说 He said that these were not deliberately suppressing Lin Mengya's enthusiasm. The latter hesitated slightly, then lowered his head.

Xiao Long Tianyu regretted it and immediately apologized.

"I'm not questioning what you think. Your idea is good, but it's really difficult."

But there was still silent and even more frustrated.

He suddenly panicked, busy holding people in his arms, I don't know how to soothe.

"My wife is extremely smart, and the method I have come up with is refreshing. I take it for granted. You wait for me to find a way. It can be done."

"噗嗤" was really unbearable, she laughed.

"Well, if you can't do it, you can't do it. It's not thoughtful of me, and it has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter." He put her hand on his chest and said solemnly. "Everyone talks about the woman and the singer, and my wife has already figured out how to do it. That's my business. It is my incompetence that is not worthy of the exquisite and wonderful idea of ​​my wife. "

He looked serious, but Lin Mengya was overjoyed.

It's really killing her for this article.

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Xun Long Tianyu knew she was not angry and was a little curious.

"It ’s good to say that God Dance, anyway, we have already slipped in to save Master, and they may not be able to find us even if they want to find us. But the eyes of the Holy Witch are too special, unless we can use a method I dare not look into our eyes. "

His method is indeed the safest, but it will also cause doubts.

The two of them were talking, she suddenly grabbed Long Tianyu's shoulders.

"Look at me"

That voice was soft and seemed to have an irresistible magic, Long Tianyu looked at it all at once.

The next moment, he just felt that his head was spinning, his body seemed to be drawn away, and he leaned against the wall subconsciously.

Long Tianyu was so frightened that she was so frightened that she could help people and asked, "Is everything okay?"

He waved his hand, and his slender fingers rubbed his forehead vigorously.

"How do you feel this way, how do you feel like the Holy Witch"

There was a little excitement in Xun Long Tianyu's words. When he recovered, his eyes were unabashedly admired and he looked at his wife.

Lin Lin Mengya was also relieved, but fortunately did not cause any damage to Long Tianyu.

小 The small medicine in the system is also laughing at her timidity, but it is just the first level of hypnosis, which will definitely not cause any bad effects on people.

"In fact, this is just a small hypnosis experiment using my eyes and voice."

She briefly introduced to Long Tianyu.

In fact, in the final analysis, the pupil technique of the Holy Witch tribe also uses the eyes as the medium or tool.

Although she can't completely imitate this, no matter if she uses some aroma or sound assistance, the final results are very similar.

Moreover, the holy witches do not see people all the year round, and they can certainly see the power of pupils.

As long as they are careful, they will be able to fool around.

I did not expect that my wife had such a talent, and the pride in Long Tianyu's heart could hardly be suppressed.

He knows that his wife can do everything. Those vulgar fans can't compare.

"Can you teach us these too?"

Facing the expectations in the eyes of her man, she nodded hesitantly.

"However, if you do it, the effect may be discounted."

"We can all learn"

She was a little excited when she saw it, and she couldn't help but ask a little funny, "How do I feel that you are particularly interested in this matter or that you think of something different?"

After hearing her ask, Long Tianyu chuckled.

"If I suddenly use this trick when I am doing tricks with others, and let the other party catch a sudden surprise, then I can win by this moment."

This is really a surprise

Then he couldn't help asking, "How is this different from Yang Lifan's eyes? You are not afraid that your opponent will scold you. This is the next trick!"

Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness Xi, who stood out in front of outsiders, could not bear to look straight.

"How can this be the same? It is a sneak attack with lime. Such a person is not worthy of fighting me. But if I learn it, it is my own extra talent, and it is not a waste."

Okay, okay, it doesn't make any difference in her eyes anyway.

Time was running short, and after the plan was determined to be feasible, the couple began to prepare.

Even if they want to find a chance to mix with the Holy Witch, they must know the basic situation of each other.

Fortunately, besides Yu, a master, beside her, there are also the big brothers who are best at hiding their bodies.

However, in just two days, they have obtained very detailed information.

Although the holy witch family is mysterious, but to put it bluntly, as long as they are people, they cannot escape to eat and drink.

People of the holy witch family have very fine diet because of their physical constitution.

And to keep their eyes on, they often shut themselves in the house.

During the day, few people will come out and do activities.

Even if it was in the room, they would close their eyes.

When I heard this, Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling sorry.

A good pair of eyes must not be detrimental to that virtue, not to mention how inconvenient ordinary life is. They obviously have eyes, but live a blind life.

This behavior really made her a little unacceptable.

They also inquired about the sacrifice dance Ada, which is said to have been passed down from ancient times.

In other words, 就是 is to return to normal, basically there is nothing particularly difficult.

But how to mix in is still a big problem.

Now Long Tianyu and Ada are both inclined to wait for most of the Holy Witch to enter, they pretend to be behind the temple and mix in the temple.

This method is good, but it is easy to be disassembled.

She thought about it and said, "Is it possible for us to mix in the ranks of the Holy Witch before?"

可以 "It can be, but it requires us to find an alternative target."

龙 For Long Tianyu, this method is not difficult.

The martyrdom is how to pretend the image, otherwise the Holy Witch people will notice it before entering.

"Is n’t they saying that the holy witches have special physiques, and must they pay special attention to what they eat? After all, this is the holy city, so even if they are a little bit soiled, they must be normal.

Nine Dragons Tianyu immediately understood her meaning and evoked a smile.

"That's right. I think they should treat all minor illnesses by themselves, but

If it is necessary for outsiders to cure the disease "

Husband and wife were together immediately, but before the action, she still asked the three brothers to make a good survey.

But this time, what they need to pay attention to is the way people behave and some behaviors.

For example, is there any special pattern in the sound of their knocking on the door, or is there a special aroma on their bodies?

You must know that in order to protect their eyes, the holy witches are willing to pay for the temporary loss of vision.

In general, the blind person's hearing and smell are the most sensitive, and she doesn't want to reveal any details in these details.

The result was not the same. The news that they brought back made Lin Mengya more confident about how to mix in.

The people of the holy witch family use the potion to fumigate their eyes every day, so they have a strong smell of medicine.

Don't look at Ada. They just sneak in and observe for a few days, but they are already covered with that weird smell.

Well, they have her big killer in it. Other people may not get a prescription for a lifetime. He just smelled it and knew what medicine was in it.

However, at the same time, it also made Lin Mengya feel no favor with the Holy Witch family.

Because the most important thing in it is the eyes of man.

Although she may not be able to make the medicine 100%, but she can make it real.

And they also selected several targets at the same time, she decided to wait until the targets appeared, and then go and determine for herself.

Because everyone has their own unique smell, even if the taste of the potion is the same, the taste presented on each person is also slightly different.

So in order to better penetrate into the procession of the Holy Witch, she must do better in details.

A day later, Ada put what Long Tianyu gave him into the diet of those people.

人 These people are very careful, even eating in their own place, and once they find that the food tastes wrong, they will not eat again.

So Ada didn't go all out, but tried a little bit, and it took three full days to not cause those people's doubts.

On the fourth day, the people selected by them showed symptoms of physical discomfort. The holy witches had some medical skills, and they knew more about the health of their companions.

But this time, no matter what method they used, they could not relieve the pain of their companions.

As a last resort, they asked the Sheriff of the Holy City for help.

After receiving the news, Gu Gucheng personally took someone to take the uncomfortable holy witches to a medical hall in the city.

Here, Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya have been dressed as buddies, waiting for their arrival.

When I saw the tribe of the Holy Witch, Lin Mengya was already careful with twelve minutes.

"This is a distinguished guest in our holy city. You must take good care of it. Be careful not to heal people, saints will punish you."

Gu Gucheng warned.

In the shop, the boss nodded obediently like their two pretend buddies.

But just when Lin Mengya wanted to help, she was stopped.

"Just stand at the door and wait, you are not needed here."

Her cold, disdainful tone forced her to stop.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is just a humble dude, but the people inside are very cautious.

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