Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2253: Turn danger into safety

I have to say that the difficulty in dealing with Lin Mengya was beyond that person's expectations.

She thought it was a sure thing, but now she has turned upside down.

"OK, I can tell you."

The woman's attitude stepped back unconsciously.

"My master said, if we get married now, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

If it is not really troublesome, who wants to be the villain.

Gao Linmengya heard and thought for a moment, "You have to come up with some substantive evidence, otherwise why should I believe your words?"

The other party didn't know she had been on her suit, and it was a little embarrassing to hear this.

"What kind of evidence do you want?"

"For example, it can prove the impact of my marriage to him."

She unknowingly guided the other side, thinking along her own thoughts, and embarrassedly showing her face on purpose.

"You also know, Your Highness has no heart for me. If I unilaterally announced that I would not marry him, Your Highness would be unwilling. If something goes wrong at that time, wouldn't it be against our original intention of two transactions?

The other person frowned, and the more she thought, the more she made sense.

"The palace family is really thoughtful."


She waved her hands, looking helpless.

"You also know that getting married is a matter of two people. Your host only said that we shouldn't get married now, and didn't say we should mess up the two of us. So I suggest you go back and discuss with your people first. Or maybe you brought him here, after all, time is short. Only by being open and honest can we get the best solution. "

Well-intentioned 挟 becomes a negotiation, and it is still led by Lin Mengya.

连 Even Bai Su had to secretly admire the ghosts of her master. She remembered what the master had said that he could solve with a cannon, and tried not to use a knife or a gun.

In the past, she didn't quite understand what a gun was, but now she understands it.

The man thought for a while, and arched her hand and said, "The owner of the palace said yes, I will go back and ask my host."

"Go ahead, come back early. By the way, you bother to go back and tell your master that my person can be temporarily detained by him, but if my family is bullied, I will not be so kind . "

When she said this, she kept smiling, but the man read a threat in her eyebrows.

Of course the other party dare not neglect, such an opponent is that her host must also be careful to deal with it.

What's more, the determination that the other party revealed between raising their hands seems to have guessed at their identity.

That's the case, they had no chance at all in front of her.

So as she said, everything is better to discuss.

He waited until the man left, and Lin Mengya climbed ashore and got dressed.

Bai Su talked to her in a low voice while wiping her long wet hair.

"Master, do you really want to cooperate with those people"

In fact, what she meant was to ask Lin Mengya to choose not to marry Long Tianyu temporarily for the sake of those people.

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and said thoughtfully, "I'm not willing, but someone warned me not to marry him so soon."

She is not the type who disregards the overall situation, but she doesn't want to disappoint Yu's heart even more.

Lin Mengya felt distressed at the thought of how he cheerfully arranged the wedding.

Whenever there is no room for reversal, she will not disappoint Long Tianyu.

After the two of them were sorted out, they returned to the room.

看着 She looked at the wedding dress placed in the room, and a smile appeared naturally in her eyes.

She had fully received the mind of the man, and a decision had been made temporarily.

It didn't take long before they heard the knock on the door, but this time it came in, but it was not the woman disguised as Cairu.

He is a man who looks like a man, girl and boy.

As soon as I entered the door, the man raised an eyebrow, and said politely, "Li Ao has seen the housekeeper. The housekeeper is really resourceful. The little girl in my family who has never seen anything in the world really is not your opponent."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow secretly, and it seemed that the master was not a fool.

She smiled and said politely, "Her Majesty is also capable, but in fact, when you value the success of this plan, you can't help but think about it. I think this is her Be cautious. With such subordinates, you must have no worries. "

The two looked at each other but smiled at each other.

Li Liao was sitting in front of her, her eyes were deep and she looked at her loosely.

"Girls are really courageous. I heard outsiders say that girls are a rare and intelligent person. Now it looks like it really is."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, skipping the link of mutual commercial touts.

"I'm not clever. I'm calling the situation right now. If you have any words, let me just say that it won't be long before I prepare for our wedding."

Her words made Li Ao frown slightly.

姑娘 "Girl, in fact, I didn't mean to make you embarrassed, but this marriage is impossible"

There was a sincere expression on the other side's face. Lin Mengya did not explode on the spot, but thought and asked, "I don't think that the marriage between the two of us has hindered anyone. If the outsiders worry, the palace family will join the temple After they are together, they will give them instructions, then you can rest assured that my palace family does not have such a wolf ambition, and the temple will maintain its detached position. "

She feels sincere enough.

But Li Ao was embarrassed, and after a moment of silence, he said, "In fact, we don't care."

Although the temple holds a name, they can choose to listen or not.

But one thing made them pay enough attention, that is, to be a great snoring wicked, and they must stop their two weddings.

"Girls know about the ancients"

Gao Lin Mengya nodded. In fact, he had heard about it for a long time, but the matter of the Jun family made him understand the plight of the ancients more deeply.

"The girl does not necessarily know, in fact, our entire ancient tribe, there are still some old rules left over from now."

"What old rules" Lin Mengya asked curiously.

Li Ao lowered his voice and said, "Every ten years, a mysterious person will issue an order for all ancient people. If this is not possible, this ancient people will have various accidents, and may even be Extermination. "

Lin Lin Mengya thought the other party was scaring her or joking, but she couldn't find any trace of lying from Li Ao's face.

"Who can be so amazing and how can he punish you if you don't comply?"

Li Liao also felt bitter when he heard this.

"I didn't believe it at first, but I think the girl should have heard about the family. The girl knew that this time the mysterious man's order was that the person of the family would marry the new owner of the temple. We will act as supervisors. If something goes wrong, it will not only be our monarch and Li family, but all the ancient people will be implicated. "

Lin Lin Meng Ya suddenly wondered.

Don't she just want to get married? How can she do so many things?

"What if the next Lord is not him?"

She shook her head and smiled bitterly. "Does the girl think that if the owner of the temple is replaced now, would those people outside agree?"

I am also the same. Now that Long Tianyu's succession as the next master of the palace is a matter of course, that is, he is now abdicating to give virtue, I am afraid that the people outside will not accept it.

Now she realized that Long Tianyu and her had long had no choice.

"Girl." Li Ao continued to persuade her "I know this is a bit unfair to you, but I can't take the lives of hundreds of thousands of people to risk."

Speaking of this, Li Ao's eyes have been wiped with a trace of absolute desperation.

Even if they are resentful in the end, they are always better than those who join their entire family.

姑娘 "Girl, Li Ao knows I'm sorry, no matter how you want revenge in the future, I won't resist. I also ask the girl to see the lives of these people and don't marry your Highness for the time being."

Lin Lin Mengya knocked on the table, her face was unknown.

"Then you come to tell me what kind of crisis the ancients will face if you break the order."

He was arrogant.

不是 He didn't think of using coercive means to prevent the wedding of two people, but the every move of the woman in front of him made him compromise again and again.

"You also saw that the first one is the Jun family. I'm afraid that there will be no more healthy children born in their family in 20 years. This is a disaster for the entire family."

"Where are you Lijia" she asked casually.

After a moment of arrogance, he stunned and said, "It will be like me."

"What's the Same"

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and down, looked at each other.

人 This person's physical quality is very good, there is no problem at all, is there anything inexplicable?

"It's a boy and a girl"

Li Liao's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and even mixed with a bit of inexplicable pain.

Lin Lin Mengya was surprised, "You say it again"

Li Li proudly closed his eyes. Anyway, he had already reached this point, and he also cut out.

"People in our family have been boys and girls since my generation. Sometimes my younger brothers will be treated as girls by the road, and many people will not find a wife when they are adults."

The words made Li Ao have a strange sense of funnyness.

Lin Lin Mengya resisted the laughter to her lips.

The Dai people are all ladies ladies, which is too magical

"Is there anything wrong with this?" She asked in confusion.

The words "What's so good" obviously touched his pain. "Girls know that every time a man of our family wants to find a woman to get married, they will eventually be remarried by the other party."

"Why is this?" Is n’t it good for ladies to be good-looking and half-sisters, how many girls are ideal?

He bit his lower lip with arrogant arrogance, and the word cones "because, because they said, I and our people are even more beautiful than them"

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