Lin Lin Mengya smiled very kindly.

Is n’t it that she is down, but is this reason too good?

"Hahahahaha, sorry, I'm not laughing at you. But, I just can't help it."

What should she say, she never thought that there would be such a reason in the world

"If you laugh, just laugh, I'm used to it anyway."

Obviously Li Li is a bit arrogant.

He couldn't do anything about it, but who let it be the real reason for his last divorce.

Fortunately, after Lin Mengya laughed for a while, she barely quieted herself.

She was wounded in the first place, so why should she sprinkle salt on the wound? This is too much.

所以 "So if I haven't married my Highness now, then your family will become a little uglier, right?"

Although it is not as obvious as the general laugh just now, Lin Mengya still clasps her lips and has a happy mood in her eyes.

The somewhat restrained atmosphere between the two also eased a lot.

Li Liao also felt that she was not malicious, so the threat from the beginning also became a negotiated tone.

"Not ugly, but more masculine."

He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, but even now, even if he wears men's clothing, many people still think he is a woman dressed as men's clothing.

This is no less than a humiliation for a man who has been determined to become a man from a young age.

But Lin Mengya heard this, but shook her head and said, "To be honest, I don't despise you at all. But I don't think masculinity is reflected in appearance. If a man has the responsibility and responsibility, he will not grow up Whatever it is, it is a man of invincibility. "

With these words, no one had ever told him.

From childhood to big people, people have been pursuing burly and strong masculinity, and if he is not the homeowner's sister-in-law, I am afraid that he will be like those boys in the clan, day and night, and not dare to go out.

He was surging and couldn't help but ask, "Doesn't the housekeeper think we are male or female and female, will it be disgusting?"

"What disgusting" she asked, "You know that coming out to stop me today will offend the palace and the temple, but you still stand up. You are not for yourself, but for the people behind you. Maybe from my perspective For example, you are not a good person, but in the eyes of your people, you are a hero. Because your means are bright and clear, even those who arrested me did not treat her badly. Instead, they followed my advice and came in person Find me. I can hate you, I can hate you, but I don't think you're sick. "

She said this entirely out of her heart.

When Qing Qinghu first met with her, she also gave up.

So she can understand the pain of Li Ao and the entire Li family.

He added that what they look like is not entirely controlled by their own choices, and they are not exiled by themselves, but choose a way out for their next generation.

I only admire such a brave and strong family.

Li Liao was silent for a long time, and stood up and bowed to her.

"Thank you for your help, I already know what to do in the future, and I will personally send a congratulatory gift to your wedding tomorrow."

When Lin Mengya heard this, she asked, "But you didn't say, if you don't stop my wedding, then your people will

Will I be killed? "

With a stern, arrogant smile, a woman's enchanting face with firm courage.

"That's our own life. If we have to sacrifice others for our own sake, then this liberation is only a sin for our children and grandchildren. I don't want our next generation to pay our debts one day. . "

His words were loud, apparently he already had plans.

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged and said, "Okay, I don't have such a sense of justice. I also think that if you don't have a good reason, I know I'm going to marry anyway."

She said these words, but she just wanted to persuade Liao.

But Li Ao said, "Listen to the king and read a book for ten years. If it wasn't for the enlightenment of the palace master, I'm afraid I'm still in a puzzle."

The latter obviously regarded her as a benevolent posture, but she was a little overwhelmed.

"Don't do it, don't say it that way. That's because you have a high level of consciousness and have nothing to do with me."

Her look like she hurriedly wanted to clarify the relationship, but made Li Ao smile with her eyes narrowed.

"I now understand why those people outside the house of the house of the house evaluation so high. House of the house, I have to remind you of something."

"what's up"

Li Ao said solemnly, "I don't know how many ancient people have received this order. Although not everyone is like me, they will still abide by some very old rules, but I am afraid that some of them may appear at the wedding tomorrow. twists and turns."

Lin Mengya thought about this a long time ago.

"Dare to mess up at my wedding, that's enough live, I don't mind letting my wedding become her funeral."

She spoke such horrible words without fear, enough guts to make Li Ao look at her.

"The owner of the palace, please be careful yourself, I will soon send her to you without any problems. If the owner of the palace needs it, I will go to the fire and do nothing."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and accepted his kindness.

Li Liao left soon.

And after such a delay, the sky is about to dawn.

When Cai Ru returned safely, it was time for her to freshen up.

Some things she did not hide the two girls, Cai Ru and Bai Su looked at each other.

It was clear that Cai Ru, who had been tossing all night, was still a little bit worried, but she was not afraid of how she was abused, but she felt that someone would be bad for her owner.

Lin Mengya turned around in front of the dressing mirror, and said easily, "What are you gonna do about this dress and hair crown?"

The two girls immediately walked to her.

Bai Su held the dress over, Cai Ru was silent for a long time, and then said softly, "If the master is not there, you and your highness are not in a hurry, it is safe and secure."

她们 They all know what happened before.

Sometimes if I do n’t have a hard time with my own son, how can I still get it?

But Lin Mengya sighed and lowered her eyes and said, "This is the situation on my side, how good do you think he will be"

The marriage is between the two of them. If it doesn't work on her side, she will definitely find a way to turn to the other side.

But from the preparation of the wedding to now, Long Tianyu has not shown any traces, which shows that he has taken all the pressure and determined to marry himself.

A man like this, how can she not love her and shrink back because of this little difficulty

Two people are better at fighting side by side than one person alone.

The man who hit her had suppressed all the darkness behind him, and only allowed himself a light, even if there were occasionally a few dark clouds, what could happen?

"Do n’t worry about it first, things are n’t at the worst yet. Besides, some words from Li Ao last night gave me some guesses. If it really is what I think, then I am definitely going to get married of."

In fact, Li Ao said yesterday that someone had issued an order preventing them from getting married to these ancient people.

It's weird.

To be honest, she and Long Tianyu have been an open pair for a long time. Who else in the country is not aware of her relationship with Long Tianyu?

Even if he stopped them, he could not stop them for a lifetime.

Rather than say that this order is to break them up, it is more like disgusting them.

If Long Tianyu did not announce her identity at the same time, what would someone outside say?

I would say that although her Gongya was engaged, she was not recognized at first.

Although she didn't care about those gossips at all, it really made her unhappy.

And Long Tianyu became a scumbag who cheated.

In this way, either the person behind the scenes is really boring enough, or they hate them to the extreme, or the person wants to use such rumors to make a fuss.

So no matter what, he won't let the other party succeed.

I was just married, she wanted to see how difficult it was.

Dressing and dressing, compared with the previous ignorant, so careless, this time Lin Mengya prepared carefully.

In the height of a person's mirror, the woman's eyebrows are picturesque, and she is full of joy and expectation as a newlywed.

Although Bai Su and Cai Ru were worried, they couldn't help but be happy for their owners.

"You are so beautiful" Bai Su could not help but sigh.

I met you every day, but today Lin Mengya is stunningly beautiful.

Lin Mengya pursed her lips and smiled a little shyly.

"Everyone says that a woman's marriage is the most beautiful day. I didn't believe it at first, but now I think it makes sense."

It is because she and Long Tianyu have not met each other for a long time, but looking at herself in the mirror, she is inevitably nervous.

From then on, she will live and die with that man, and she will grow old with her head. She never had such a clear thought for a moment.

Contrary to a person's day and night, this is a novel and provocative decision for everyone.

相信 She believes that every new couple will have this or that hesitation when they get married.

Can he really love his life forever? When he is old, can he really treat himself as a good wife and support his family?

Questions like this will hover in your head for a long time.

But she knew that maybe the road ahead was difficult and she would go hand in hand with that person.

The ripples from Xinxin Lake were soothed slowly.

打开 She opened the door and watched the dawn light outside.

Some things don't have to be concluded now, life is a long and short process, and he needs to experience it with him.

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