Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2212: Holy tribe

不 "Maybe, I can use my original identity."

Lin Lin Mengya thought that he was worried that using his current identity would arouse the other party ’s alertness and also make the other party embarrassed.

But Long Tianyu shook his head and said worriedly, "Now, those people are hunting me all over the city, and now these people are added, even if you use your original identity, the target is too big, and you will be exposed if you accidentally. I don't want to drag you into this quagmire. "

Lin Lin Mengya raised her fist and stabbed the person gently, "What do you think, I'm so weak"

This is not accusation, but more like Jiao.

Long Tianyu was afraid of her misunderstanding, and explained, "Ya'er, I didn't mean that, you are great, better than any woman I have ever met. I know you have the power to protect yourself, and I know you are my greatest Backing, but I still do n’t want to put you in danger, do you understand what I mean? "

He has some anxious explanations, and he is afraid that his beloved will be sad and sad because of this.

Mingming is a powerful king who can make the other person doubt the life in one sentence. However, in front of her, he often becomes clumsy.

She snickered in her heart.

It ’s rare, is n’t it usually a tale of love? Why did you drop the chain when it was critical?

She originally wanted to embarrass this guy intentionally, but she looked reluctant to see him eagerly.

"Okay." She said softly, "I know you want to protect me, but we didn't say it well before, let me accompany you to save people."

Facing the steadfastness of his lover, Long Tianyu only felt that all the persuasion seemed extremely pale.

Lin Mengya was the last to look at him. He took his hand and whispered, "You don't want me to take a risk, so why can't I watch you take a risk, but I'm indifferent? Let me say here, Except for us, who can we trust? Everyone says that the husband and wife are united and their profits are cut off. We have survived so many storms before. Can we still capsize in this matter? "

It turns out that some fgs can't really stand up.

她 After she intends to change back to Gong Ya's identity, that is, after the people of the palace family arrive in the holy city, she tries to find a way to contact her family, and the gods return to the team unknowingly.

He did not expect that this time, the Holy City opened up another way for these families to reach the temple directly.

In this way, she must first get out of the city or get into the temple before she can take over her family.

But whether it is going up or down, the defense is quite tight.

Just like Yu said before, they have too many people and their goals are too big, they are scattered and afraid to be seen through, but they can easily be seen by others when they get together.

Fortunately, with the care of Yu, there is no shortage of food and clothing.

But it is not the way to consume it. Seeing that the day of celebration is coming, and they have not found a way to mix in the temple without attracting the attention of others.

Lin Mengya finally couldn't help but took Cairu out to investigate the situation.

A few days ago, it was still a quiet holy city. At this moment, there were constant patrols by the past guards.

They could hardly find any idle and dead ends, the whole holy city was surrounded by an iron bucket.

"Master, are these people coming to catch us?"

Xun Cairu was a little uncertain, but more concerned about their plans.

Squinting her eyes, she said softly, "Let's be at him

Most people's eyes are small fish and shrimp. "

"Why are they so active?"

She looked somewhere hidden in the clouds, "naturally for the people in the temple."

In fact, she is still a little uncertain until now.

No one publicized the matter of Yu Yu's escape, so that everyone assumed that the next temple master was him.

If the other party's purpose is to trap Yu, then he must at least deliberately leak some gaps to entice them.

Now she doesn't understand the purpose of the other side.

While the two were talking, a very specially dressed team walked across the street.

Someone beside him recognized it, whispering, "Isn't that those people from the holy tribe?"

Sorcerer, can pass through the world ghosts and gods.

He is just that they are usually not common. They only appear when the temple is a major festival or when the new temple owner is changed.

These people's whereabouts are a mystery. I heard that they usually live in a small town. In order to maintain the purity of their bloodlines and to make it easier to communicate with God, they will not marry outside, and they will stay in the town all their lives. Spend it.

也是 She also met these people for the first time.

Everyone was wrapped in a white robe, leaving only a pair of eyes all over his body.

But those eyes were strange.

She glanced at each other inadvertently, and frowned.

Fortunately, the system interfered in time so that he could get rid of the strange situation brought by the opponent's eyes as quickly as possible.

眼睛 The eyes are too deep, it is clear that only an inadvertent glance can have the magic to attract her in.

Now she understands why these people are worshipped and worshipped by such eyes, who can escape?

Cai Ru next to her was also a moment, and she could not help recalling those things in her mind.

She received rigorous training, she performed the task for the first time, and killed for the first time.

Guilt was tearing his heart, and those useless emotions that had been abandoned by her long ago seemed to breed again.

At that moment, she felt a sense of thorough understanding, and wanted to let go of everything and return to the dust.

He was just now, but he heard the warning of his own son.

"Don't look into their eyes"

As soon as her eyes turned dark, those intense emotions that almost swallowed her faded away instantly.

She looked at her hands, she couldn't understand where those ideas just came from.

"What's wrong with me"

刚才 She seemed to be enchanted just now, and she clearly ignored those things, but the emotions left in her heart made her inexplicable.

"You should be affected by them."

梦 The situation at that time Lin Mengya believed that if she did not have a systematic body care, the situation would be better than Cairu.

"But they did nothing"

Yun Cairu could not help but be surprised. She can be sure that she has not been poisoned or manipulated, but it just feels weird just now.

When those people have gone far, Lin Mengya looked up and said, "This is a very old and mysterious pupil technique. If the other party ’s eyes are trained through special training, then it is likely to be Control your emotions. "

瞳 This kind of pupil technique is also recorded on the Qing Zheng spectrum, but the method is extremely incongruous.

Because this method of complaining comes at the expense of the eyes of the practitioner.

If you want to practice, you must remodel your eyes from a young age, regardless of the medicines you take or the medicines that are later used to smoke the eyes. In fact, they are not very friendly to vision.

On the road to success, a large number of people will become blind because of this, and even if they are trained, they are likely to lose the most basic vision at middle age.

So the summary of Qingzheng's spectrum says that this kind of pupil technique kills an enemy by one thousand and damages 800 by itself.

And if you practice, you will either become a true blind or half a blind.

These results are irreversible, so there is no specific step on Qingzheng's spectrum, but only a few sentences are mentioned.

I didn't want to meet alive here.

他们 "They are all here. It seems that the movement in the temple is not small this time."

But what worries her even more is that he doesn't know if they are friends or foes.

In case these people are treacherous with that man, let alone them, even those families can't escape.

Imagine that you can't help experiencing mental breakdown when you look at anyone.

Is simply the biggest killer

But she was also curious. These people are so powerful. What role do they play in the temple ceremony?

You ca n’t threaten and intimidate those families by pupil technique.

Fortunately, this question was perfectly answered from Long Tianyu's mouth.

"They are here to dance the sacrifice of gods. Every generation of the old and new temple owners must be informed to the gods. As holy tribe, they are an important channel for the communication between God and the temple.

Noisy for a long time, so powerful, just a microphone.

"But wasn't it said that oracles can only be heard by specific people"

She always thought that she was special, so it seemed nothing.

Soon, Long Tianyu rescued her doubts.

"Although everything that God says is an oracle, only words with prophetic calamity or a blessing can be regarded as serious oracles. What the palace family could hear before was prophetic calamity. Clan, their role is to pass on what the temple wants to tell God. Generally, if God does not agree, he will send a warning, and nothing else will happen. "


It turned out that she was just a weather forecast. People were just serious phone lines.

After silently speaking, she did not have any other emotions.

That so-called "god", she didn't believe it for a moment.

The so-called oracles are definitely people who are playing tricks, or they are some of the natural magical works of nature.

No matter which one, it has nothing to do with them.

I can't help but think of the costume of the Holy Witch, her mind flashed.

"We can dress up as holy witches and mix in and they should no one dare to stop it."

But her proposal was crushed by the IQ of his own man.

"You know, the reason why the holy witches cover their faces and they are left unattended is because their eyes are already unique enough. Those people only need to take a closer look at the eyes to know if they are doubtful, let alone all the saints. In the end, the Wu people have to go to the altar to perform the sacrifice dance. I have n’t even seen it before. How to do it? "

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