Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2166: Conspiracy

"Master of the palace, I always thought you were a smart person."

Shen Bingqing's tone has a trace of pity.

But Kemeng Mengya only felt that this man was extremely hypocritical, sneering, "I'm not a good thing to be bragged by you. OK, there are few such fakes, so why don't you just let the horse come."

She said so, but she was on guard.

Shen Bingqing is not like the straw bag before. From the first meeting, she knew that this person had no heart.

Whether it is the death of a companion or his own condition, he will not look at it.

This kind of talent is the most terrible.

Sure enough, Shen Bingqing could not raise his eyebrows, and his eyes returned to ordinary indifference.

"That's why it offends."

Du Yangfeng next to him, his face changed, frowning, lowering his voice and saying to Shen Bingqing, "Brother Shen, do you really want to do this?"

Who knows that Shen Bingqing just gave him a glance, and replied without emotion, "Yang Feng, we are doing this for the sake of justice."


Shen Bingqing waved his hand and interrupted him.

"If anything goes back, don't get in the way now."

虽 Although he didn't speak loudly, Du Yangfeng heard the warning.

I felt so cold that I could only swallow all the words back to my stomach.

Xun is just a close crack between the always-close teachers and brothers.

Du Yangfeng stepped back and got back into the carriage.

The next moment there was a scream that made people tremble with heartbreak, Lin Mengya's brows frowned tightly, she clenched her fists and looked at the person in front of her coldly.

"It's worth sacrificing your brother to kill us"

But Shen Bingqing, who was torn apart, didn't have the slightest guilty conscience and guilt on the face, but instead looked at her calmly.

"He died because of you. If you ask him to escape, I don't have to sacrifice him."

"Oh." She was ridiculed, so this bottomless behavior can only be taken by a medical practitioner, and there is no place in her heart that is awed by life.

"It's all your own business whether he dies or not, but I tell you that it's just futile."

Shen Bingqing did not talk any more, but flashed aside.

Du Yangfeng jumped down from the carriage with a calm face, and behind a chain of arms with a thin arm in his hand, he held a person already covered with blood.

The man did not see the original look, but Lin Mengya knew that he was an inner disciple living and dying with Shen Bingqing and Du Yangfeng under the pit.

However, unlike those poisoned people in the Baili family, inner disciples have stronger resistance to drugs because of their own reasons, which leads to their greater toxicity.

From the moment that man appeared, whether Shen Bingqing or the others had relied far away, Du Yangfeng's face was dignified, but he pushed people directly in front of them, and then left.

Nine Dragons Tianyu and his followers did not know what was wrong, but the small medicine in the system had warned her crazy.

"Everyone pull back, the farther the better"

Lin Mengya scolded a lunatic in her heart.

I just ran out not far, and those who were struggling just now "banged" into broken flesh.

The venomous blood flutters with the wind and will become infected as soon as it sticks to the body.

But those people did not return without leaving their heads, they did not care about the situation here, and made Lin Mengya feel a bit wrong.


Their goal is to spread toxins, so that downstream people also follow the strokes. Is n’t it a waste to go like this?

Alas, just as she felt puzzled, a few hares ran out of the woods.

The hares seem to want to drink water, and inevitably walk over those flesh and blood.

The guards around the puppet killed the two hares immediately, ensuring that they could not enter the river.

The frowning Lin Mengya frowned in a second.

She pulled Long Tianyu's sleeve and said hurriedly, "From the beginning, their purpose was to be upstream animals, not rivers."

I know that this river is the largest source of drinking water for humans and animals, but in addition to these controllable animals and animals, animals in the wild also come here to fetch water.

In this way, the toxins can pass into the crowd without knowing it through wild animals.

But here, it may be the last place where they put poison.

After knowing the situation, Long Tianyu also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"I remember the beasts in the mountains around Yaocheng, and they are also one of the famous properties of the kingdom. There are leather goods shops from here in the fiefs of major families."

Zhe Lin Mengya's face became extremely serious. It seems that the purpose of Xiancheng from the beginning was to make the whole patriotic nation into a purgatory on earth.

"I now know what the seized family of drugs used to do."

The anger flashed in her eyes, and the violent emotion in her heart almost made her want to strangle the beasts immediately.

"All the orthodox family members were arrested. Because of long-term exposure to poisons, all disciples must be trained in forging of poisonous bodies from the beginning of their lives. Compared with disciples in Yaomen, their resistance to poison Strong, so the toxins are more toxic to them. "

She slammed her into the big tree next to her. She should have thought of it. From the moment she saw those disciples fighting with each other, she should think about what the medical department arranged for it.

Long Tianyu grabbed her hand distressed beside him.

"It's not your responsibility, it's that they are too heartbroken."

To be honest, Long Tianyu is now full of complexity.

As a general, he has seen too many deaths.

He never felt such a touch in his heart.

If it wasn't for Ya'er's relationship, he would have nothing to do with the drug physician.

He is precisely because of the lack of greed in the medical profession, but he has to pay the price of his life as an innocent third party.

How unfair it is to the people of the world

"No matter what happens to Yaer, I will face you together."

The ten fingers support each other, they never give up on each other.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, forcibly pressed her emotions back to the bottom of her heart, and recovered her calmness.

"I think the reason why they chose to do it today is probably to turn me and other disciples into the last medium for the spread of poison. If they want to poison on a large scale, they use ordinary people as the medium. , Certainly not as effective as ours. So they will definitely transport us to various fiefdoms after we are poisoned, and now we want to block all their actions. "

She is very fortunate now, when she saw through the opponent's tricks.

After they controlled Baili's house, they temporarily blocked Yaocheng.

Now the convoys and fleets carrying poisons may not have left their hiding places for the time being.

By finding them out, I can temporarily control the poison within the confines of the Baili family.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately moved

I'll do it.

虽然 Although the situation here is complicated, it is not difficult for him.

带着 He took the person himself, and with the keen insight as a hawk, he directly dug out the tumors hidden in the downtown, the mountains, or the abandoned dock.

Until the evening when they met at the city gate, Long Tianyu had cleared out a dozen teams responsible for transporting poisons.

His city was taken over by people inside and outside, and the civilians inside were arranged in an orderly manner.

Lin Lin Mengya once again lamented the strength of her man.

He and her are indeed a natural pair, and he often turns all her ideas into reality.

The two of them cannot be separated from each other.

Chen Longtianyu gathered all the information of the team responsible for finding the team. Lin Mengya looked at the thin piece of paper in front of her and couldn't help worrying.

"My people do their best, and I'm afraid I can catch them here."

Chen Long Tianyu understood that she was worried that there would be omissions.

"The more I look, the more I feel terrible. You see that not only is the Baili family's caravan, but also other people we can think of and think about. How many people in the Great Patriotic Kingdom have been brainwashed and become Their most loyal advocates "

Long Tianyu held her head in her arms, and a low voice firmly said in her ear, "You have to believe that there are things in the world that they can't change with lies. And sooner or later, this will be our victory over them. The biggest weapon. "

He stroked her back comfortingly and whispered "think about our family, our children, Yaer, calm down."

Lin Lin Mengya grasped his plaid tightly, she knew that she was not normal.

But too much negative emotions piled up and unexpected surprises made her heart depressed for too long.

After all, Lin Mengya is Lin Mengya. After the vicissitudes of life, she has become extremely powerful.

She took a deep breath, and gently pushed away Long Tianyu's embrace, and when she raised her head again, her face was already calm.

"You are right, there are too many ties in this world. We must believe that not everyone will lose their nature in the face of interests."

She clenched her fists tightly, as if full of infinite power in an instant.

Xun Long Tianyu felt sorry for her fragility, but was unknowingly fascinated by such a strong and determined woman.

He now understands Master's words.

Not every woman likes to hide in the inner courtyard and let men shelter from the wind and rain.

From the beginning, his Yaer was an eagle who refused to lose, furiously fighting through the sky.

He stood behind her, watching her calmly and calmly giving orders, ordering the poisonous disciples to develop an antidote against the severe poison in the shortest time.

安排 After arranging everything, she turned around and asked, "This time, it seems that I must do it myself, and I will leave it to you."

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled, her eyes were full of appreciation for her.

"do not worry."

He was just three words short, but it was his most unbreakable vow.

"Well, I'm leaving first, be careful yourself."

I did not say goodbye reluctantly, nor did I ardently urge them. They knew each other's minds too well.

Whether it is for themselves or for the one they love, they will carefully protect themselves.

If you ca n’t protect even your beloved, why not protect others

She turned on her horse and set off on the wind.

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