Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2147: Mutual advantage

She knew that the relationship between the drug door and the medical door was not so simple, but she did not expect that in the past years, the former owner of the drug door was actually related to the medical door.

So, how did Yimen pursue and stop Dumon disciples and how to force them to participate in this competition? Did the Dumen know that?

I thought of this, and she realized that, from the very beginning, Wei Jian should not have thought of keeping her out.

"Master, will they fight?"

Xi Baisu has been nervous about the situation.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and looked coldly at the two people in front of her.

They were noisy, and in the end Du Yangfeng came out to play a round game, but did not do anything.

Pouting sneer, this is exactly the same as the thought of the high-ranking person.

Things that can move your mouth, try not to do it.

"They noisy them, let's find ours."

Lin Mengya now looks like a flower leopard hunting at any time.

Predators are always full of patience.

No matter how the other two goods jumped, she remained motionless.

Du Yangfeng and Shen Bingqing looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they saw the same, fear of that woman.

It seemed to her that the purpose of their deliberate conflict with the drug gate had been discovered by her.

Shen Bingqing immediately turned and left, no longer doing those ridiculous things on purpose.

I just didn't see Wei Jian, he glanced proudly at Yimen and Gongya.

I don't know if these two groups are good.

Unlike others, Lin Mengya is not looking for a **** tree.

She just stroked the wall inch by inch, trying to find some information similar to the previous mural.

The pattern on the wall of the is very simple, like some kind of plant, but also like those of the family pattern.

On the other side, always thinking about Shen Bingqing and his party who are unwilling to reveal their secrets in front of the enemy, they secretly greeted their companions.

Zhe Lin Mengya's attention has never left her.

Xiaoyao was monitoring their every move, and just now, Xiaoyao had reminded her.

Du Yangfeng smiled as usual, but with a little regret on his face at this moment.

"It seems that we are destined for nothing this time. 唉, Brother Shen, let's go first."

Shen Bingqing looked at the others and nodded slightly.

When the twenty-six people were about to withdraw, they were blocked by Wei Jian.


Du Yangfeng's smile was a little stiff, but he asked politely, "What does Wei Gongzi mean?"

Wei Jian looked very displeased.

"Are you sure, there is nothing in it?"

Wang Wangtong snorted coldly and said, "Is there anything that you can see at a glance? Besides, we are not under your control. What does this have to do with you?"

Wei Jian looked at them more suspiciously.

I decided that they didn't have much more on them, and they reluctantly accepted the result.

Since there is nothing, then he will not waste much time.

But what if these people leave first and cut themselves off?

When I thought of it, he immediately smiled with calculations.

既然 "Since everyone thinks so, then we won't bother. But you came down first when you came down. Can you let us go up first?"

让 "Let you go first? In case you tamper with our ropes, wouldn't we all be locked in this dark crater all our lives?"

Chi slave sarcastically.

Wei Jian's face became very bad

Look, after all, he still has a previous record.

He narrowed his eyes and saw the two masters and servants who were always beside him, without speaking or participating.

既 "So, let them go last. Although I don't agree with them, we belong to the same family. If I abandon the same door and ignore it, if this thing spreads out, my face will not look good."

This time, even the medical department's shamelessness to Wei Jian has set a lower limit.

Looking at his face, he wanted to kill the insidiousness of the dead. Is it a trivial matter to kill the same fellow?

Who knows, Lin Mengya nodded and accepted it happily.

"Okay, our last one is the last one. But don't try to think of me as an abandon. I can come down and have no intention of going up. You, including the medical department, don't think about it."

She was light-hearted, but instantly there was some alert in the hearts of the two groups.

Before the advent, the thing they heard the most was the story of the most legendary female host.

Xun Yi was afraid that no matter if she was Wei Jian or Shen Bingqing, she did not dare to act rashly.

There are several deliberate temptations just now, which made them realize that the woman in front of them is not as simple as they imagined.

简 Wei Jian gritted his teeth.

"That's right, let's go."

What I thought in my heart, however, was to take the opportunity to get rid of Lin Mengya anyway.

Who knows that when Wei Jian and his team walked into the corridor outside, they heard a roar of noise inside.

一 When he changed his face, he was fooled.

At this moment, Lin Mengya pulled Bai Su before breaking into the deepest end.

Immediately after that were the six people in the medical department.

I waited until Wei Jian noticed that he didn't come in. The last aftermath of Du Yangfeng had entered a suddenly opened stone gate.

With a bang, Shimen closed tightly.

Xun Wei locked Wei Jian and his men outside.


He shouted at Shimen, and no matter how he kicked, Shimen didn't move.

"Wait, dare to play with me, I will kill you all!"

The shame of being played with him has already lost his reason.

This is a door opened with a time-delay mechanism. Apart from the people who opened it, only the small medicine noticed it.

Therefore, she pulled Bai Su into the door at the first moment.

Behind him, the six people in the medical department also moved quickly.

After the gate was closed, the two sides confronted each other silently.

阳 Du Yangfeng's eyes passed a hint of danger, one hundred secrets and one sparse, but he was snatched before him.

For a moment, the faces of the six people were not very good-looking.

"The master of the palace is really clever. In the end, we are still used by you."

知道 She knows the other party's anger, and she has a heart of 120,000 vigilance, but she is still relaxed.

"Where is the use so unpleasant? To put it bluntly, it is my fate with everyone. If it is fate, everyone is still good.

不同于 It's different from the darkness outside. Somehow the walls are full of glitter.

Suddenly, suddenly, they didn't have the full confidence to kill a blow.

Du Yangfeng looked at Shen Bingqing next to him and saw that the latter nodded slightly towards himself, and temporarily put away his killing heart.

"That's right, the gatekeeper, please go first."

Lin Lin Mengya knows that they want to find their way.

He smiled indifferently, pulled Bai Su and turned away.

"Follow me, everyone."

She noticed that all six people would martial art, and martial arts are not low.

But Bai Su,

I may not be able to cope.

Besides, she is still a poison doctor, so naturally she won't do it easily.

After all, no one wants to leave their lives here.

I just felt that there was a greedy look behind her, more and more urgent.

Walking around a corner, she yanked Bai Su to the side.

Qi Qing Ling Ling made a crisp sound. On the stone wall in the direction she stood before, there were dozens of dense needles.

This change made both sides stop.

Gao Lin Mengya said with a grimace, and said, "Using this method to plot me, you really see me."

The yak's hair needles are extremely slender. If you stick it on her body, if you look at it in such a light, you can't see it clearly without looking carefully.

And the glue on it is not a poison that sees blood to seal the throat, but an anesthetic.

She will gradually lose consciousness, and then she will be left to others to slaughter.

The dangerous balance is broken by these dozens of needles.

Faced with her questioning, the people in the medical department looked different.

"You little bullshit, we don't use this trick!"

Wang Wangtong knew who did it and deliberately took himself out.

Shen Bingqing frowned slightly and glanced at Chi slave.

He Chinu felt only a pity, but when he saw his companions were dissatisfied with his attack, he had to be impatient and said, "I missed the palace master by mistake. I didn't expect the palace master to be so neat."

But before she finished speaking, she felt a pain in her wrist.

"Oh! Who did it!"

A thin line of blood appeared on her white greasy wrist.

But no one could see clearly how she was injured.

Gao Linmengya raised her eyebrows and said verbatim: "The next time you miss, I want your right hand. Anyway, it's useless, isn't it?"

女子 In the dim light, the women in front of them were clearly beautiful, but at this moment, the hearts of the six of them were a bit jealous.

Tong Mingming had the upper hand in their numbers, but they always felt that the women in front of them seemed to be crushing them at any time.

The atmosphere was stalemate.

Gao Linmengya didn't care, but then said: "Bai Su, next shot, you should be faster."

I said, she also glanced at Chinu.

"Faster, you won't feel any pain."

"Yes, Lord."

Behind him, Liu shivered violently.

They couldn't help but clasp their hands tightly, for fear that their wrists would leave their arms silently.

This hand is a temporary shock to the other side.

Lin Lin Mengya pursed her lips and quietly gave Bai Su a praised look.

In fact, it is a new weapon practiced by Bai Su, which is similar in shape to a small boomerang, but with special materials and light weight.

Therefore, this unexpected effect can be caused.

The 28 people continued to move forward, and the light on the stone wall became more and more persistent.

Finally, they entered a brilliantly colored crystal hole.

"It's so beautiful!"

Cao Yue couldn't help sighing at the crystal.

Seeing the beauties like it, Wang Wangtong turned his mind and pulled out a dagger, ready to dig a big one, to cheer Cao Yue happy.

He didn't want the Chi slave next to him, but grabbed his dagger.

"Stupid, don't bother me if you want to die!"

Suddenly Wang Tong was completely angered.

He yelled at the shame of his face, and looked at this **** who didn't know the depth.

"you wanna die!"

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