Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2223: Terrible speculation

And she found that the sacrificial dance of the holy witch tribe is probably born of this myth.

After that, the enemies ordained by the Lord God appeared.

There are five gods against the endless devil, and there is no other content in the back, and it ends abruptly.

Lin Lin Mengya felt strange. Since it is a mural praising God's merit, why is there no scene where God finally wins?

她 When she was distracted and thought about these, an hour passed.

When she stepped down from the high platform, the scenes in those murals were already deeply imprinted in her mind.

"What did you see on it?"

Taking advantage of the transfer, Long Tianyu lowered his voice and asked.

Because they always notice the movements on and off the stage, he can focus his eyes on his wife.

So of course he can see the carelessness of the lady from the house, this kind of thing only appears when she thinks.

And the high platform is so narrow, he was really afraid that she would fall off in one step.

一个 After an hour of such anxiety, naturally she couldn't wait to know the reason for her wandering.

Lin Lin Mengya took off her tedious robes and tossed them aside.

Although the difficulty of sacrificing the dance of gods is not too big, she still sweats for two hours.

"There are some murals about the gods in the temple on the surrounding walls, and the sacrificial dance of the holy tribe should originate from this mural. But the strange thing is that the mural is not complete and there should be a lot missing portion."

Nine Dragons Tianyu nodded, but it was a bit helpless.

夫人 His wife is good at everything. Once she encounters something she is interested in, she will be too focused and forget other things.

"Be careful next time, you don't know how anxious I am to see you almost step on the air just a few times."

He didn't mean anything to blame, but she was guilty.

"Sorry, I must pay attention next time. By the way, do you know where his origin comes from about the **** in the temple?"

Everything she had just figured out on the high platform made her feel as if she were in awe.

If the true monarch of this country is the god, then he will always become the master of this country by means of his own myth.

I have just passed so many years. She would like to know what kind of person or power is to execute his will for this deity and maintain the current system.

He knows that once people taste the sweetness of power, they will breed endless greed.

What can stop this greed is either a state of mind comparable to that of a saint, or a powerful force to suppress it.

She thinks it is impossible, saint saint, so it is necessary to let those who breed the mind that should not be thoughtful disappear or be helpless.

If there is such an existence, then "it" will have the most superpower in the world that no one can compete with.

I do n’t know if what she and Yu have done will violate the expectations of “it”.

If they happen to be the enemy of "it", can they still win in this fight?

"You think it makes a lot of sense. In fact, if some of the previous things were really involved with such a force, I think it can be justified.

Xiao Long Tianyu is so keen.

He had speculated earlier from some previous events that there might be one

Some forces are interfering or contributing to something.

He was just that when he wanted to track down, he would be disturbed by all kinds of information. Now it seems that those people do not want to be found.

"But since the goal of this force is likely to maintain the current state of the defending country, they should be an obstructive attitude towards Xiancheng."

Nine Dragons Tianyu said solemnly.

"Well, yes. Once the people in Xiancheng appear, Wei Guo's current situation will definitely be broken instantly, and logically they should stop it. From the current situation, they seem to stand by?"

Yes, if they want to support the county, not only may they violate their original intentions, but also according to the strength of this power, let alone her and Long Tianyu, even if there are two more, they can't stop them.

So what is "it" doing? Do you want to use their strengths to achieve their goals?

Chen Long Tianyu patted her shoulder gently and said, "Let's not scare ourselves first, maybe this is just our guess, maybe there is no such mysterious speculation in this world at all."

She nodded, and she became quite tense because of cranky thoughts.

Even if there is such a transcendental force, what can they do?

They are like the most common grass on the grassland. The wild fires are endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again.

Whether it is Xiancheng or this behemoth that only exists in her imagination, if they become her enemies, she will definitely try to eliminate it.

The most powerful enemy in the world is her own timidity, and she happens to overcome her timidity every time.

After she came down from the high platform, she still had plenty of time.

After a short break to relieve the soreness of the muscles of the whole body, she took advantage of everyone's rest, and when no one noticed her, she got up and slipped out.

Here is the ninth floor, which is the place to worship gods.

According to the rules, Master Dian Master should be here now.

Strictly speaking, holy witches can only be regarded as servants of God, and only the temple master can be regarded as God's spokesperson.

Therefore, while they are dancing the sacrifice dance, the temple owner will definitely cooperate with them to listen to the will of God at the sacrifice place.

This is a plan that she agreed with Long Tianyu before. After he slipped out, she just met with Long Tianyu who was waiting outside.

Behind the tall sacrifice stand is a place similar to the temple.

有人 Someone is patrolling here, so it took them some time to sneak in.

The empty and empty temple, the main temple, does not have any idols. This is because in people's hearts, God should be supreme.

Therefore, idols should be placed on top, not here.

Nine Dragons Tianyu has not been here before, and she is afraid that there will be any traps here.

So they walked through the main hall for about an hour after being honed.

的 The structure here is very simple. After being worn out from the main hall, it is a deep corridor.

Rows of tall pillars supported the entire temple.

They went to the deepest place, but they didn't dare to make a sound.

Sure enough, there was a team of patrolmen in front of them coming out from the inside. Long Tianyu held her and climbed to the pillar without a word.

His movements are extremely fast, even if there is such a burden on her, there is no pressure at all.

The two men lie quietly on the pillars, waiting for the patrol to leave.

Then shortly after, another patrol team walked in and out, this time Long Tianyu did the same.

Two people are like little monkeys traveling through the forest.

Walking on a pillar closest to the inside, the two saw the group of patrolmen leave with their own eyes.

After they were sure they couldn't see themselves, the two quietly landed, and there was a closed door in front of them.

Nine Dragons Tianyu tried to push it with his hand, but found that it did not move.

Is the door locked from the inside?

But she thought it was impossible, it should be someone locked out.

She made a slightly restless gesture towards Long Tianyu, and then let go of her radar function.

I didn't know, I was shocked at first glance.

In order to save energy, she did not activate all the functions in her system.

Now she's lucky.

Because in the depths of the temple, there are countless poisonous insects hidden in some corners that are not easily detected by the radar.

If it is not because of her physical constitution that these poisonous insects cannot be approached, I am afraid they should die of poisoning now.

And the hidden corners of these poisonous insects are very tricky. Even if she has a radar, there is no guarantee that she will find it 100%.

She adjusted the radar function back to its normal peak value, and sure enough, the frequency of the alarm dropped immediately.

No wonder I dare not arrange these patrols like this. It turned out that the Tianluo Di net had already been laid here, waiting for someone to come in.

It's a pity that she is too good and her strength doesn't allow her to fail.

怎么 样 "How is it? Master is in there?"

The finger on his shoulder asked gently with the password.

"In it, it just seems to be in a coma."

She also put her hand on the back of his hand and replied.

Qiong Tianyu's mood immediately became a little nervous.

"Is there any injury to Master?"

"No, he just took the ordinary drug. But the dose of the medicine is relatively large, probably because Master's constitution is better, but you can rest assured that it is easy to wake up Master after we enter."

After I got the assurance from my wife, his heart was temporarily put down, but how to get in did not attract the attention of those patrols and became a problem.

"There is no lock, no keyhole, and no mechanism on this door. How did they open and how did they close?"

Zhe Lin Mengya actually scanned the door again.

But unfortunately, the material of this door is a bit special, it seems to be able to isolate her detection function.

So she had to reach out and feel the difference of this door with the feel of a doctor.

Because she often trains her acupuncture teacher, her fingers are much sharper than those of ordinary people.

The cardia was very smooth, as Long Tianyu said, without any protrusions or depressions.

She touched the bottom from the top, and then she found that there was a place at the bottom that didn't seem to fit the door panel.

"It seems like something is not right underneath."

After receiving her prompt, Long Tianyu immediately crouched down, keeping the same posture as she just had.

Sure enough, that place did look a little different, but when he tried to pull it down, he found that he couldn't move at all.

Are they wrong?

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