Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2184: True fragrance warning

"You are actually twenty-four?"

Lin Mengya was a little surprised.

Wu Mingming Shuanghua looks like a few years younger than her, but in fact, he is even older than her?


Frost flower looked a little proud, "Our tribe is old, the patriarch said that this is because our development is slower than the average person. And when we pretend to die, our body will stop growing."

He shook his head. "In a way, our people can maintain a longer youth."

He raised an eyebrow, very proud: "How about, envy?"

Lin Lin Mengya wanted to "hehe" his face.

"My mother is young and young, no need to thank you."

Arima Frost shrugged, but supported her chin and looked at her carefully.

"Speaking of which, you are indeed the most beautiful person I have ever met. People of our tribe are naturally more beautiful than other aliens, but unfortunately it ’s freezing, there are not many children in the tribe. Since my uncle's generation, the owner has saved us from paying tribute to children. "

I said here, Lin Mengya saw the flash of hate in his eyes.

"Tell me about your relationship with the owner."

She asked indifferently, but it was clear that Frost's dislike for the owner of the valley was not a little bit.

"He is our 'manager'. In addition to our clan, there are other aliens in the mountains and sea. These people are sinners like us, so they are all under the leadership of the Valley Lord."

One after another completely strange words, as if dragging her into a new world.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and now she finally understood why Yu repeatedly warned her that she must not be taken lightly.

Because there are always too many unsolved mysteries in this world.

Compared to these, human beings are too small.

霜 In Frost's description, she roughly learned some basic situations.

Laoshanhaiyu, specifically, is a hidden place.

不仅 Not only are there snow-capped mountains all day long, there is also the hometown of their "Ice Clan".

There are dense forests and swamps with infinite crisis.

Because of the uniqueness of the Ice Clan, they are the people who have the deepest contact with the owner.

霜 According to Frost Flower, the owner is a very powerful person.

He lives in the depths of Shen Longgu all day long and leads the aliens everywhere.

And Shen Longgu is where the "God" is buried.

He claims to be a caretaker of "God", but the means of treating them as "sinners" is abnormal brutality.

异 These aliens are called sinners, and they will be branded with sinners from generation to generation, and will be enslaved and suppressed by the landlord for life.

既然 "That being the case, why do you think of joining me?"

She Lin Mengya is certain that she has never been in contact, no matter whether it is Shen Longgu or a foreigner.

Alas, she was even more curious.

But Shuanghua said seriously: "It must be you. Do you know that because of your strength, you have made the owner very dissatisfied. He said that you must wipe you out before you really grow up. Otherwise, You will affect the resurrection of 'God.'

The words made her unconscious.

I touched Shuanghua's head sympathetically, afraid that it wasn't this baby, so that one would be mad to poison him?

"I can tell you, I do n’t know your so-called 'God', and naturally I ca n’t talk about hindering his resurrection. I guess that your valley owner must have something to do with Xiancheng, so I want to do my best

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Hey, get rid of me. "

Unexpectedly, at the moment Shuanghua denied: "No! The owner of the valley and the master of the fairy city are dead enemies. They have been fighting for decades. At that time, our family of ice was almost blood-washed by the fairy city, so Our patriarch said you were great. "

She's amazing? Is she obviously out of luck?

孽 What kind of evil did she do in her last life, and how could she appear to be an enemy out of thin air?

I covered my sore forehead, and their conversation came to an end.

I calmed Frost a little, and she was ready to leave.

But before she left, she suddenly seemed to want to start, and turned back and asked, "Your pretend to die, is it born of every man, or through training the day after tomorrow?"

Frost raised her chest and said proudly, "Some people are born naturally, and some people cannot learn how to learn. I was born naturally, and the elders praised me, saying that when I grow up, I will definitely be better than People will live a few more decades! If I can be twenty-five years old, I will live a long life. "

"After you pretend to be dead, can you feel everything outside?"

"Not necessarily." He said with a finger on his finger. "If it is intentionally awake, then some of the outside world can still perceive it. But if it is more like, we will cut off the connection with the outside world, even if someone kills We, we also know nothing. So this situation is very dangerous, we will not do it unless it is a special occasion. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and left from the guest room.

Inside Wu Dongyuan, she stood at the window and looked at the magnolia blooming in the yard.

"Where's Bai Su, Qinghu?"

"He is taking care of two young masters."

She turned around and asked, "His sickness that has fainted, can it happen recently?"

Bai Su shook his head.

"No. Presumably the medicine you gave him worked, and it hasn't happened recently."


She lowered her head and smiled at herself.

I just said, how could it be so coincidental.

Ning Er and Mo Yan first noticed this problem of Qingqing Fox.

They were playing in the yard at that time. Generally, Qinghu would hide in the dark and take care of them both.

But that day, the two babies found their fox owl in the corner.

The situation at the time, Lin Mengya now thinks of it, and she feels a little strange.

Wu Qinghu completely fainted, no matter how she stimulated, she did not respond.

But after he was awake, there was no trace of memory at that time.

Gao Linmengya didn't tell him the truth, and after this situation repeated several times, she finally got a chance to give him a detailed pulse.

He was completely normal, which made Lin Mengya alert, and at the same time it puzzled her.

Until she saw the frozen death of Frost Flower, she let her seduce.

Perhaps Qing Fox's life experience is not simple.

Perhaps, he also belongs to a certain kind of alien blood that she has never heard of.

发现 This discovery even caused her a little panic.

No matter what, she doesn't want to lose her loved ones.

However, things in this world are not always satisfactory.

她 When she stepped into Frost's courtyard again, she saw him, and shouted at Uncle Qinghu with a look of surprise.

"Uncle, I finally found you, my father said, you must not die!"

Tong Qinghu froze, tearing open this little cub who was not afraid of death.

If you hadn't ordered Cairu in advance, saying that this cub was a guest of Yaer

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Alas, he had been kicking away.

"You got the wrong person."

不可能 "No way! You look exactly like grandma! You are my second uncle!"

Qi Qinghu didn't want to ignore him at all, turned around and left.

After seeing her in the doorway, she took a slow look and walked quickly to her.

"Girl, I was looking for you"

Before the lingering words were finished, Frost Flower was stained again.

This time, it was a huge surprise.

"Uncle, you also know Miss Gong! Good, you really are my father's brother! Do you all believe in Miss Gong, then she can do it!"

I hate the bear child extremely, and in addition to the extreme rejection of other men approaching her fox, at this moment seeing this cub is almost furious.

But he calmed down and waved at Frost.

The latter immediately reached him in front of him, but was caught by Qinghu with **** and was thrown outside the yard.

"In the future, if you dare to approach her, I will break your leg."

Mi Shuanghua's aggrieved face, but still nodded subtly.

"Oh, OK."

Gao Lin Mengya's face moved, and she lowered her voice and said, "Why didn't you see it before, how can you handle children so well?"

Speaking of them, Mo Yan and Ning'er also liked him very much. A fox cricket bite often made others jealous.

But the clear fox is full of black lines.

"Where do I know, girl, where did he run from? Hey? Uncle? Oh, why don't you just call father?"

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked carefully at the contours of Qinghu and Shuanghua.

In fact, there are many similarities between uncle and nephew.

For example, the two in front of you may not feel like they are separated, but when you look at them together, they look like a family.

It seems that my uncle and nephew relationship is stable.

"I think you may really be uncles."

She made the final conclusion.

Qi Qinghu had a look of disgust, by the way, even she was despised.

"Yaer, I used to think you were the smartest."

"now what?"

She squinted her eyes, and her smile was kind.

Fortunately, Qinghu has not been stunned yet, and quickly added: "It is also smart now, so in the future, stay away from such stupid people."

I despise it completely and plainly.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her lips and smiled silently.

Now despise Huan, and then "really fragrant" to see what he would do.

"Well, put this aside in advance, you come to me, but what's the matter?"

When I mentioned this, Qinghu looked a little serious.

"The Jackdaw Guard returned, and recently more than doubled the number of spies who wanted to touch the non-Yecheng city. Should we, we have all of them?"

Even though it was this operation, she used the sanctuary as a cover, in fact, in order not to arouse the suspicion of everyone.

The existence of the spies in Xun rather than Yecheng was almost under her acquiescence.

After all, everyone will believe that they can see what they can feel, anyway, they can't detect the core secrets of the palace family.

He stayed and was harmless.

"Let one third come in, the others, not one."

Presumably, they are sending additional staff this time to investigate the epidemic and the medical team.

(End of this chapter)


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