Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2224: Meet the Lord

Nine Dragons Tianyu thought it was impossible.

Recently, just now Yaer almost touched the whole door panel, and he believes that Yier's strength can never be wrong.

Moreover, apart from this, the entire door panel is almost flawless.

He just didn't believe in evil, and tried his best to lift it up, but it was still futile.

"damn it!"

He cursed in his heart, and his fist turned uncontrollably towards the door below.

He just heard a click, and then Long Tianyu immediately hugged her and rolled back.

"What happened? What happened?"

She couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Then she saw the strange face of her man.

With his gaze looking at him, he saw the door that was still tightly threaded just now, and now it turned up.

Yes, it just cocked up.

Is like a flip, but it is turned upside down.

Meow meow meow? Are you sure you're teasing her?

Is the gate so safe for people to come in and out?

Compared with her face 懵, her man is obviously more angry.

Since it is a door that flips up and down, what was he doing just now, is he tired of a silly boy?

Suddenly, Long Tianyu was not good at all. Fortunately, there were no followers around him, otherwise his full name would be completely changed.

"Let's go in, the patrol should be here in a while."

She used his hand on his shoulder to gently soothe each other with a password.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu is a person with strong self-control and little emotional control.

The door panel turned down just to allow a person to pass, originally he was thinking of letting Yaer go in behind him.

But Lin Mengya was afraid that there was no real mechanism in the door. They just opened it by mistake and insisted that he should follow him and slide in together.

I have to say that in terms of organs, she is indeed full of talents.

Now the two just slide in, and when the door panel flips down again, there is another crisp sound.

Then they subconsciously reached out and pushed the door, and they couldn't move again.

She just said, this door will never be that simple.

But since they can come in, they can go out.

The two did not waste much time on the door panel problem, but walked towards the inside.

There is no movement of the patrol here, so I want to come and make such arrangements. Even the doors are the doors of the institution, and most importantly, in the cognition of the group of deputy hall masters, the hall masters have been holy witches. The elder controlled it.

In a sense, the owner of the temple has become their person, so naturally there is no need to take extra precautions.

There was nothing more than a humble stone bed inside.

I was certain that there were no organs there. After she was absolutely safe, Lin Mengya wanted to save the temple lord.

"Master, Master, wake up!"

He poured the medicine that he carried with him into Master's mouth.

I finally woke up slowly, but the drowsiness of his face remained, and it was clear that the faces of the two remained the same as before.

"Master, Master, it's us!"

She hurried to

Master Zhuandian compared with an ok, and the latter just awakened and no longer pretended.

It just seemed a little excited, grabbing his hand and saying, "How can you child take such a risk? The deputy chief has already laid a trap and is waiting for you. By the way, Yuer, he didn't come Right? "

"Master, I am here."

As soon as Nine Dragons Tianyu finished speaking, he got a trembling from Master.

"Why is your child so brave? You brought Yaer over, too, you know, she won't do martial arts. Wouldn't this put her at risk? The girl married you, but didn't say yes Those who accompany you to the Longtan Tiger Cave, you, you are so mad at me! "

Just now she looked like a gentle drizzle to her, and now the old father, who was worried, turned into a strict teacher who hated iron and steel.

差距 This gap, even the sweat BMW can not keep up.

In the end, Lin Mengya could not see her own man being captive, and immediately opened up and stopped the anger of Master Dian Master.

"Master and Master do n’t blame him. I took the initiative to ask for it. Besides, your old man is so kind to us. Now that you are in trouble, how can we not come? And for Yu, you are his father. If his father is in distress and he cares nothing, I don't want such a man! "

I watched the young couple embrace each other, and the heart of the palace owner was also deeply comforted.

"Okay, it's because I'm too impatient, and I'm worried that you will be fooled by those people at a young age."

Lin Lin Mengya immediately ran her hair.

哪里 "Where, because you are worried about us, you are so anxious. By the way, Master Master, how can things become what they are now? That Deputy Master, what is going on with him?"

When He brought this up, Master Master could not help but regret it.

"It's all because of my soft heart. Boy, you take advantage of them while they don't know your whereabouts. They will not take me like this old bone."

But Long Tianyu grabbed his master's arm. "To walk together, I can't throw you here."

唉 "Oh, good boy, I know you have this kind of intention. It's enough. But I can't leave here. I've been here for almost a lifetime. I can't watch it ruined by those wolf ambitions."

For the master of the temple, the temple is not only his home but also the goal of his life.

So even if he has exhausted his power, he will fight to the end those who destroy his home.

This is everyone's choice. Even today, she and Long Tianyu forcibly took away the master of the temple. I believe he will find a way to return here again.

"Master, I can help you."

But as soon as Long Tianyu's words fell, Master Dian said eagerly: "No! The reason they held me here is to lead you here, you go, go!"

If the two of them were standing up, one was better than the other, one said he wouldn't leave, and one said he would take him away.

I am really sad to leave her innocent.

怎么 What should she do, can't faint one of them and drag it away.

"Stop, what are you two doing? Yu Yu is here to solve the problem, not to create a contradiction."

She turned to Master and said bitterly, "Master, you also know his temper. If you do n’t leave, unless he is stunned and carried away, he will surely insist on saving you. Otherwise, you will Tell us the truth, at least there is a discussion between the three people. If it doesn't work, then I will stun him and drag him out.


Xun Long Tianyu felt for a while that the back of the brain was painful, and even the master and master of the temple agreed for a few minutes before agreeing to her.

how to say? This little apprentice of her own comes with a kind of aura that "she is telling the truth and does not believe she will die terribly."

In order to prevent his apprentice from being beaten up, he can only tell the situation here.

"The deputy chief is actually my brother."

Rumors and facts still differ greatly.

For example, the master of this temple master, in fact, should be in the body with the consciousness of the previous temple master.

For example, the master of the temple master is actually not the old temple master of the previous year, but the master of the previous temple master.

"In the beginning, what the villain saw was actually my master's body, but it was only because my master was a little older and his grade was poor, that ’s why he accepted an apprentice, that is, my master."

Master Yun affirmed her previous speculation, and surely, the inheritance of those temple masters was a conspiracy.

"But just before the villain started, my brother noticed something, so he fled from the temple overnight. But because the temple was heavily guarded, and the old guy wanted to stare at himself all the time. The young body, so this brother's escape did not succeed, but was secretly caught back by the old guy. Because my brother is not a soft persimmon, plus he was more alert before, so two People are actually hurting both. When I found them with my master, the old guy had been dead for a long time, and the brother was seriously injured. Even my master did not expect that the old guy was so deliberate that he pretended to be a brother But he had to give up inheriting the position of Lord of the Temple because of a big problem in his body. So I let him keep in the Temple secretly and gave him the status of Deputy Lord of the Temple. , Who knows that the old guy has been accumulating energy for so long that he wants to make a comeback! "

Xun actually has such a big splash of blood, Lin Mengya feels like she's watching an ethical drama.

"The old man who was not dead, he was staring at my master and now he is coming to stare at my apprentice again! Huh, I won't let him succeed!"

Master Zhuandian was very angry.

I am also the same. No matter the previous generation or the next generation is actually being watched by others, it almost becomes the food of others.

The victim's family had to be treated twice, the old guy was too much!

"But he actually keeps an eye on my family Long Tianyu? Could it be said that the host he transferred his consciousness can be chosen randomly?"

That's great.

When a body can't move, only one body needs to be replaced to ensure its survival for generations.

She couldn't help but tremble with chills. So, do n’t many people have new bottles and old wine?

But the master of the palace shook his head gravely.

"In fact, this was what my Master told me before he died. Until now, I also feel incredible. If one can really enter the body of another at will, wouldn't he be able to live forever? But you see Those temple masters who had previously suspected to have changed their bodies were not very good. And my master said that many of them, in the end, were all delirious and died of madness, so I think this should not be without cost. "

Lin Lin Mengya was also lost in thought.

She recalled the people she had met before that seemed to have changed consciousness, so to speak, basically none of them were perfect.

However, this can't prove that this method is wrong. If you don't see the dawn of victory, there won't be so many followers in this matter.

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