Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2183: Frost Fever

Hehe, dare they all came to see rare.

Lin Lin Mengya gave them a glaring look, and did not know who was scared before.

At this point, there was gradually movement in the coffin.

Frost flower is still slowly moving his head, then his limbs, and after a long time, he was considered to be able to move freely.

Although Xiaoyao gave up the idea of ​​slicing him for research, he never let go of such a good opportunity. The system continuously observed and tested Frost's vital signs.

The information was also given to her constantly.

Gao Linmengya found that Frost's reaction was not so much to pretend to die, but to let the body appear to be "frozen".

This "freezing" may be harmful to the body, but from the reaction of Frost Flower, they should have been accustomed to this state for generations, and the body has also adapted.

"It's cold!"

Leaning on the coffin, Frost's first sentence made everyone silent.

Squinting at him, he looked at him with a "resentment", while Harem Wu grabbed his head and asked the big guy's question.

"Aren't you afraid of cold?"

Frost's eyes rolled, and she said, "As individuals, I'm afraid of cold, but our family can't feel the cold outside when they pretend to be dead."

A few people were surprised, as if they saw something strange.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya had been prepared for Bai Su to take a blanket and put it on Frost's body.

"Can you go out with us?"

Frost Flower was hesitant, but still nodded: "Our family lives in extremely cold places all year round, so the body temperature is lower than the average person. If the weather is too hot, I may be unable to adapt.

"You can rest assured that even if your house is filled with ice cubes to cool down, our palace family can afford it."

When Lin Mengya said this, she seemed very wealthy.

A few people came out of the ice cellar with frost flowers, and at the door, they all took off the big salamander.

At this time, the outside temperature can be considered cool, at least they will not feel hot.

But it was the road from the ice cellar to the flower hall, and the frost was so hot that the camouflage was unloaded.

Underneath that white and miserable face, hidden was a fair-skinned and fair-looking face.

If there is something different from them, it is a little light whether it is eyebrows or lip color.

"are you OK?"

Frost smiled at her, "Fortunately, as long as it is not until midsummer, it is not difficult. You are really warm here. On our side, it is covered by snow all year round. Even if it is our people, it will be a little careless Frozen to death. "

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the frost flower with emotion, could not help moving.

"Why don't your people move out?"

Frost Flower looked at her with a bit of bitterness on her face.

"Once, we are no longer adapting to the outside climate. Secondly, the owner said that we have been sinners for generations, and tormented in the snow and ice for the atonement."

"Excuse me." She looked cold and polite. "According to your current physical condition, you don't know how many lives have passed. How many sins in this world are unknown to generations? Then what kind of valley owner just wants to imprison. "

Frost smiled and frowned, "No wonder our patriarch especially respects you. Hey, it is different from people like us. But I believe that if you are, you can rescue my people from the owner's hands. ! "

Lin Lin Mengya thinks that the words are too moist.

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虽 Although she doesn't like the valley owner, it doesn't mean that she has completely believed in Frost Flower.

As soon as I entered the flower hall, Yu arrived from the outside.

他们 They have been busy with the epidemic during these days, and Yu hasn't taken a good rest for several days.

But from the moment he entered the door, Frost's face showed a different kind of terror.

"Why didn't you go to rest first?"

At this time, Lin Mengya didn't notice Frost's expression, she originally let Yu go to rest first.

Sui Naihe had to come over and said she was uneasy about her.

Nine Dragons Tianyu reached out and touched the back of her hand, holding it in her palm.

怎么 "Why is it so cold?"

"Oh, I stayed in the ice cellar for a while. By the way, I'll introduce it to you. What happened to you, Frost?"

刚 As soon as she turned around, she saw Shuanghua's eyes widened and stared at Long Tianyu. "Frost? Frost?"

She yelled twice, but instead of ignoring her, the latter shuddered. In the end, she made a "knock" and knelt down on the ground.

"King, it's all our fault! It's our fault. Please forgive us and forgive our fault!"

Frost flower is like a magic wand, begging constantly.

At this moment, even Long Tianyu, who had always been calm, was stuck in place.

"Wang, please, we really know that it is wrong, please, please forgive us!"

Frightened and helpless Frost has broken his forehead.

Lin Lin Mengya stepped forward to help the person, but the other person's movement was almost crazy, and she couldn't stop it.

"Cairu, knock him out."

Crunchy, Frost finally disappeared.

But everyone's curiosity has risen to the highest point.

They all stared at Long Tianyu, and seemed to want to see a hole in the other's body.

"Okay, it's so late. Everyone's gone. Cairu, you take him to the guest room, and I'll help him get some tranquilizer medicine."

Only now, Frost's veins were so chaotic that he was very frightened.

I took Long Tianyu, who had no idea what was going on until now, to pull away. When the two entered Dongyuan, she ordered anyone not to come in at will.

"He, who is it?"

天 Long Tianyu was also surprised.

There are so many people who have seen him, and even some people immediately kneel and beg for mercy when they see him, but that's for a reason.

Only the teenager just now is awkward.

"That's a long story, I want to ask you, how many hidden identities do you have? What king is not king, do you have a throne outside to inherit?"

In the face of her suspicion, Long Tianyu couldn't stop talking, but at the same time, she felt a little crying.

Well, he admits that his identity is a bit too much, but how can there be such a throne waiting for him to inherit?

"Probably because it looks more like it."

Alas, he said nothing.

But he was really innocent. He just searched in his mind and couldn't find the right person.

Is he really carrying Yaer and inherited another throne?

The more I thought about it, the colder I became. This time I don't know if I forgot it, but I can still get forgiveness.

Gao Linmengya was absolutely certain that Yu did not lie about this matter, at least.

This is strange. Frost and Yu met for the first time. Then why is there such a thing?

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What kind of reaction?

恐惧 That fear was almost imprinted in his bones and became part of his instinct.

It is no longer a simple psychological shadow to have such a deep-rooted thought.

It seems that the problem may still lie with the owner of the valley.

On the second day, Frost did not wake up until noon.

The teenager still had panic and helplessness in his eyes, but fortunately Yu was not present and the teenager did not collapse again.

I saw the woman sitting in front of his bed, and his look was a little complicated.

别 "Don't be afraid, that person is not here now."

Frost winced and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Did I scare you all?"

He did not wait for her to answer, and the young man said to himself: "But I don't want to, but this is the sin we bear. The owner said that we are all sinners, and even God, we cannot forgive our sins."

I said, the teenager couldn't help shaking.

Lin Lin Mengya's flexible hands caught the young man's hand.

"It's okay, this is not a place you are familiar with. Whether it's the owner of your mouth or the rules of others, it doesn't apply here. No one can get over me and hurt you by my side. . "

Her words are so firm, with a strong self-confidence, people can not help but be convinced.

The young boy looked at her, and his disorderly heartbeat slowly stabilized.

眨 He blinked his eyes and leaned closer to her.

"You have amazing power, and it's strange to say, if I saw that person alone, I'd be scared to death now. But as soon as I see you in front of me today, I think that person will kill me."

He raised an eyebrow, and calmly retracted her hand.

"It looks like you're fine. Now that you're fine, shouldn't you be frank with me, why are you so afraid of him?"

Juvenile's body shook, and then she was very natural and grabbed her hand.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his counseling, but did not have the heart to pull it back.

"Say it."

The young boy clenched her hand, and then released it reluctantly.


She was a bit surprised, this little counselor would actually refuse her.

Fortunately, she also knew that this matter might be an insurmountable knot for Frost Flower.

Hey, it matters first.

"You don't want to say it, just let it go. In other cases, you can always tell me?"

Frost flower looked at his fingertips, trying to keep calm.

"Well, what do you want to know."

"Why do you pretend to be Yu Mingzhu?"

For this problem, Shuanghua obviously has no obstacles.

"In order to deceive people. It's just the trick that the owner uses. He first controlled the people with the moon shadow, and then told them that knowing their sincerity, their deceased relatives would be resurrected. Then our tribe came to death and came Deceive them. "

"Do you mean, the owner has cheated many people with this method?"

Frost nodded and looked a little sad.

"Well. Our people have suffered a lot of deaths and injuries because of this, but we dare not do it. If we do not obey his orders, we will not live for 25 years."

He pointed to himself and said seriously: "I'm twenty-four years old this year, but I haven't listened to Gu Zhu, so I may only be a year away."

(End of this chapter)


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