Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2211: Beak escape

There are so many magpie birds, no matter where they go, they will be very difficult, and they will never reach the gate.

Fortunately, their purpose is to remind everyone that as the three walked, they shouted, "Don't open the door easily, first take off the bell in the room, and then burn it with fire. These things outside will kill you"

The first thing I heard when they reminded them was the group of guys who brought them. All of them had martial arts, and after being trained by Jackdaw Guard, they were very resilient.

Soon they made exactly the same moves as the three of Lin Mengya and they won the meeting.

"Master, we protect you to rush out"

To be honest, although they had been prepared for a long time, they couldn't help but be frightened when they saw the weird birds outside.

东西 This thing is very tricky, a little painful wound will appear on the body.

Lin Mengya, who was guarded by the regiment in the middle, was not afraid.

Because she found that the birds seemed to be flying around her, she did not dare to bite her.

证明 In order to prove her guess, she also quietly reached out her hand.

Sure enough, the densely packed flock of birds did not fall on her. Long Tianyu, who had been closely watching the situation on her side, pulled her hand down and held it in the dark.

She understands what men mean.

For her safety, she must pretend to be an ordinary person.

They walked from the back of the guesthouse to the front yard. Although everyone kept reminding them along the way, some people still paid the price for their lives.

With a door open, there were several flesh-fallen bodies falling to the ground.

I just glanced at it in haste, and she saw that the flesh remaining on the skeleton was already full of scars, like tofu residue.

The starling flocks started a carnival feast on the subject of flesh and blood, who would have thought that just such a little thing could kill someone.

"Everyone be careful"

No one has taken into account the problem of violence and not revealing their own strength. It is the first goal to escape.

Through the death of several people, everyone has gradually understood the current situation, and their reminders have become everyone's last straw.

The survivors finally reacted, learning from them, and using fire to open a way to survive.

在 At this moment, Long Tianyu suddenly shoved the brazier to the people next to him, relying on his own skill, he got into the kitchen of the guest house when everyone was busy.


Out of nowhere came a violent drink, and everyone avoided, revealing the densest flock of birds.

I saw Long Tianyu holding two large jars in his hands, and instantly splashed towards the densest of the birds.

Lin Mengya also blessed her heart and threw the torch in her hand in the same direction.

The flames rose into the air in an instant, and immediately the dark pressure fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Because of the low flying birds, this sea of ​​fire is like a cloud of fire hanging in the sky.

After the burning, however, black spots continued to fall. The flocks of birds that were extremely oppressive just now did not take too long to settle.

Xiaolong Tianyu splashed with serious fire oil, coupled with the appearance of the birds like groups, making the fire spread very quickly.

But if they didn't blink, they escaped from the beak.

She patted her chest, soothed her crazy beating heart, and then ran to him under the cover of her own man.

"Have you been bitten"

立刻 She immediately lifted up the man's sleeve to check, but fortunately, this man is very bold and has no wounds.

Chen Long Tianyu patted her on the back and said, "Anyway, these little animals can't hurt me."

The remaining birds were also under the siege of everyone and could no longer pose a threat to their lives.

It is a pity that in this game they suffered heavy losses, and nearly half of them died under the beak.

Who would have thought that this little-looking little guy turned out to be a killer weapon?

"What should we do now"

Everyone fell to the ground embarrassed, and can think of a headache in the future.

At this time, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu walked to the door of the guest house. It was strange that no one was guarding it.

When the people behind him saw the empty space outside, they immediately ignored and ran out.

Soon, the guest house was empty, except for the corpses, and only the birds that were burned to coke.

"Let's go too" she asked Long Tianyu for advice.

After a little thought, the latter nodded and said, "I leave you now, and go to Gu Cheng to inquire about the situation."

Zhe Lin Mengya followed him without hesitation, and the guest house stood in place, like a seductive demon, opening a big hole in the black hole, waiting for the next batch of sacrifice.

Xiaolong Tianyu sent them to a hidden place, and the entrance was a seemingly deserted cellar.

No one can guess, there is a hidden door hidden here. After opening it, there will be no holes in it.

He lit the kerosene lamp and set everyone up.

"No one except me knows here. You have a good rest here, and I'll come and go."

Lin Lin Mengya repeatedly told him to be careful, the latter kissed her forehead gently so that she did not worry.

下面 The space under the cellar is still spacious. At least these people did not feel any chest tightness or breathing difficulty.

She let everyone rest in place, and then came to the deepest place alone.

I was sure that no one could see her, so she took a small box out of her sleeve.

I listened carefully to the sound of the wings flapping inside. She covered the small box with clothes, and then dared to open the lid, but her hand quickly covered the box.

But the strange thing was that the bird didn't really bite her, but instead hid at the bottom of the box.

She was bolder and reached in to grab.

The cricket bird was caught with wings and couldn't escape, and she finally got a chance to observe the live.

"What bird is this"

小 Even the small medicine in the system is curious.

I want to talk about small birds. His database contains information on hummingbirds, but the birds in front of them are smaller than hummingbirds, but their pointed, thin and long mouths have become their unique weapons.

The starling's beak is tubular and hollow in the middle.

When the skin is pierced, the small piece of meat can be taken away by the way, so the wound will be unbearable.

She observed carefully, only to find that this bird was not too strange.

"Master, it seems to have no eyes"

Xiaoyao said very surprised.

"Nonsense, this is not eyes, this is not eyes"

She touched it just a moment ago, and found that the part of the eyes was actually two hard glassy objects.

And no matter how she touches,

The pheasant bird did not respond.

Coupled with their sensitivity to ringtones, it should be the sound that guides them, not the performance.

I've been in trouble for a long time or a blind bird

Although in the natural world, there are indeed animals with poor eyesight to distinguish directions by sound or smell, but that is only a minority after all.

The tadpole is especially like a kind of small animal that can fly up, and will not be completely invisible in the basic case.

Tadpoles, especially animals like eagles, have much better vision.

This little thing is really weird.

She observes and observes, she can't reach the final conclusion, and finally has to put the bird back into the box.

Not far away, Cai Ruzheng dedicatedly guarded her and saw her come out. Cairu walked to her in two steps, lowered her voice and asked, "Master, where did you get hurt?

She shook her head and motioned to Cai Ru not to be overly nervous.

"I haven't suffered any injuries, but do you still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it hurts as quickly as it goes. By the way, what should we do next or contact the family?"

She thought for a while, but decided to stay for the time being.

Although she has no intention of fighting for "the grace of God", the other party just wanted to get rid of her several times because of some things that caught the wind. How could she not revenge herself?

"I guess they must still have a backseat. Instead of protecting them, it is better to use this identity to deal with them to the end."

若 If she doesn't meet, maybe she won't be nosy. But now she must hold tightly in their hands what they all want.

The desperate perverts

Nine Dragons Tianyu lived up to expectations and returned to the cellar with a message.

Those businessmen who escaped in desperate ways and attempted to escape, were recaptured by the guards on various charges when they reached the gate of the city.

I was only sent to the wilderness and the guards, but they were neither sent to prison nor to the guest house.

后果 The consequences can be imagined.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu had already deployed and grabbed all those people and rescued them.

"I'm trying to find a way out of all the things they know. As for Gu Cheng, he said that he had been instructed by Boss Yang before, and he didn't know that such a thing would happen there because the order he received was yesterday. The party used fire attacks to deal with these survivors. "

It seems that it was because of her mess that Boss Yang temporarily changed her mind.

Those who were rescued by Long Tianyu will become their witnesses.

"Where's Boss Yang?"

She raised an eyebrow, and a glimmer of coldness flashed in her eyes.

"He can't run, Gu Cheng has been staring at him. And this man is very arrogant. We have all run away, he will certainly not give up, and soon he will show his feet."

Nine Dragons Tianyu is bound to get this man.

But now he still has something to do, and it's not appropriate to alarm each other for a moment.

"The most important thing is the person behind him who instructed him to do these things."

猜测 She guessed that it must have something to do with the specious man in the temple who wanted to count his man.

Xiao Long Tianyu frowned slightly when he heard this.

"You still don't want to be there on the day of the ceremony."

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