Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2256: Exit the temple

"Since the owner of the palace is so clear, we don't have to avoid it anymore."

The nodding head man smiled coldly, and his eyes narrowed slightly, hiding the deep fear of the palace and the temple.

"Although the achievements of the house owner and His Royal Highness are obvious to all, people's hearts are changeable, let alone holding heavy weights, and who can guarantee that they will never have selfish desires. You are two brilliant people, but we are all lay people, so we can only Be a real villain. "

To this day, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu couldn't hear them.

No matter how they make trouble, but the purpose of these people is to use the supremacy of the Lord of the Temple to trap them in this cold Temple forever.

I can say that they measure the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, but from the perspective of those in power, their approach is understandable.

He also wanted to stay in the temple after he took over, but they wanted to trap her with her.

In this way, the palace family was blocked from development.

I can say that by using this trick, they are equivalent to eliminating one of the biggest powerful enemies.

I just do n’t know. Now they do it.

At least no matter what Lin Mengya or Long Tianyu did secretly, once they are known to the world, they will definitely panic.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around in the crowd, but she had some speculation in her heart.

I'm afraid this also has a lot to do with their enemies.

Chen Long Tianyu did not take this person into his eyes, he just looked at each other coldly.

"Where I am going, no one can intervene."

This is to tell everyone clearly that he disdains cooperation.

The people underneath suddenly changed their faces.

"His Royal Highness, if you do not want to follow the rules of the temple, then you may have to give up your position as the Lord"

He also took the lead and did not know who gave him the confidence, and his attitude was so tough.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but worry.

She only worried about her own man. In case of anger, if this man was killed, they would not end well.

When Xu Gang just wanted to drag his clothes and wanted to signal him not to be impulsive, he saw that Long Tianyu's mood was so calm.

She turned around at this time, and it turned out that it was all under Yu's control.

So she was relieved.

When I picked up those people, I was even more unscrupulous.

"Who made this rule? Your Excellency is really good and overbearing. There has always been only the predecessor of this temple can appoint the others, and no one else has the right to interfere. Whose order did you give to dare to threaten the next?"

The man also came prepared, and when he heard this sneer, he said, "The owner of the palace is very young, and he must not know some rules between our family."

转向 He turned to the crowd, his words were impassioned.

"You, my patriarchal tradition has remained unchanged for thousands of years, relying on their own duties. Now these two young people can think freely of their own status, we must not tolerate them."

Under his sedition, more and more people mistakenly thought that the two of them would join forces to annex their own forces.

The tide of opposition is rising.

In the end, more than half of the people joined the controversial army


Seeing that he had mastered the absolute approval rate, the man turned back, his eyes filled with chill.

"Although we have no right to intervene in the heritage of the temple, we have the right to choose whether we want to be loyal to the temple. Over the years, we have respected the temple, but what the temple has done for us is not based on our people's fat and anointing, This is a behemoth that has no effect at all. So if the two insist on refusing to compromise, then I will lead my family out of the temple. "

This is so bold, even those who follow him to make trouble can not help but hesitate.

随后 But then those people also said that if Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu insisted on their opinions, they would make the same choice as that person.

In their eyes, the temple has always been aloof, sacred, and inviolable.

Until now, if there is an opportunity, I can step down the force that has been on my head for many years, I believe many people will take the opportunity to insert a kick.

What they didn't notice is that from the beginning to the present, the reaction of the subject being criticized, that is, the next temple master, was not as fierce as expected, and it was even cold.

Xiao Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes slowly.

Lin Mengya, who was standing beside him, silently lit wax for those who were in trouble.

You must know that His Highness never fights unprepared.

And most importantly, they dared to **** food at the tiger's mouth, and they had enough.

你们 "You said, if I disagree with your request, I will withdraw from the temple collectively"

He slowly opened his mouth, and the cold tone was extremely oppressive even in such farce.

Unintentionally glanced at those cold eyes was enough to make some timid shut up immediately.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood beside her, and could not help feeling.

This is the so-called aura. Some people are born as emperors, and some people do n’t look like Prince Edward in dragon robes.

And her family Long Tianyu is one of the best.

I want to beg cheaply under the men of her family, who are just dreaming.

I ca n’t understand why it ’s still so calm to be the arrogant and arrogant crown prince.

Either he still has a back trick enough to shut himself up; or he has no choice now.

Of course, he hopes to be the latter situation more than anyone, but when he sees the man in front of him and thinks about the things he has done before, that person's heart is a little bit bottomless.

"Yeah, the temple has been passed down for so many years. What a rotten thing is. You can leave if you want to leave. Just make room."

What does it mean

Did he confess or did they get evicted?

When these two monks couldn't figure out their heads, Long Tianyu motioned to the Vice-Qin Lord of the Qin Dynasty to lift up what he had prepared.

Lin Lin Mengya watched as they lifted boxes and boxes of things from under the high platform. No wonder he hadn't seen it before. The original wooden boxes were hidden under the high platform.

Everyone couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

It's hard to say that the other party had already expected that he would leave, so he offered some generous conditions to seduce him

Long Tianyu asked the deputy leader of the Qin Dynasty to bring all the boxes up and then said, "Now you tell me who wants to leave and who wants to stay. I warn you, now and into the future. You guys forever

Yuan Yuan only had this opportunity. If you miss it, my temple will be deemed as your consent to our disposal, and once it violates our rules, then the temple will forcibly wipe out those who violate the rules. "

The last two words were deeply murderous, and even the one who had been in trouble before could shrink his neck.

But soon he calmed down again, and his elation was more and more obvious.

After all, He is the first person who dare to openly challenge the Lord of the Temple for thousands of years. He has thought with great joy that his "great achievements" will be recorded in history.

Through the competition with the temple, his power will also become the first power to defend the country.

At that time, don't say anything about the temple, just because the emperor would not dare to anger them.

With such a great and splendid dream, the man said arrogantly, "Everyone no longer has to be embarrassed. Those who agreed to leave the temple with me are now standing by my side, disagreeing and want to continue to be slaves Yes, then you are standing still. "

After talking, I used those eyes full of ridicule to glance at those stubborn guys.

越来越 More and more people are beginning to shake, but some of them also stand firm.

The Cheng family and the Ma family owner looked at each other.

Although judging from the current cards, the temple is not a big winner.

But the two of them are old, and they do n’t know why they have confidence in Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu.

The younger generation who was a bit weaker behind him was secretly worried.

But they are not as rebellious as the previous one. After seeing the choice of their own owners, most of them choose to follow silently.

"So old, I don't want to suffer with you here"

Someone in the crowd thought secretly that he had deserted his family and ran to the other side sneakily.

Those homeowners or elders ca n’t help but feel heartbroken after seeing such a scene.

Not to mention that the outcome is undecided now, that is, in the future, when the family may have difficulty, these people will definitely choose to abandon their own kin and run away.

The irritated and insignificant rulers now warn those who ran away, "Since then you have nothing to do with us, you will want to come back again, and it will be impossible."

They are really too angry, but the shamelessness of the other party has repeatedly exceeded their lower limit.

"The elder, don't worry."

The young man who ran first and thought that he had the right team said proudly, "You are all a group of old and confused, what else can you do to follow this half-dead temple? Besides, the palace family has now joined the temple, Even if we attach to the past, the temple will still fancy us. What must be good? They have been picked up by the palace family, and we can only eat some residues. You like to pick up the tatters, but I ca n’t I am still young."

"The conscientious white-eyed wolf family has raised you for so many years, you will be expelled from the family and never allowed to return"

All of a sudden, the whole square of Guanli seemed very lively.

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu stood silently on the high platform and looked at these people, showing ugliness.

He waited until it was almost chaotic below. He sneered and said, "Now everyone has made their own choices. From now on, if you choose to leave the temple, you can go."

Those people couldn't help looking at each other.

Hey, that's it? The temple's attitude is too weak.

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