Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2168: Return safe

The two of them fell into silence, in fact facing each other faintly.

After a long time, Bai Li sighed.

At this time, the expression on his face became unpredictable, not at all like a prisoner.

"The young people now can't belittle at all, old bones like me, if you accidentally turn over in the gutter. It's still old, not as fast as your young people."

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but sneered.

"Ginger is still old and spicy, we almost got fooled, didn't we?"

"I am a bit envious of your old teacher now. If I have such a smart disciple under me, today's things will be done."

He said Bai Lijian sat up, his face full of regret.

Lin Lin Mengya, this old guy must have a back trick.

"You use medicine to complete your wolf's ambitions, but you have pushed them to the notoriety, aren't you afraid that these people will turn against the water?"

"Young man, do you know what is the most attractive thing in this world?"

Bali Jian frowned, his voice slowly resembling a whispering demon.

"If someone can complete your delusion, and you only need to pay a little bit to get it, what will you do"

"Since it is delusional, it should not have existed, and all that can be achieved are deceptive talk."

The more he laughed, the more he turned into an uncontrollable laugh.

"But there is a person in this world who can make delusions come true. For this reason, everyone can sell themselves, even the old man of your teacher can't resist this temptation."

His eyes are full of banter, with a bit of pride.

Lin Lin Mengya instantly understood the meaning of his words.

"What did you do to my teacher"

"Nothing, just put a copy of what he wanted from a young age in front of him, even if there is a trap in front, how do you think he will choose"


Lin Lin Mengya just felt her heart beating, but she soon recovered her calmness.

This is the last move left by Bai Lijian, threatening her with a teacher.

She knew that she couldn't make a big mess, otherwise she would be led by her nose.

"I think my teacher may not be what you want."

After Xu calmed down, Lin Mengya realized that there were many loopholes in Bai Lijian's plan.

But now I feel that the Bailijian who has a winning ticket is like teasing a prey. I said, "I have known him for decades, and I have been fighting for decades. Me. If you don't believe it, you will know in a moment who is right or wrong between the two of us. "

As soon as the chanting came to an end, Bai Su hurried in.

"Zhu Zirui is back"

The two in the dungeons raised their hearts at the same time.

Lin Mengya stepped forward and asked, "Is the teacher returning by myself?"

Bai Su shook his head and said, "Mr. Rui came back with Mr. Wu. They said that there are very important things to tell you, please hurry up."

Suddenly Lin Mengya's heart fell to the ground.

She glanced at Bai Lijian coldly, her mouth slightly bent, and said politely, "You who don't seem to understand."

On the sickbed, for the first time, Bai Lijian revealed a real mistake.

Obviously this was unexpected.

"No way, why would they come back"

"Don't underestimate my teacher. He can climb out of **** and prevent himself from falling into the abyss."

Xu finally raised her eyebrows and exhaled in front of the other party, Lin Mengya turned and left.

"Keep an eye on every move of Bai Lijian, no matter what happens, go back and forth."

The person responsible for guarding the dungeon behind him immediately agreed.

She was almost urgent with Bai Su outside.

In the courtyard, the teacher's figure is still thin and straight. Next to him, Wu Shu, the teacher, is still joking with the teacher as usual.

I finally let go of my hanging heart. To be honest, she was still a little worried before seeing the teacher and uncle safe and sound.

After all, Xiancheng acted tricky, and he was really afraid that the teacher and the uncle would be recruited.

"Teacher, uncle, you are finally back"

笑 She smiled like a flower and rushed to the teacher in a few steps.

He Baili Rui cleared a lot of faces again, and showed a sincere smile after seeing the only lover.

"You girl, why do n’t you trust me for something so big?"

I speak with blame with concern.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately acknowledged her mistakes and followed the good.

"It happened suddenly. Besides, I can handle this little thing."

But Baili Rui smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "I know you have a big idea. This is not the time I come back to your uncle to help you. Let's say, what can we do now"

Speaking of business matters, she also put away her joke.

"I really have something important here that needs your help."

After she said that, she would inform her of the poison.

Xi Bailirui and Wu Yan are masters in the poisonous way.

Even then, after learning the whole situation, he frowned.

照 "According to you, it is really necessary to find the most primitive sample of poison to be able to prescribe the right medicine."

The problem is more difficult than Barry's expectations.

He Lin Mengya hesitated for a moment before she said, "I suspect the poison may still be placed somewhere by Bai Lijian."

She can be sure that there is no poison in Bai Lijian's body, and the other side is very confident, indicating that he thinks he has a chance to come back.

After learning that Bai Lijian was the biggest black hand in the medical profession, Teacher Yun could not help but be silent.

He sighed and shook his head and said, "Human heart is always fickle, and it is difficult to make peace. Although Bai Lijian does not agree with me, he was considered a bright and clear person, but unfortunately, for the obsession in his heart, both hands Covered with blood. "

念 One thought became benevolence, one thought became demon.

The more paranoid a person is, the more he will lose to his own demon.

Bian Lijian's obsession in his life is to keep the position of the owner of the Baili family, to preserve the wealth and prosperity he has received.

Such a person cannot be saved by others.

Teacher Wu just felt a little bit emotional, and then went to the place where they are now experimenting with the uncle.

老师 After seeing the poisonous people inside, the teacher and uncle's faces were very ugly.

She noticed that the two seemed to be a little bit restless.

When she took the two to a quiet place, she asked, "Teacher, uncle, do you have any ideas?"

The two of them looked at each other, and Wu Xun said, "Actually, we have seen it."

"where is it"

She asked quickly.

But the two men were unwilling to say anything.

Finally she was in a hurry.

哎 "Oh, what time is this and what else can't be said"

"Hey, brother, it's all up to this point, it's still important to save people."

Wu Wu seems to have figured it out, and it seems to let go of the burden in his heart, and then he quietly opens his mouth.

"Actually, we encountered this kind of poison decades ago, but only a very small number of disciples in the poison door and the medical department can go there. Originally, I was not qualified with your teacher. However, the situation was special at that time. We were hunted down before we strayed there. "

This is a secret that belongs to the two divisions of poison and medicine.

It is rumored that the two doors were originally of the same origin, but they were split for unknown reasons, and finally became their old enemies.

However, between the two high-level officials, there is still no break in contact.

In the past two competitions, in addition to competing for a victory, there is actually a layer of meaning, that is, to get a place to enter a mysterious place through this competition.

"That year, the poison door was a victorious one. But because of internal imprisonment, it was conspired by the medical department. My brother and I ran in secretly under the cover of other brothers and sisters. But at the entrance, we encountered an ambush and escaped all the way Afterwards, we entered the restricted area by mistake. There we saw the presence of this poison. "

Even though she had decided to tell her, the teacher and uncle still refused to reveal more about the other mysterious place.

He just told her that there used to be living people there, but it was completely extinct because of this poison.

I mentioned the tragic situation I saw at that time, even though it was already exhausted, but at that time, it was just a young teacher and brother, still shocked.

Teacher Wu also seemed to be told by his uncle, which evoked that memory.

"After we entered, we were accidentally poisoned. What we thought at the time was that we couldn't get out anyway. It was better to let these tragic deaths fall into the ground. But we found that whatever was in the bones, no matter whether it was a man or a woman They are all adults. We didn't find any baby's body. Until later, we found an underground secret room. Inside, we saw a pregnant woman starved to death inside her. There was no sign of poisoning on her body. We found a letter on her. She was secretly hidden by her husband at that time, because she and her husband discovered that pregnant women and babies around one or two years old were not poisoned. Later, we wanted the couple to be reunited, and we did n’t know which corpse was her husband, so we burned some of the surrounding corpses together. But we did n’t want to live for it. ”

I mentioned this, even if it has been decades, but Barry Rui and Wu Yan, still booing.

If it wasn't for their temporary good intentions, that these skeletal bones wouldn't stay in the zombies forever, they wouldn't be able to find the dead pregnant woman and save themselves.

This is also why, after many years, even if they encountered a great injustice, they never lost their conscience.

Only with a trace of good thoughts can a stubbornly hold on to one's true heart.

Although they are not good people, they are definitely not bottomless.

Are pregnant women and babies not infected?

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but she remembered something.

"A while ago, Bai Lijian used the business of the Baili family to kill children. Maybe, it is not as simple as trying to win the poisonous gate. In this way, their method may be wrong."

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