They don't need the groom to meet them like ordinary newcomers.

He is not so much the wedding of the two of them as the succession ceremony of the two.

I was just Long Tianyu. In order to marry her earlier, she shifted her focus.

However, according to the process of the temple's succession ceremony, she needs to complete the succession ceremony before she can succeed the wife of the temple.

This time, everyone is solemn and solemn, no longer like the deputy hall owner, everywhere reveals outdated flashy.

The sound of ritual music is endless.

刚 As soon as she went out, she saw a group of sixteen people who had been waiting in front of her door to lift the car.

"Miss please get in the car."

The puppet ceremony has not yet been held, so she is not yet a serious lady of the temple.

But those people are already very respectful to her.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and the two maids held up her wide skirt behind her.

The sedan chair was stable and soon carried her to the meeting place.

She sat in the sedan chair and watched on the high platform. Long Tianyu was holding the succession ceremony.

所有 All the rules are the most orthodox this time, Long Tianyu needs to stand on the high platform before dawn to sacrifice the sun, moon, and stars, and comfort the gods in heaven and earth.

Now is the time when he greets the rising sun and worships the sun.

The man wore a purple-gold dress, and the golden crown on his head even made her man face look like a crown jade.

At the same time, the restrained domineering of this person makes people unconsciously give in to submission.

What makes a warrior without a fight is to start from face-to-face, and let people have a fear that can't be defeated.

And this happened to her man.

He rarely has the arrogance of young people. Some things are not that he deliberately ignores others, but he doesn't take the other person's heart at all.

For Long Tianyu, only the opponents who can make him value will keep him at heart.

He will never waste his time on those who are not related.

In fact, Lin Mengya has been thinking, why it is her man who is considered by all the big brothers.

Now she thinks he finally understands.

If you want to be a superior, you must have tolerance measures, precise vision, and means of grace.

The most important point is that he should stand on a level that ordinary people cannot reach and look at things.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is definitely not a born indifferent person, but he thinks so clearly that it will be seen by everyone.

General Zhuan needs to be tempered the day after tomorrow, but the emperor absolutely values ​​talent.

勾 He tickled his lips and thought his man was just amazing.

Standing on the high platform, Long Tianyu, who had just worshipped the sun, looked at her in the direction.

The man who had been silent and serious before sunrise suddenly burst into a shallow smile.

That smile may not be upside down, but it is enough to surprise most people.

Just now, he is the absolute overlord of the second child and the second child, and now he reveals a completely incredible gentleness.

This contrast makes everyone a little confused.

Until they saw that, the woman on the limousine, who was also raised high, suddenly understood.


Chen Long Tianyu held out his hand toward the other side.

Although far away, Lin Mengya saw his mouth shape.

人 This man didn't let her stop for a moment.

Cai Ru, who was a little nervous next to him, reminded in a low voice, "It's not the time for you to go up now, you have to wait until His Royal Highness has completed all the rituals before you can go up."

But Lin Mengya smiled indifferently and said, "But he's calling me"

"Call you, you can't go too" Cai Ru suddenly had a very bad hunch.

知道 She knows that her master and his subordinates have always been informal, or perhaps not surprising in terms, and have been describing the more appropriate partner.

But isn't it equivalent to openly occupying the majesty of the temple?

I finally made those families nod. Get them to agree to support His Highness.

Is n’t this all done now

Obviously, Long Tianyu on the high platform could not wait any longer, and he turned over in the exclamation of the crowd.

Zhe Lin Mengya also stood up, and her mouth could not hide her bright smile.

"Bai Su, Cai Ru, remember, some rules are not for observing, but for destroying, living better than anything you want."

The two said they had been frightened.

But greater fright is still behind.

I saw Long Tianyu, striding over meteor, in the eyes of everyone, actually kneeling on one knee, stretched out his right hand towards his beloved woman.

"Yaer, I sincerely ask you to marry me"

The representatives of the family next to me were almost roaring.

Don't you agree with the marriage of the two of you already?

成 Well married, isn't it good to be his temple master?

Lin Lin Mengya got out of the car elegantly, and he held the hand that Long Tianyu extended.

好的 "Okay, I am willing to work with you for the rest of my life, Your Highness."

With a proud smile on his face, Xun Long Tianyu took his hand and walked up to the platform.

Everyone doesn't understand the meaning of this scene. Junwu Zhao and Li Ao in the crowd, but some understand the significance of this.

He wants everyone to know that Gongya is not only a lady of the temple, but a woman who sits on an equal footing with him.

They share glory and share those difficult obstacles.

The two will never be distinguished by high and low, and some are just a husband and wife who support and respect each other.

I have to say that such a relationship is new and unimaginable to them.

But today, when I saw a man who did this openly, they had a different idea in their hearts.

If they also have such a beloved person, they can become their support and assistance, and they can also become the world they most need to protect.

Then they can make such a choice just like His Highness.

Because it is your own business, not a slave you can handle at will.

At this moment, at least two of them are thinking completely differently than before.

It's a pity that Long Tianyu's blatantly prominent Lin Mengya's behavior has caused many people to complain and blame.

Xun originally acknowledged that only half of Long Tianyu's support for his succession was made, and more were people who kept a wait-and-see attitude.

But a move he made now suddenly made this part of people angry with him.

"Become a system, no matter how noble a woman is, she can't get on the stage at this time."

"I think he simply put the rules of the temple in

这么 All the rules of the Sanctuary of the Wuwu Temple have been formulated for so long. Didn't he lose everyone's face by doing so? "

He first attacked two powerful elders who had a close relationship with the temple.

脸 Their faces were heavy, and the words they spoke were not polite.

But compared to their excitement, the side of the temple seemed very calm and calm.

The deputy chief of Qin Qin came out with a smile and rounded the field.

"In the end, it's a young man, and the rules should be a little different from before. Besides, the law is dead, and people are alive. Change it."

The people who wanted to get him to speak a fair word immediately became dumb.

I want to know the qualifications of the Deputy Lord Qin Lord, but he is no worse than the old Lord Lord.

But his words did not completely stop everyone's condemnation.

"Qin Dian Lord, what you said makes no sense. We respect the temple because of the strict rules of the temple. We have kept our duty for thousands of years, and have never done anything wrong. But your elderly Seeing that, they are clearly trampling on the dignity of the temple. Today they can not obey the rules, and in the future they will give us orders against the prestige of the temple "

This remark can be regarded as the heart of those opponents.

No matter how the rules of the temple change, they don't really care.

I just feared that once Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya were really in power, would they unite to shake their status.

Even if Long Tianyu is today, even if there is nothing wrong with one step, they will find an opportunity to throw the matter on the bright side.

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty frowned.

He has seen many people over the years, so I do n’t know where these people are.

"You don't need to worry. Although the temple master only changed this one, the others can remain unchanged."

I didn't expect that just after he finished speaking, I heard someone in the crowd shouting, "That's not necessarily, maybe he's a changeman."

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu on the high stage have already heard the purpose of these people.

Xiaolong Tianyu slowly sneered.

"Then what you do, how can we do you will be assured"

The crowd was quiet for a while, and then a leader appeared.

The man made a ritual toward Long Tianyu and said humblely, "Your Highness, we are not intentionally embarrassing you. Since you took over, you have made many completely different decisions than before. The temple is not only for us It ’s a place to worship God, and it ’s the belief and worship of all of us, so we do n’t want anyone to destroy this transcendental emotion and make it a tool for personal gain. ”

This is very straightforward.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is even more rare, not directly angry, but his attitude is also a lot colder.

"go on."

The man looked around, and continued to say with the encouragement of his companions, "We are not doubting you. On the contrary, Your Highness's ability, we all look at it. The temple will definitely go to a higher level in your hands, so we I hope you will stay in the temple with peace of mind. "

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, tearing all the disguise of those people.

"You are afraid that after the temple and my palace family are merged into one, my palace family will be able to take precedence over everyone. Once I have the position of the lady of the temple, you will never have My ability to compete, right? "

Her words changed those people's faces.

Everyone is considered to be one of the best in the country. It's so rude and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, Lin Mengya does not care about those faces that do not exist at all.

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