Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2167: Out of the water

Lin Lin Mengya returned to Yaocheng to convene all the poisonous disciples. Under her explanation, everyone soon knew what kind of catastrophe she would face.

She stood in front of people and solemnly announced to everyone.

"Everything we do is not only for the people of the world, but also for our own family. Therefore, we will win this battle without retreat"

When she looked around for a week, she saw that everyone's faces were solemn and serious, except that there was no fear or flinch.

She knows that everyone here will fight alongside her from now on.

I could not help feeling a little relieved, just a month ago, they were still a piece of loose sand about to be overthrown.

Under the heavy pressure, they turned from grit into sparkling diamonds.

After all, she still lived up to her teacher's entrustment, and since then the goalkeeper has become famous throughout the continent.

Fortunately, when they were in the Yanxia Mountains, they sorted out a lot of useful things.

Maybe it was her own will in the deep, she found that this kind of mutant poison can be restrained by these mutant poisons.

Alas, she needs some time to prepare the formula.

Apart from the 180 people she had brought to the Xiaxia Mountain, the rest were mobilized by her.

She used the experimental model that inherited the past from the modern era. All of them have their own divisions of work, and they are working in an orderly manner. The next part and the next part are all handled by other people, which greatly enhances the cooperation. Convenient and fast.

But even so, due to the lack of information and the urgency of time, the current situation is still progressing slowly.

I was at the same time she was in the system and gave the most important part to Xiaoyao.

"It takes about a few days for the master to complete the simulation."

The matter is about life and death, and little medicine is waiting.

No matter how he analyzes it, the most critical part of the poison is still the state of missing information, so he can only use his powerful computing and processing capabilities to simulate.

"You need a few days at the earliest"

"It will take five days at the earliest, unless we have a sample of the corresponding poison, and it must be an initial sample, because this poison will mutate after passing through the human body, and the results of the mutation are so different that I cannot predict . "

This can stump Lin Mengya. To say the initial sample, only those who are poisoned will have it.

After thinking about it for a while, she said, "The results of the simulation experiment will be left to you. As for the initial sample, I will try my best to try it."

Xiaoyao immediately agreed.

他 This time, his difficulty is not small. After all, the simulation in the system is only a theoretical optimization. If the simulation results are turned into reality, then the actual configuration needs to be combined with the actual conditions.

Time is one of their most precious and scarce resources.

She chose the place where the experiment was conducted at Baili's House.

After that siege, Baili's house has completely fallen into her hands.

Even though the pharmacy was only used as a laboratory, the sins made by the Baili family over the years surprised them.

Even Lin Mengya, who has modern memories, cast aside the Baili family in her heart.

They obviously have the best resources, but they continue to create sin with a steady stream. Such a family collapse is an inevitable result.

She walked quickly to the cell where the Baili family was temporarily held. Because of the urgency, she did not have time to interrogate them, and also explained that her men must not treat those innocent people.

But no one asked for a few days in a row, it made them worry and be devastated.

林 When Lin Mengya appeared at the door of the dungeon, everyone couldn't help but wince.

When the nobles of the past became prisoners of today, they finally understood the fear faced by those who had been killed by them in the past.

I can also be considered a cause and effect retribution.

But today she did not have the spare time to intimidate others, but came to the door of Bailifeng's dungeon by herself.

Inside, suddenly, Bai Lifeng, with gray hair, sat against the wall and didn't seem to hear her footsteps.

的 The person in charge of guarding the dungeon next to him yelled loudly, "What do you pretend to be, did you not see the owner of my house come to interrogate you?"

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at Bai Lifeng, who was unresponsive, her face slightly cold.

"It seems that your long-lived dream is still not awake, but it is no wonder that there may be another you in this world. If you die now, then the other one will live a bright and upright life. . "

The irony of what she said.

The closer Lu is closer to the so-called secret of longevity, the clearer she becomes. This is just a trick used by Xiancheng to confuse the world, but there are countless people who have abandoned everything before and after.


The Bai Lifeng in the prison cell burst into a burst of laughter.

"You do n’t understand, you never understand"

"I don't understand, but I only know that everyone in this world is unique. If there is a second self, it is only a fake. If a person dies like a lamp, there is never a possibility of resurrection."

What's more, judging from the information she has now, this kind of longevity technology is all failed products.

In other words, everyone has been cheated.

I know that it is only futile to continue to turn around on this topic, Lin Mengya decisively shifted the topic.

"Are there any unused poisons in your hands?"

"Whether it is there or not, even if I die, I will not give it to you. You still have this heart of death, everyone in the world will be the ritual I give to my master"

He Bailifeng turned his head and looked at her with a mockery.

Lin Lin Mengya suppressed the anger in her heart, and she seemed to be very confident with her arms in her arms.

The two confronted each other with their eyes, and finally Lin Mengya suddenly said, "In fact, you don't have it at all. Compared to other people, you are just a puppet for poisoning."

Seeing what she said so decisively, Bai Lifeng smiled ironically.

"You're only trying to get away now, isn't it a bit late"

Lin Lin Mengya ignored the other's ridicule, but turned around and left.

She saw some traces of failed products on Bailifeng's body.

In other words, he is just an abandoned son.

Who would give such important things to a lunatic to use?

So the real behind-the-scenes black hand is not Bai Lifeng, but he is just a bait pushed to the table to confuse her.

As for the man who really obeys Xiancheng, he must have a weightless position in the Baili family.

Otherwise, why did he easily do such a dangerous thing under the eyes of the Baili family without causing anyone's doubt.

In other words, in fact, the Baili family is completely under the control of this person.

She moved to a relatively clean cell.

The wounded Bai Lijian was lying in bed.

She doesn't have the habit of abusing prisoners, so she sent a doctor to the doctor for treatment.

"How is your injury, homeowner Baili?"

Bai Lijian, who was closing her eyes on the bed, opened her eyes.

Even though his face was pale and looked vulnerable, his eyes were as hard as iron and impeccable.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, and maybe everyone saw the Baili owner wrong from the beginning.

"What's my injury, isn't the housekeeper the most clear"

"That's right, this little injury will not kill you."

Seeing her understatement, Bai Lijian snorted angrily.

"Well, the winner is the defeater of the king. I have nothing to say. I can only blame the old man for his inferior skills."

哪里 "Where and where, the homeowner of Baili is very capable, but it is just a bit of luck. If it weren't for me today, everyone would be turned by you."

The words were even more irritating than before, and Bailijian glanced at her coldly, and seemed to have nothing to say to her.

"But the owner of the Baili family did not expect it, I will know that you are the one who trusts in Xiancheng."

Suddenly the atmosphere became deadlocked.

Li Baili shook his head firmly and said, "The housekeeper, I originally thought you were a rare and intelligent person in this world, but now it seems that I overestimate you."

"You didn't overestimate me, but I underestimated you." Her eyes burned, giving the man almost no chance of resistance. "Actually from the beginning, whether it's me or the medical department, all of you are playing with applause."

She pinched her a little bit, sorting out her own guesses, and at the same time digging into all the behaviors of Bai Lijian.

"I've always wondered how my father fell into your hands."

She raised an eyebrow and continued to say, "If it was given to you by the medical department, why don't they have it in their hands, but why it takes such a lot of trouble? Then I knew it. It was you who came up with the idea. "

Qian Baili firmly said that the expression on his face had not changed at all.

"You also lift me up too much. There are countless families like the Baili family who are attached to the medical practice. I Ho De Ho can let those big men listen to me"

"If I were someone else, I'm afraid it's not so easy, but you can certainly do it."

角 The corner of her mouth slowly twitched and smiled.

"Everyone in the world thinks that the Baili family obeys the orders of the medical profession, but in fact it is you who really masters the medical trends"

Her words were decisive, and even the seemingly insignificant Bai Lijian could not help but change his face.

"It seems the same is true of the house owner"

"In fact, your flaws have already been exposed long ago. If the people who fight the poison gates are ordinary medical practitioners, then I still can't think of this level, but you just sent the inner door to ensure victory. Disciple. And after the failure, they did not return to Inner Mongolia, but followed other medical practitioners to Yaocheng. You can see that a very terrible thing happened on the road, but they still chose to come here, only to explain In fact, they need someone who is coming back, right here. "

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