Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2263: Impossible

So some people die by themselves and can't complain about others.

Lin Lin Mengya looked in front of her, and the two shameless guys spoke coldly.

"I respect you as two elders, so you never said anything too ugly. But now it seems that the two should be confused and pretending to be confused. In this case, I have nothing to taboo.

What a joke for our children and grandchildren.

Not to mention that our children simply don't look down on this so-called honor position, that is, they are interested in it. Can you two stop it? "

Lin Lin Mengya's remarks were so rude, the two in front of her eyes immediately changed their faces.

"What do you mean? Maybe you want ..."

"What do I mean? Do you two still understand?" Lin Mengya interrupted the post.

"The current royal family is just an empty shelf. In terms of financial resources, you can't compare with my palace family, and you can be a rival country. In terms of power, you can't compare with my husband. The world is supreme.

I just relied that we still have a relative relationship, so we can tolerate your delusion here, but do not want you two really holding the feather arrow.

If you think the throne in Longdu is hot, then we don't mind helping you find a good home! "

Her attitude was strong, and the 怼 huangzhuang couple could hardly talk back.

Hou Zunzun, who thinks of being noble, has always been surrounded by her ladies and ladies to please her. Where have I heard such sharp words.

Ji Houzun thought that this was a strange shame to her.

I couldn't help but raise my voice, almost screaming, "What do you think you are, do you dare to speak to this palace?"

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care about it at all.

"You still have to see clearly, whose territory you are now spreading wild!"


The imperial emperor, who has no face, hates their husband and wife to the extreme.

He interrupted the quarrel between the two women and stared at Long Tianyu.

"I only ask you the last sentence, do you agree or disagree?"

Chen Longyu's answer was also decisive.

"What my wife said was what I thought."

In short, no way!

The emperor was trembling with anger.

指 He pointed to his most beloved nephew, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, well, I have the wrong eyes to see the wrong person! You hold the position of your lord, and don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Intuition tells Lin Mengya that the post and emperor are clearly prepared this time, and they can never give up with a few words of their own.

But the two haven't revealed any hole cards so far, are they thinking too much?

This time the meeting broke up.

Yuan Lin Mengya did not immediately let Long Tianyu engage in a new round of work, but took him outside to relax.

Anyway, Long Tianyu still has some feelings for Huang Zun.

Regardless of whether his purpose is to take advantage of Long Tianyu or whatever, in the heart of Long Tianyu once, he is an uncle who loves himself very much.

"I'm fine, really fine, you don't have to worry."

Xiao Long Tianyu can already easily understand the concerns in Lin Mengya's eyes.

He held someone in his arms and said softly, "I don't really care anymore."

Xu Wenyan Lin Mengya held him tighter.

"You and me, and two babies. We are sincere to you, you never have to worry that we will betray you for other things."

Her voice is soft, like coaxing her baby.

Xiao Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes. In fact, there was no sad feeling in his heart, but he liked the feeling that she cared.

"I know, you are enough."

Contrary to their love affair on their side, the imperial emperor and the posthumous emperor who talked about were mad at death.

"I said a long time ago that Murong Xi is a little white-eyed wolf with an unfamiliar stomach! Who did you choose badly at first? You have to choose him. Now it ’s good. He became a saint and wanted to kick us away. Do you still have your uncle in your eyes? "

In the room where the two of them were temporarily living, the posthumous ridicule mocked Huang Zun's original choice.

He Huangzun had completely lost his grace, and immediately wiped the tea set on the table to the ground, shouting at Houzun, "Shut up for me!"

Houzun sneered and said, "What's the use of being angry with me? If it weren't for you, my child wouldn't have been a wasteful person since birth!"

If our children's health is good, why would we push the benefits to others' children?

If you think about it today, if our own biological son has inherited the position of saint, he will certainly not be like this little white-eyed wolf, ingratitude! "

For couples who have been together for many years, let the posterior know the clearest, and how to say it can stir up the deepest emotions of the emperor.

King Huangzun heard the words and sneered.

"Do you think I don't know, what are you doing in the back?"

There is something unnatural in Gu Xizun's eyes, but he still says "What have I done? I'm not all for you, but for our children?"

"Oh! Stupid!"

King Huang Zun really regretted it.

He stared at the queen in front of him, as if looking at his own enemy.

"When Xi'er landed, I discussed it with the emperor and asked him to bring him up to support us. In this way, he can inherit the throne and be justified."

I mentioned this, and Hou Zhuang's eyes shot deep hatred.

Holding her arm tightly, only this can keep her a little calm.

"But how did you do that? You ordered that ship to be destroyed and abandoned in the sea.

I let your mother secretly send someone into the emperor's harem. Many of the things that the queen did were you encouraged with your family? How many times do you want to kill Xier, when I am completely unclear? "

Jihouzun's face was a bit ugly. She couldn't think of such a secret thing anyway, and how did Huangzun know.

"Do you think I was trapped by your family in Longdu at that time, was there really no defense? You know Xier's mother, but ..."

As for the rest, Huang Zun did not blurt out.

He was just cold, looking at the woman in front of him with mocking eyes.

"I am very angry, but I will never kill my nephew who has a blood relationship with me! That day, you used my name to force Xier to use Gongya as an excuse to give up his princehood. You thought these things , Don't I really care about you? "

Superficial couples who have been dying for years have turned their heads into hatred.

Houzun's face turned grey, but the ridiculous smile revealed a strangeness.

"What do you know about it? Don't you still stop me! Don't you let your own ambition be so noble?"

Wu Huangzun gave her a deep look.

In fact, this woman is of little importance to him.

I just think that he has been thinking about husband and wife for many years. Coupled with that, after all, he feels guilty about this woman.

I didn't want this person to do bad things repeatedly.

Huang Zun grabbed her hand and warned lowly, "From now on, I want you to do what you do. If you make your own claim, I will keep you in the harem forever, so that you will never see again Your son!"

The threat of Zhuang Huangzun is no less than that of holding the gate of the Zunzhuang.

She desperately resisted, warning her husband in front of her.

"Do not move my child!"

He Huangzun narrowed his eyes, "I'm not as cruel as you, that's my child, but I won't allow my child to have a mother like you. I'll just talk about that, you give me good self!"

After saying so, she let go of her senior's hand.

The latter lowered his head to hide the madness in his eyes.

一切 Everything she does is for her own children.

No matter who it is, she can't stop her child!

Afterwards, Emperor Huang Emperor is still the elder of Long Tianyu, so neither he nor Lin Mengya have taken any coercive measures.

Now the families have not left yet. According to Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu, as long as the Emperor and the Emperor can stay quietly, the temple will not treat them badly.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are busy people.

The two only got together for a period of time at night, and both were busy during the day, and both became busy tops.

So when Lin Mengya received a personal invitation from Hou Zun, she was somewhat surprised.

"Master, don't you go."

Baishu hasn't always felt good about the post.

how to say? Although Hou Zun, like the former concubine, is a woman in a high position.

But the paranoia in Hou Zhuang's eyes was a bit daunting.

It was as if she wanted to destroy everything in order to achieve her purpose.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it.

"Let's go and see. Besides, this is the temple, and they can't make any trouble."

Although she has always been cautious, this place is their own place. If she can't rest at ease here, wouldn't it be a denial to Long Tianyu.

Seeing Lin Mengya agree, Hou Zun did not show too much joy or too unusual behavior.

想 She thought maybe the posthumous person wanted to do the last fight, after all, everyone thought it was better to start with her.

It seems that she should be better at talking.

The so-called private invitation of the posthumous prince is not in a remote place.

He was in a small garden where they met.

Lin Lin Mengya was delayed for a while because of some things. By the time she arrived, there was already some impatience on Hou Zun's face.

"Sorry, I just couldn't get away with something."

Even though she had torn her face last time, Lin Mengya still maintained the most basic respect for her posthumously.

Houhouzun's temper was slightly milder today.

At least she did not look coldly at her.

"sit down."

The queen at this time is more like the one who has worked with each of the noble ladies, revealing the noble and elegant queen with every gesture.

Lin Mengya is quite satisfied with such a beginning.

"Taste, I brought this tea from Longdu. Although everything is good in the temple, it may not be like this."

Ji Houzun personally poured a cup of tea for her.


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