Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2204: God's grace

Everyone took a sip of air, the fair and selfless sheriff before, but in a moment became a cold-blooded pervert.

Lin Lin Mengya probably guessed this person's thoughts.

In his heart, Xiancheng never allowed anyone to invade and blaspheme.

The reason why there is no one in the prison is because he feels that anyone who violates the rules of Xiancheng should wash his sin with blood.

Because of unknown reasons, they violated the pervert laws formulated by the devil, so they were thrown here, slaughtered, violated, jealous of each other, and even in the end, they were likely to kill each other.

After waiting for all of them to die, this pervert must kill the last one.

In this way, all the sinners disappeared, and naturally no one desecrated Xiancheng again.

The sheriff's officer gave them a cold look, and left with a sneer on her lips.

Suddenly the atmosphere became stiff, and everyone went back to their rooms silently.

After a while, he heard that the yard was lively again.

Xun Cairu went out to explore, and it turned out that someone was unwilling to die here and wanted to rush out with his companion.

At this time, those former city guards who were kind before finally revealed their ugly face.

The last clash ended with serious injuries to three people.

Looking at the injured being taken back to their room, everyone finally realized that this time I'm afraid they are more fierce and less fortunate.

Fearful people can't breathe in their hearts, and after seeing no double hope, the malice deep in people's hearts spreads.

They both believed the words of the sheriff, and wanted to find the real murderer to find a way to survive.

I was jealous, and became the poison that made them fall apart and turn their heads into enmity.

Even if Lin Mengya and his party were always inside the house, listening to the chaos outside, Cai Ru couldn't help secretly worrying.

"Master, let's kill us"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

Although the purpose of the sheriff is now clear, she just wants to play a cat-and-mouse game with them.

But one thing, she was always confused.

That's what he said, everyone here comes with their own purpose.

Now, the boss Yang has never appeared. Although it is a mess underneath, but also because of this, who is with whom is the partner and who is the enemy will be more clear.

The noise outside does not dissipate until night falls.

At this moment, everyone is hiding in their own room, just like the enemy.

I was in the candlelight, and she was slowly drinking the tea in the cup.

But outside the window, there were shattered footsteps.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her back to the window, but just glanced down a little, and continued drinking tea calmly.

The window was opened with a small hole, a blood-red eye, standing outside the window, peering at everything inside.

Lin Lin Mengya is waiting, she estimates that tonight, the murderer should come to kill her.

Because the sheriff is exposed, the other party no longer has to endure his true purpose.

And she, the other party, has always wanted to remove the target.

The night was like ink, soaking the sky.

Finally, the man who was almost integrated with black suddenly started.

With a beep, the door was pushed open.

She had almost no time to see the person before her, and the night-like figure flashed in front of her ghostly.


Two flesh palms struck each other, the internal force was violent, and both of them retreated.

But one was almost falling, and the other was blocking her waist and taking her to a safe place.

Lin Lin Mengya was so happy that he really was him

"wait for me."

He hurriedly dropped the two words, and the man chased out of the yard far after the murderer who tried to do something with her.

She hit her face without a little bit of panic, and some, just a sweet smile.

She knew that Yu would definitely understand her hint


Xi Cairu was late, and when she entered the door, she saw the tables and chairs broken into half.

I hurried over and checked the owner up and down, letting go of the hanging heart.

"You are really bold."

没 The rest of the word, she didn't say anything.

After all, not everyone has the courage to use their lives to practice those guesses.

She smiled and shook her head, sitting slowly on the bed.

"I had long guessed that Yu would appear, otherwise you thought you would die alone last night"

Xi Cairu really didn't understand why his own master had such confidence and couldn't help asking "Did the man be killed by His Royal Highness last night"

She shook her head, "No. Yu has his own pride. Even if he wants to kill one person, he doesn't bother to imitate the killing methods of others. So I think he should change something quietly. Let the dead become that person. "

Now she can be sure that the skinny man who embarrassed her last night is the same as the young man who looks good and the person who died last night.

The group dug three feet in the backyard and didn't know what to look for.

Those who kill people naturally have their own companions. This group of people hides in the dark and has their own purpose.

The rest is just like her, with unknown purpose.

The first two may overlap, but the person who died last night is likely to cause a break in their internal staff.

So today, when Yu suddenly appears, the killer will not only succeed, but will likely be destroyed, his companions will definitely show their feet.

Let's see what kind of performance tomorrow will have.

The guys helped her pile up the broken things in the yard.

Lin Lin Mengya was lying on the bed, but all she thought about was Long Tianyu.

She knew that Yu would definitely understand.

Because she used to make fun of the names of her four girls in the past, it would be better to call her the owner of Baijiazhuang.

又 He also said that the names of these four people are not only medicinal herbs, but also spices for meals.

This is a private night talk between their husband and wife. Except for the two of them, no third person will know.

So she thought, if it was Yu, she would be able to understand her suggestion.

Sure enough, when she was trapped in the inn for the second day, she felt the trace of the man.

In my heart, I could not help but feel happy for their spirit.

All the disputes seemed to go away with his arrival.

I finally found him

Finally, Lin Mengya, who was able to let go of Dashi in her heart a little, fell asleep slowly.

After three shots the next day, she naturally woke up.

At this time, Cairu is dealing with a wave of people coming to inquire.

"Cai Ru, what's going on"

She Cairu heard that she was awake and immediately said, "Master, the people outside are sent to inquire about our situation. I said that there was nothing unexpected in our family, and they still don't believe it."

It seems that Yu should have succeeded last night, so there were no casualties last night.

She got dressed up a little and walked out.

The sheriff's officer was long overdue, but today, he has real discomfort in his eyes.

"My official is here today to listen to your judgment of the murderer. If he is not good, then my official can only do things according to rules."

It's clear that no one died last night. For the sheriff, it was not the result he wanted to see.

Lin Lin Mengya was refreshed and was not afraid to confront him.

At the moment, the sidewalk "I do n’t know who the killer is, but I want to know, which rules do adults want to do?"

The sheriff looked at her with a cold eye, "My official can't do anything for you to intervene."

"I can't control it naturally, but there is one thing, Master Magistrate. Don't forget it. You want to execute us with the sin of blasphemy. The temple is against the holy city, but you ca n’t represent the entire holy city. ”

Hearing this, the sheriff smiled disdainfully.

"My official is everything in the Holy City, and it is under my control. Besides, you are not the one who killed me."

Hit him word by word, revealing the most cunning truth.

"You are all killed by a murderer. My official will arrest this prisoner who dare to commit the crime of killing in the holy city. In the end, my official executed only one who deserved the crime, the rest of you. It ’s just bad luck, what are you doing with me? ”

The words of the sheriff made everybody's heart chill slightly.

He is so, get rid of those who feel guilty.

How cruel is this person's heart

But Lin Mengya was not in a hurry, she just asked, "Oh, it seems you are not doing this for the first time."

The sheriff looked at her with a sneer and a proud voice.

"Where can a sinner like you be qualified to question me? You are not a spice merchant at all. You and them are all here for the grace of God. Oh, you sinners can also get God's Gift? "

"The grace of God"

She can be sure that she has never heard of it before.

The eyes of the sheriff also turned to her.

"You all think that the grace of God is in the backyard of this little guest house, so you kill each other and try to get things that shouldn't belong to you. Oh, unfortunately, you sinners will not understand until death. God Grace will only be given to his most loyal believer. That person is me. "

Excessive narcissism and arrogance will always lead to the illusion that he is a **** and can manipulate everything.

It is clear that sheriffs fall into this category, and they are especially insidious.

The people around me changed their faces. Obviously, at least half of the sheriff was right.

At least these people should go for that so-called grace.

Lin Lin Meng Ya cursed a few words in her heart at once, this time it was really nothing wrong.

怎 How can she foresee that this visit will be assigned to such a troubled guesthouse.

Alas, what she did inadvertently caused her this disaster

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