Linmengya first agreed, and a word that was insinuated by the sand almost did not let Wei Jian die.

"Rest assured, I will definitely not do such a villain!"

简 Wei Jian's attitude is very blunt.

Now the two really look at each other and they are tired of each other, they can't wait for each other, and suddenly disappear from their faces.

Shen Bingqing, who was aside, also nodded, believing that a truce agreement had been reached temporarily.

The three parties are not pleasing to each other, but they restrict each other.

Wei Jian arched his hand towards Shen Bingqing, after saying hello, then took his own person to the other side.

Only Lin Mengya, with Bai Su, looked very weak.

"Miss, should we take the opportunity to slip first?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her own girl Bai Su a little strangely.

Since when did the little beauty of the iceberg become a clever ghost?

But her attitude seems to be too good.

"What's the hurry, if we go now, where will we see the show?"

"Good show?"

Bai Su really didn't understand.

Now, their situation can be regarded as suffering from the enemy, how can they be so calm?

The timing is not right, she can't explain it too clearly.

In short, the two parties will soon fight.

As for what they are looking for, in the strict sense, it has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, what she wants has been found, and staying here is just to disrupt their actions.

With the addition of poisonous disciples, everyone becomes more active in finding things.

虽然 Although the space here is not small, so many people may find it.

After a lap, I found nothing.

The faces on both sides are not very good-looking.

Wei Jian narrowed his eyes.

He knew that the poison door came down first, and just a moment ago, the two were outside.

So, if you want to know where the things are, only the six talents in the medical department know.

In my heart, I couldn't help but think of killing some people.

"Shen Gongzi."

He smiled humblely and could not see the calculation in his heart.

"The people on our side are powerless. It seems that the people under you are better."

Until now, who doesn't know what ghost idea the other party has in mind?

But Shen Bingqing has always been a deserted person. In the face of the other party's bad intentions, he did not pay much attention.


简 Wei Jian's smile deepened, and all the poisonous disciples around him followed.

"It's better to ask Mr. Shen to dial them a few words, and when we get something, everyone can share it together."

There are six people on Shen Bingqing's side, but there are nine on Wei Jian's side.

In terms of numbers, they already have the advantage.

But such things as fights never depend on the number of people.

For example, Bai Su beside her should have the highest martial art presence.

Lin Lin Mengya stood aside without saying a word.

Those who have poisoned the door are definitely not the opponents of those six.

What's more, the six were certainly not the first time.

She can fall out with the poison door people temporarily, but can't let them die like this, otherwise she is dangerous.

Over there, Wei Jian felt that he seemed to have the initiative.

"Jian Wei, what do you mean?"

Shen Bingqing did not speak, but Du Yangfeng aside, put away a smile.

Wei Jian smiled.

"Gong Du doesn't have to be nervous, I just want everyone to share something that everyone should know. Besides, if one more person knows, isn't it just to do more?"

"Hmm! Don't look at yourself for a few pounds or two, you want our benefits, you also worth it?"

Wang Wangtong can't even look at Wei Jian at all.

虽然 Although they haven't seen each other, the faction of the poison doormen has always been related to the inside door.

I just do n’t have a good relationship.

They have long heard that Wei Jian is so happy that he is a little cub who has not grown up.

Those who had poisoned the door wanted to push him to the position of the door owner, and they did not know whether it was a precursor to the door's destruction.

Compared to that, the female host looks decent.

"You're the inner disciple named Wang Tong?"

Wei Jian looked at Wang Tong with a disgusted look and said, "No wonder, the whole inside door said you are a waste. Compared with other people, you just have an elder teacher. Alas, this time you talk Shen Gongzi, they came out just to pick up the leak? "

"shut up!"

I was jabbed to the pain, Wang Tong was already angry and pale.

But their conversation gave Lin Mengya a secret guess.

Even the uncle was not very clear about the things inside the doctor's door.

信息 Some of the information she knew came back from the people who sent them to watch them after they arrived.

But Wei Jian seems to know them all.

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