Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2203: The Truth About Murder

The dumbfounded man's eyes turned red and hissing allegations "No matter what you say, you also killed my shopkeeper."

Facing such unreasonable trouble, Lin Mengya was too lazy to fight back, and only slightly moved her wrist.

It didn't take long for the skinny guy and youth proposed last night to come to her with a complex look.

Lin Lin Mengya stared at them with a sneer in her lips.

"The two seem to sleep well"

Their faces are not good.

The Tatars were **** by them and they regarded her as a suspect in the killing.

I passed by overnight, but they were safe and sound. It was someone else who was unlucky. This incident hit them in the face.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at them and said coldly, "I don't know, since then, can I prove my innocence"

Her words were so cold and cold that the two men's thick cheeks couldn't bear it.

The two no longer held her tightly, but vaguely did not express their stand.

My man cried very sadly, instead of taking the opportunity to fall down, Lin Mengya asked calmly, "How did your shopkeeper die and when did you find out?"

The man sniffed and said, "My treasurer was fine last night. When I passed by this morning, I found that the door of the treasurer was hidden. My treasurer has always been cautious and careful, and was not so careless, and last night I saw When I saw my shopkeeper unlocking the door of the room. I thought the shopkeeper had already risen.

My wife cried out with a "wow", for the bad luck of my shopkeeper, but also for his own hard life.

It didn't take long for the treasurer's body to be carried to the yard.

He died in the same way as Sun Biao, but Jin Mengya noticed one of the details.

The dead man's clothes were neatly dressed, even his shoes were still there, but his soles were covered with moist soil.

Remembering the sound of digging she heard last night, it seems that this person must be involved.

In the end, is it caused by the uneven distribution of stolen goods, or is someone praying for a mantis to catch cicadas?

Lin Lin Mengya calmly withdrew her eyes because the guest's boss had informed the sheriff.

The sheriff's face became even worse. Even if he wanted to use Lin Mengya as the bait to lead out the fierce thoughts behind the scenes, the deaths in succession disrupted all his plans.

Lin Lin Mengya did not give him any good looks, otherwise he would not have suffered this crime.

The sheriff was also helpless, and he did not expect that this would happen.

Now, even if he wanted to investigate, he couldn't get started, because the murderer was never just one.

Since the contract was signed, the boss of the guesthouse abruptly reduced the pressure, and it was not so sad to see him again.

After reporting the matter to the sheriff in an orderly manner, he hid with his buddies.

After learning that Lin Mengya was **** by the two men overnight last night, the sheriff's eyes narrowed, and he looked at them sharply.

"I said earlier that she was not the killer."

脸 The two men's faces suddenly changed, and the young man was laughing with amusement, and explained dryly, "We are also afraid of fainting. Boss Bai is really sorry, if you have a lot, please forgive us."

She Lin Mengya did not expect that the sheriff would speak for her. Oh, this is God ’s eyes, or is his conscience uneasy

In short, she was not bought by this star for the slightest benefit, and it was a common practice for people like them to slap a sweet date.

And the sheriff is far from what he looks like. Although Xiancheng praised him for his good governance from top to bottom, and said that his iron face was selfless and impartial, Lin Mengya felt a bit out of harmony.

Today, Xianxiancheng can be described as everyone's self-danger and hesitation. If he is devoted to the people, he will at least come up with some compromises.

Instead of turning Xiancheng into a big prison like now.

Why is she suddenly shocked here.

终于 She finally understood why she had reservations about the sheriff from the beginning.

Looking at the man collecting confessions one by one, she suddenly felt a little shuddering.

This is not an investigation at all, but a slaughter that only the last winner can go out alive

If sheriffs really don't want the killing to continue, they will all be separated from each other after the first night.

Instead of doing so, he also let the moat guards guard outside.

如同 As she had thought before, this place is a Shura field, whether she or those people, is a victim.

As in previous times, after the sheriff asked for his confession, he was ready to leave.

On the surface, he seems to be really helpless.

This time, Lin Mengya was not ready to continue to cooperate with his cruel plan.

"Sir, please stay."

The sheriff turned around and looked at her. Lin Mengya said deeply after giving a gift to the other party, "Excuse me, I don't know when we can go out."

The sheriff seemed a little impatient. After all, he was not the first time to answer such a question in the past few days.

等 "When the investigation is clear, you will be released after the killer is caught."

"When is that?"

She kept silent a few days ago, and suddenly asked a question today, when she was caught by surprise.

"Unless you can immediately identify the killer, you still have to wait."

These words are simply unreasonable.

She was too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party, and said straightforwardly, "I don't know who the killer is, but you trapped us here, do you want the killers to kill us all one by one?"

虽 Although she is not angry, her attitude is somewhat aggressive.

The sheriff narrowed his eyes and his voice became cold.

"What do you mean, I protect you, is there anything wrong?"

保护 "Protect you call this protection"

It's almost a glorious world, she sneered and relentlessly accused "If you really want to protect us well, then at least you should keep us away from the killer. But many people have died since entering. But where is your protection? "

Probably few people would talk to him like that, chills flowed in the brown eyes of the sheriff.

"My people are outside now, they are protecting you day and night, but unfortunately the killer is too cunning, maybe someone here is deliberately covering the killer. If you have this time, you might as well think about it Who is most suspicious. "

This made the crowd explode.

Everyone is scouting around, and now they see everyone suspiciously and they all look like murderers' accomplices.

Lin Lin Mengya was naturally clear. He saw that everyone's emotions were tense. With a little use of some methods, they could make them doubt and distrust each other. The most critical point is ignored.

"Even if we have an accomplice here, most of us say they are innocent. If you really want to protect us, why not let those under you keep each of us in the house. The murderer will not let the big guy sacrifice for nothing. "

She looked straight at the other side, only then the sheriff with a look of "he didn't understand her hard work" changed his face.

Everyone is not a fool. They often go north and south. These problems can be understood with a little glass.

All of them chose to stand behind Lin Mengya and asked eloquently, "Boss Bai is right, if the adults send someone to lock us all up, at least the killer will not have a chance to commit another crime."

对 "Yes, Lord Sheriff, we don't ask you to find the killer right away. We just want you to protect our lives."

Everyone's attention was attracted to her by this, and with the excitement of the sentiment, the face of law and order also became darker.

In the end, he suddenly revealed his true colors.

"Anyone who blasphemes against God should not leave here alive."

His eyes were cold, and his face had no temperature.

Everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong, especially Lin Mengya.

"Master, what do you mean by this word? No one here has ever blasphemed."

"Don't you?"

The sheriff's lips were raised and a cold smile appeared.

"Every one of you has sinned and is guided by the gods and made you a god's sacrifice here. On the day when all your sins are celebrated, you will be forgiven and reborn by the gods. "

Zhe Lin Mengya saw the fanatical worship in the eyes of the sheriff, and she finally figured out something between the light and the flint.

Why does the sheriff pay so much attention when she and Wang Dagui's buddies swear to God at the same time.

He also claimed that he would find out the truth for the two of them, put them both in prison, and made no verdict.

The reason is that since then she was afraid that she would become part of the sacrifice.

Therefore, the sheriff will keep her in jail, and let her wait for the day when the sacrifice gathers temporarily.

The person next to me was anxious and asked loudly, "Sir, what do you mean?"

The sheriff's officer finally revealed his true purpose.

"In the past few decades, there has never been such a killing in Xiancheng. However, after you several entered the city, accidents have occurred one after another. I have investigated secretly, and you have hidden unknown people. Secrets, so you are sinners who anger God. "

Sheriff Zhen Zhen had a word, but she was surprised.

She looked vaguely at the people around her, and found that everyone's face was not good-looking.

这 Does this really make him say, aren't these people businessmen with pure purpose?

Suddenly let her have a sense of absurdity that everyone is acting, and they think that others don't know.

The sheriff looked at them with a cold expression on her face.

"No one can lie in front of God. You think you can deceive anyone, but you have been seen by me when you entered the city."

He is high above him, as if he has seized the lifeblood of these people.

He said with a playful tone, "As long as you can find the murderer before you die, I will let you go."

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