Chapter 2528 The Chaotic Situation

Compared to their side of the bamboo in the chest, step by step, the hearts of those below are disturbed.

Some regret, some wonder, some surprise, some ambitious.

He even seemed to be stupid at the moment, even the first man who offered to leave the temple.

"This, how can this work"

He thought he had the initiative. Even if he could not completely escape from the temple today, he could still get some benefits from it.

I didn't expect it, but in a blink of an eye he became a target.

The next one was standing behind him all the time, in solidarity with the owner who took his sleeve and warned fiercely, "I can tell you, if this matter is not handled well, our family of **** will come out and make trouble. , You promised me that if I support you, it will make me sit firmly in the position of the owner. If this matter is not handled well, I will not finish with you. "

The person headed by is also very disturbing.

Xun's heart was more resentful, and the influence of this incident was passed on to him by Long Tianyu and others.

He gritted his teeth, and until now, he had to resort to risk-taking.

I winked at a few people in the crowd. Those people were masters who had spent a lot of time trying to get back. They were originally a life-saving card to prevent temple dogs from jumping off the wall and hurting their lives.

I didn't want to, because today there was such a big change, I had to temporarily use it for other purposes.

The few people understood what he meant, dispersed, and quietly approached the edge of the high platform.

They looked at the people around the temple. Even if they tried their best, they could not break through the defense of each other.

Fortunately, looking at the employer should mean destroying the bamboo slips.

A few people thought for a moment and made a gesture towards their partner.

Soon, one of them took out a thunderous thunder.

Don't look at this little one, but the power is enough to make a person break his hand.

Through the cover of the crowd, the man was lost directly towards Long Tianyu.

"Be careful"

Gao Linmengya was the first to notice the other party ’s intentions, and she pushed Long Tianyu aside, then lay on the ground herself.

With a loud bang, the thunder exploded.

But Lin Mengya didn't feel anything wrong, even the sound seemed a little far away from herself.

She carefully raised her head, only to see a team protect themselves.

Long Tianyu, who was outside the wall, looked at her helplessly, and then slowly got up from the ground.

In fact, he had been prepared for a long time, but he did not expect that his wife's reaction would be greater. He was never prepared for her again. Although the sky-thrower was kicked away from a distance, he was strongly pushed by his wife. Arrived on the ground.

"Mrs." Long Tianyu patted the dust on the corner of his clothes. "If you spend the night in the cave room, your husband will not refuse you, but this is outside, can the lady be patient for a while?"

What is this nonsense

Qi Lin Mengya was almost vomiting blood.

She was obviously worried about him, so she chose to protect him for the first time.

Well, she admits she was a little irrational just now.

Alas, Lin Mengya just gave him a stern glance as a warning.

Xun Long Tianyu ridiculed his wife so rare, but he also knew the reason to accept it when he saw it.

I smiled at my wife, and turned around with a cold face.

很好 "Very good. You do n’t respect the temple first, you disobey the temple's order, but now you still want

You murdered the Lord of the Temple. Dear everyone, you have heard me clearly. "

The supporters who have long been eager to try immediately echo the words.

请 "Please ask the Lord Lord"

Xiao Long Tianyu's face was heavy, and the smile at the corner of his mouth revealed a bit of cruelty.

"From now on, these people will be expelled from the temple by me, and all the property they owe to the temple will be recovered by you, no matter who they are, as long as they can get back the temple property and sign the contract again Make it your own, do n’t make a cent of the temple ”

Suddenly, those supporters cheered.

This is a large hunting war, the prey is the detached.

And this is only for the families or forces of their detached people, once they are robbed, the benefits will be attributed to them.

As for the existence of that paper contract, they have a contract with the temple anyway, as long as they are not like these detached people, then these things can be passed on to their descendants forever and ever.

Also, the former Lord and the Lord's wife promised that they would never interfere in the development of their power.

既然 Since they chose to support the temple at that time, they also tacitly believed in each other's promises.

From this, this hunting war is the best opportunity for them to expand rapidly.

脱离 The escapees immediately panicked.

No one here dares to pack tickets and they are not afraid.

People's hearts are changeable, not to mention the huge temptation of interest.

Not to mention what is happening to the outside world, once this matter is passed back, those who always want to take their place will immediately find a reason.

虽然 Although they do not take the temple seriously, it does not mean that everyone thinks so.

If they are being followed by outside enemies at this time, they will be in trouble.

She stood on the high platform, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu looked coldly at the crowd below.

迟 Sooner or later this day is coming, they just pushed the boat ahead of time to make this happen.

"Lock me up. Without my order, don't let them go out."

Xiao Long Tianyu gave an order.

Suddenly, the guards who had been prepared for a long time burst out like tide.

There is already a chaotic array below.

They are the last quiet here.

"Don't be afraid."

Chen Long Tianyu shook her hand and comforted softly.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

Such a scene, she has seen strange for a long time.

I just saw it every time, and I inevitably felt a little bit worried.

Everyone has their own ambitions.

But some people can't see through, they only think about their own acres of three acres, but they don't know that a bigger crisis has been shrouded behind them.

知道 She knows that the reason why Long Tianyu will promote this event is because the challenges they face are too heavy.

Everyone is working together and can only find three points of vitality, not to mention these pig teammates are holding back.

Before the real crisis comes, they should try their best to shrink their forces and screen their teammates.

As for those who are eliminated, if it is Long Tianyu, he will definitely not give the other party too much room for survival.

This is an emperor's power, a responsibility that he has learned since childhood and has been carrying.

Although Long Tianyu's heart is so soft, even if he knows the other party's intentions for a long time, he still gives them a chance.

She turned her hands and held each other's hands tightly.

If the world is a debt that he bears, then he will never watch him go alone.

Xiao Long Tianyu noticed her mind and could not help but soften.

She is lucky to have her, and she will never give up.

The melee continued for a while.

The final result is that, except for the leader who fought to escape from the sky with a few people, most of them were either disabled or caught by Long Tianyu's people.

The number of deaths is small, and almost all are accidental injuries.

Chen Longyu took a personal look at those arrested.

These people have lost their leader and experienced some torture, apparently they have lost their original strength.

After seeing him, he hoeed his head and begged him to spare him.

For this part of the people, Long Tianyu's solution is also simple and rude.

"Send a message to the people behind them and tell them to immediately hand over the property of the temple to me, otherwise, I will take them first"

The coldness in Chen Longyu's words was enough to make those people shiver.

They could never imagine that the Lord of the Temple, who had always been sacred, like the flower of a mountain, once became fierce, it was even worse than those gangsters they had seen.

But they had forgotten that it was they who angered the lion.

Although the ceremony did not follow the normal procedures, their names have been officially determined.

Although my brothers were unwilling, they did not spare any time.

最大 The biggest beneficiaries of this storm are actually not those families who want to hunt other families, but their palace families.

Now that he has the sanctuary of the temple, coupled with the favorability of the family ’s free consultations for those families, it can be said that the status of the family ’s house is aloof in the entire Patriotic State.

不管 No matter how worried these people are, in fact, they have ignored a basic problem.

The temple can take their property, but the temple cannot take the people who support them.

But for thousands of years, the arrogant attitude of these forces has rarely made them see clearly that they really should be united.

And the temple did a great job on this.

The reason why Dragon Dragon Tianyu is not afraid of their counterattack is because the temple is a sacred place in the hearts of the people.

Especially in this poison epidemic, the medical team of the palace family under the banner of the temple came forward at a critical moment.

Compared with those families and forces that do their best to be a blessing on their heads regardless of their life or death, the palace house and the temple are like living Buddhas.

Therefore, in this game, if they have grasped the hearts of the people, it is tantamount to victory in advance.

I lived a busy day, and even Lin Mengya, the idle man, was untouched.

She only knew that the original lady of the temple was not just a idle duty.

He was only in the past, because there was no lady of the temple, so those things that should have been done by her were either temporarily put on hold, or they were taken over by others.

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty led her to a palace.

Looking at the bookshelf that was more than ten meters high, Lin Mengya felt dizzy for a while.

"What do you mean by Deputy Lord Qin"

Her face is a little bad, and she always feels as if she's been fooled.

Wu Ke, the deputy master of the Qin Dynasty, always smiled at her. The so-called stretched hands do not laugh at people, plus the other party is their elder, and she is protecting her and Long Tianyu everywhere.

Zhe Lin Mengya had no choice but to see the gloat hidden deep in the eyes of the Lord Qin Fudian.

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