Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2210: Frequent tricks

"How can this be the only thing"

The servant girl looked very dissatisfied.

The man immediately wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, called Qu Dao, "It's not that the young people are unsatisfactory, but a very powerful person suddenly came in the city. He seems to be aware of our actions and blocks everywhere. But please God Rest assured, we have not revealed any flaws. "

He is called a maid of God, but he is not a person who understands his subordinates.

Wu Wenyan just sneered, "Waste is waste, useless is useless. You look like this, and the Lord will not be satisfied."

He who is ridiculed by cold words dare not show the slightest dissatisfaction.

The servant girl glanced at him, too lazy to talk to this **** anymore, picked up something and turned back to the room.

"It's not necessary for you to do this. If you can't complete the task next time, don't blame the Lord for not remembering the old love."

The man immediately smiled and left with gratitude.

The servant girl didn't give this thing directly to her master, but left the bag along the window without care.

Suddenly, a few shadows caught the bag and started snatching.

On the blue brick, that drop of dark blood finally disappeared.

The conspiracy of the holy city under Laoshan is still continuing. Everyone thought that there was a bell to prevent it, at least they could sleep peacefully.

But I do n’t know where the night breeze came from, and the bell rang.

"What's going on"

Everyone awakened from their dreams and looked at their left and right, but they found that their companions had not become the murderers of the uncle.

Someone wanted to open the door and take a look, but found that they couldn't open the thin door.

"Why can't the door open"

Everyone immediately realized the danger and kept knocking on the door, but no matter what they did, the doors and windows seemed to be blocked and could not be opened.

Boss Yang Yang brought his own man to the door of the guest house. He did not want to use this method.

It is safest to let them die accidentally one by one, but his master this time seems a little impatient, and he has to get rid of them all in the fastest time.

He originally thought of using a fire to make an unexpected appearance, but unfortunately all was destroyed by that woman.

So he can only use one method, which will make everyone think that it is the method that the ghost and ghost do.

Only the more mysterious and horrible, the more elusive, can the more attract people outside.

He left with his own people. Well, just as he went out, a group of black birds mingling with the night swarmed.

At this time Lin Mengya also found the door mechanism. It turned out to be a two-way door, which can be locked from the outside when closed.

Now they were locked in the house, and Yu tried it, and found that it couldn't be opened with ordinary people's power.

However, this does not include His Royal Highness, whose martial arts is so famous, "Tang Dang", Long Tianyu opened the door, but after the door opened, a group of unknown creatures rushed in.

"Close the door and close the door"

The first thing she found wrong was Cai Ru, who was near the door. She knew that something might happen tonight, so she kept at the door and didn't go out.

And the black thing fell on her just now, she felt as if it were a needle.

I quickly shook these things down, but she saw that her hands were covered with tiny wounds.

These things

It can hurt people

Chen Long Tianyu responded very quickly, chopped those things to the ground a few times, and closed the door at once before no more things came in.

Lin Lin Mengya went to see Cai Ru's injury immediately.

"How are you"

"It doesn't matter, what the **** is that master, why is it so strange"

The wound on Lu Cairu's hand was very strange. The mouth was not big, but it was very deep. Fortunately, there was no toxin attached to it.

"I have painkillers here, first help you bandage."

She took Cairuliluo's medicine, at this time Cairu began to feel pain afterwards.

I waited until she had all the wounds bandaged, and the girl's pain was pale.

Chen Long Tianyu also picked up the body of the thing on the ground, looking like a bird the size of a thumb. But its mouth is long, thin and pointed, like a sharp straw.

I presumably caused the kind of wound on Cai Ru's hand just now.

Chen Long Tianyu's solemn look.

He also saw such strange things for the first time.

Lin Lin Mengya took the little bird in his hands and couldn't help wondering.

怎么 How can this thing appear here for no reason?

The closed door became the most effective defense measure. Although they could hear something outside the door, they were at least temporarily safe.

"Is this what Mr. Yang tinkered with?"

She thinks it's inseparable.

"If there is too much of this thing, even I can't guarantee that I will get out."

Chen Long Tianyu's face was serious.

Lin Mengya nodded in agreement.

It is true that such small birds cannot be prevented at all, and if they appear in groups, no one can guarantee that they will be flawless.

After being bitten a few times, the pain was unbearable and the action became slow.

This is really a killing trick.

"What should we do now?"

Xun Cairu forbeared the pain, but was thinking in her heart. If that step had been reached, she would stand in front of the master to cover her and run away.

Lin Lin Mengya saw her thoughts at a glance, so she couldn't let anyone sacrifice for nothing.

"We didn't see this kind of bird when we came last time, so this should be brought by Mr. Yang himself. And there shouldn't have been such a situation around here, otherwise someone would have come out."

Chen Long Tianyu looked at the corpse of the bird on the ground and thoughtfully said, "You mean these birds will only move in this guest house"

"It's a good idea. It's like keeping bees. Keep them in a small area with something that can attract them."

偶尔 Occasionally, there are one and a half of this thing, and it will not become a climate at all, and if it is really flooded, then the holy city cannot be so calm.

Chen Longtianyu looked around, and he understood Lin Mengya's thoughts and knew what her plan was.

A tadpole is like the influence of a queen queen and a queen on their own group. They must find out what attracts these strange birds.

As long as that thing is thrown away or transferred out, the strange birds will definitely not continue to attack them.

The three of them immediately started searching, and I looked around and they really didn't know what attracted these little things.

She secretly thought that these things should not be directed at her alone, so what she brought herself should not cause the commotion of these birds.

Excluding these things, what is left is the things in the room.

If you want to wipe out everyone here, then such a thing must be available to everyone in all rooms.

She looked around, tables, chairs, benches and beds, but these were nothing special.

随着 At the moment, with the impact of the birds outside the door, the bells hanging high above the doors and windows sounded louder and louder.

"It's a bell"

She suddenly reacted, and Long Tianyu immediately took off both bells.

As the bell disappeared, the impact from outside seemed to be a little weaker.

明白 She understood that she was right.

"You must tell this news to others."

Chen Long Tianyu frowned.

She didn't want to care about the lives and deaths of those people, but if they all died, it would be more troublesome if she was alive.

"If they rely on the sound of the bell to identify the location, as long as the bell does not ring, they should be able to hide away."

This is just a guess from Lin Mengya. Long Tianyu has always been an action group. When she heard this, she immediately caught the bell in her hand and said, "Otherwise, I'll take the bell and lead them all out."

She shook her head and said, "If you do this, ordinary people will suffer."

When Zheng was thinking, she missed the lamp next to her and immediately had an idea in her heart.

不 "Let's give him a moth to fight fire"

The closed door opened again, but this time, it was not unprepared to welcome the birds.

内 In her copper basin for washing her face, a raging fire was set on fire at this moment.

She used Long Tianyu's sword and picked one of the bells. The thin blade body kept the gap between the two doors to a level where a bird could not fly in.

When everything is ready, she shakes gently with the hilt of the sword.

The crisp and melodious bell sounded like a call to those birds to come. Just now, in the other rooms, I didn't listen to the moving birds, and now came straight to it.

Her bell kept falling and kept pressing on the brazier.

Suddenly, the nearest bird was devoured by flames.

And the birds behind it are unaware of going forward.

Once the magpie gets caught in the fire, those birds instantly become charcoal.

Don't look at the number, but because they are too small and the fire is very strong, but in the blink of an eye, there are more than a hundred of them becoming loot in the brazier.

The unpleasant smell caused Lin Mengya, a person with all five senses, to suffer a great crime.

I waited until the fire was almost over, and she immediately threw the bell into the brazier, and pitted a wave.

I took back Long Tianyu's sword and returned to the original owner. She was quite satisfied with this achievement.

"I have a good way"

The second iron powder in her life, the two applauded immediately, blowing a rainbow fart.

In the end, in the praise that both of them spoke too fast, Lin Mengya nodded pretentiously.

"That being the case, let us act according to our plans."

The three men acted quickly and had a clear division of labor.

Of course, the main force is Yu, she and Cai Ru will be responsible after the break.

Xun Yu's skill is quite flexible. While shaking the bell, he used the brazier to defend the birds that rushed to him.

She and Cai Ru are responsible for holding fuel, that is, the wreckage of the tables, chairs, and benches shattered by Yu, acting as a supply soldier.

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